The ULTIMATE summer routine?
Hey guys I have an interesting opportunity ahead of me this summer. I basically can maximize my PE with the perfect schedule since I work with my father and can choose my own schedule. Everything thing just seems to fit into place… I don’t have a girlfriend so no need to worry about being caught or taking up my time. Here’s what I am thinking for a summer time routine, let me know what you guys think!
Summer for me is from Mid-April - Sept. That’s around 4.5 months.
BD's Ideal Summer Routine
- Wake up at around 5:30am and do my cardio training.
- Be home by ~7am, eat breakfast.
- 8am - 10am, Various hanging sets and stretching.
- 10am - 5pm, Work (VacADS for 7 hours while at work). I can wear track pants at work, so no need to worry about being scene!
- 5pm ~ 6:30pm, Lift Weights at the gym
- 6:30pm Dinner followed by an hour or so of jelqing/pumping/clamping.
- Wear the ADS from 8:30pm - bedtime (~11:30pm)
That’s about 2 hours of stretching / hanging + 10 hours in the ADS + 1 or so hours of girth work / blood circulation work = 13 hours of effective PE per day.
Naturally there will be social nights with friends, going out to the bar… entertaining ladies ;) so everyday can’t be like this… but a lot of them can… and I have 4 solid summer months to do it!
Also, I would watch my EQ closely to prevent overtraining or injuries. I would LOVE to hit 9” BPEL if I could by the end of the summer. Any critiques / comments / concerns?
Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG
Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...
Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!