I always had trouble with girth so some time ago I did an extreme girth program which consisted of -
Erect bends and squeezes
Pan squeezes with all of my 200+ weight while wearing a theraband constrictor
Wore theraband constrictor after workout for at least 1-2 hours
Most days I did this twice a day.
After doing this for 3 months I eventually ended up with about a dozen thrombosed veins and had to stop for 6 weeks. I also got terrible discoloration.
IMO, these extreme programs are not worth it at best and dangerous at worse. The last 6 months I have been doing a reasonable girth program and gains are very slow but steady. If you want to gain girth beyond 1” I think you have to make a long term commitment. I don’t believe there are any shortcuts. I don’t think my extreme program gave me any significant gains beyond what I would have got doing a moderate program.
PS. If somehow you were to thrombose your dorsal vein there would be no way for the blood to exit your penis and amputation would be the only recourse.