Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thoughts on PE from johndough


About post number 309 you announced you had lost interest in your own thread because there had been only two or three “men of science and penis elargement” amoung the 144,000 members of Thunder’s forum that had bothered to answer your theses about PE. The rest were bumpkins of one kind or another…not willing to supply you proof of why you should continue in PE. What arrogance.

Since then, there is no doubt about the popularity or consternation about the thread. Yours has produced nearly 6000 views and nearly 400 replies to date and, in some ways, you have turned Thunders on its ear —with bravado and a young person’s elan thought by some respondents, guardedly, as admirable. Others have felt that you have simply made it impossible to withdraw the sword from the stone, so to speak.

Not I. About 309, I lost interest in your thread and you, despite knowing you have good command of language, have respect for facts and obvious abilities in research. Not in the forum apparently, however. Probably because of your low regard for anecdotal information from community and individual demonstration. If you are ever to be a doctor how can that be? (Maybe you could and should write a better PDR rather than ever having to refer to it when hearing patients, anecdotal complaints.) But as to research on the webb, I and many in Thunders have looked at and read some of the studies uncovered in your thread, before you came along, and have rejected them out of hand because of their fragile connection to PE, (ligament stretching in cadavers), lack of complete protocal information given,(in pumping studies, was the hg just enough to produce an erection and then sustained at that level for the period or at a specified, higher vacuum for the period? My guess would be that the good doctors would not raise hg very high or could be sued. But how high?) Some of it so arcane as to be unintelligible. etc.,etc. My furtive attempt to find good research on PE has been frustrating because not much really exists out there yet that applies to PE very well. Must be the frustration lawyers experience searching through CCH for case law and finding none applies to their case. It’s like chasing rabbits.
So, J D, why cannot we be more internal, more self reliant, more investigative from within. It would be more useful and a definite improvement to PE knowledge…BUT…But you would have to rely somewhat on the anecdotal and what has been demonstrated here by common knowledge. Penis science is not rocket science (though with Fruedian allusion lol) so can be simplistic enough for most to understand and benefit.
If you have time and I have not pissed you off too badly, I ask that you read Post#11 of xtendedick’s thread, “Cylinder Size-Pumping for Length” where I would like to complete the math and show why” Pumping” is not and has never been the best choice for increasing length and probably was not a good choice subject to start your thread!

It is late. I will continue tomorrow.


This whole thread is kind of like “Prove God exists and I will believe you”.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad

This whole thread is kind of like “Prove God exists and I will believe you”.

Well summarised. The very reason why I have not bothered with it.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad

This whole thread is kind of like “Prove God exists and I will believe you”.

But you can’t prove the existence of god… And PE works, you just have to try it. :)

The only way to prove that it works, it is believing that it can work and give it a try. So he’s asking for an impossible proof. And why bothering answering him? He didn’t give any scientific prove that he isn’t a troll. ;)



Originally Posted by UpTo7

But you can’t prove the existence of god… And PE works, you just have to try it. :)


I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
This whole thread is kind of like “Prove God exists and I will believe you”.

Are you seriously making an analogy between metaphysical and physical phenomenon? A biological manefestation, especially on the scale claimed here, is not in the realm of impossible, it’s the most accessible form of evidence. Maybe I misread your post and I should have intepreted it more literally…

To those who contributed logical arguments and points to the thread, thank you. I’m going to be spending considerably less time on this forum to focus on things in my life that I feel I have control over and have the ability to improve. It has been great getting to know some of you and I appreciate the advice and sharing of your personal stories. Goodluck in your pursuits and stay safe.

Originally Posted by johndough123

A biological manefestation, especially on the scale claimed here, is not in the realm of impossible, it’s the most accessible form of evidence.

I thought that he thought that it didnt work, or is this the bit about God.

See ya.

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0

Originally Posted by johndough123
Are you seriously making an analogy between metaphysical and physical phenomenon? A biological manefestation, especially on the scale claimed here, is not in the realm of impossible, it’s the most accessible form of evidence. Maybe I misread your post and I should have intepreted it more literally…

To those who contributed logical arguments and points to the thread, thank you. I’m going to be spending considerably less time on this forum to focus on things in my life that I feel I have control over and have the ability to improve. It has been great getting to know some of you and I appreciate the advice and sharing of your personal stories. Goodluck in your pursuits and stay safe.

I think he was probably making a vague reference to my previous point that science can’t prove something, it can only disprove it.

Saying ‘there are no studies indicating PE works, therefore it does not work’ isn’t something you would ever catch a real scientist saying, at least around other scientist.

I think the only studies worth looking at would be designed to test a specific hypothesis, ie ‘jelqing x way y times a day for z minutes over the course of a months will produce measurable gains’ and would include a reasonably large sample size, protocols for verifying it took place and was properly done, a control group, etc. Blanket statements about PE in general are not possible at this time I think.

However, I know for a fact it works for me so who really cares what someone else guesses. ;)

I do hope you keep exploring this topic, maybe you will be the guy who does the breakthrough PE study. :D

10/2010: ~bpe 6.2x4.8, 1/2011: bpe 6.5x5, 2/2011: bpe 6.75x5.1, 3/2011: bpe 7x5.1, 4/2011: bpe 7.25x5.1, 6/2011: bpe 7.38x5.1

My status thread

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Happy trails jd, we’ll keep the porch light on.

Prove what light is. And what’s the p-value for an unbiased study involving your porch?


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
And what’s the p-value for an unbiased study involving your porch?


Well said Thunder!


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