Thunder's Place

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Tips On Controlling an Erection During Jelq

Tips On Controlling an Erection During Jelq

Hey I was just wondering If anybody else experiences the same problem as I do when performing a Jelq.
I can’t hold off getting a full erection when jelqing. I feel a good blood supply and get the normal effect of a Jelq.

Does it matter if I continue The exercise at 100% erection?

Do you know any tips to controll your level?

Thanks Guys

Are you warming up? If you warm up properly, the tissue will be more pliable your squeezes can get harder and be less likely to result in full erection.

If you find yourself with an erection, you could put a rag/shirt/towel at the end of your erect penis and perform kegels, lifting the cloth. This will strengthen your BC and you’ll find your erection will start subsiding after a few.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

I do that from time to time when I go for a shower lifting my t-shirt or towell with my penis.

I warm up with my heater would that suffice?

Thanks For All Your Help

Also I have another question
Does anybody else have issues with completing a Jelq motion due to skin?

As in Sticking or not being able to stretch all the way past the head

Thanks For All Your Help

Probably this comes with experience but if I’m getting a full erection while jelquing, at the end of the set I take a deep breath and concentrate to take blood out of there. It works for me.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

Originally Posted by carlos11
Also I have another question
Does anybody else have issues with completing a Jelq motion due to skin?

As in Sticking or not being able to stretch all the way past the head

What lube are you using?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Carlos, your penis has to learn the difference between work (PE) and play (I don’t have to explain that one do I?)

When you are jelqing and get an erection, let go and let it subside some, then start again. Continue with this process until getting totally erect isn’t happening (unless you want it totally erect)

A good lube goes a long way in protecting the delicate skin of the penis. Don’t use soap, dries things out and from what I have read here, burns like hell in the meatus (Pee hole).

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I jelq at 90% erection and it’s fine for me.

I’ve gotten thicker and longer.

Maybe you just need to stop looking at porn dude.

8.5'' here we come!


Haha I was waiting for someone to say that.

I’m not looking at porn. That would be obvious

Thanks For All Your Help

Originally Posted by carlos11

Do you know any tips to controll your level?

Thanks Guys

Rosie O’ Donnell

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

HAHA that is so funny. I’ll have to use that one

Thanks For All Your Help

Hi, learning a lot here and just starting out. I am 42 years old so I hope I am not too late. I have really good girth and a nice head but could use a little more length but the wifey does not think so.

Anyway, I have been jelqing and can not last the full 20 or so minute session. I get hard and cum.

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