I do Bennett8’s routine holding each stretch for 30 seconds. I do it once a day and then do some stretches just before bed which I have also written down labeled "JUST BEFORE BED". After each stretching session I do kegels, testicle massage, and skin stretches. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Bennett8’s routine:
2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures
after stretches:
put on warm wrap and do the following while its on
200 quick kegels
50 5sec kegels then a 1min kegel squeeze
testicle massage/skin stretch
take off warm wrap and hold medium stretch, switching between SO and SU until penis cools to body temp
5min warm wrap
1 Set of each below
30 second medium SO stretch
30 second medium SU stretch
26 clock rotations out and up
after stretches put on warm wrap and do these while its on:
100 quick kegels
25 5sec kegels then a 1min kegel squeeze
testicle massage/skin stretch
take off warm wrap and hold medium stretch, switching between SO and SU until penis cools to body temp