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Tunica Lengthening Routine

Sounds good I’ll have to check it out. Good luck with the gains buddy. Whats your goal?

Originally Posted by Klayton
Ah I see - but is that penis enlargement or just lig lengthening? Or option three - harder ruler pressing.

But that would be a crappy type of ‘gain’ for sure wouldn’t it? :(

Crappy gain? No such thing. Whatever moves the ruler out works for me.

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Originally Posted by androNYC
Crappy gain? No such thing. Whatever moves the ruler out works for me.

How about the type where your penis stays the same size and your erection angle lowers, but allows you to now dig the ruler further into your pelvis?

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

I’m not sure how exactly that works- I’m pressing against a friggin’ bone as my base, SO.

How does a ‘lower erection angle’ move up the ruler and not translate into more cock?*

It may not be a shaft gain, but it still is a length gain.

* And as it so happens, I usually tend to fuck women at at the very least a 30 degree angle away in close mish going up to 100+ degrees in some others- so a lower erection angle gain is fine by me.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


Thanks for some clarity on this point.

I’m aiming for the same goal with just manual stretches and my ADS. I will let you know


Originally Posted by rushmore

Ex. Your EL grows an inch, but you’re still 1/2 away from your belly button when erect…same as you were before you grew the inch. What happened? You stretched your ligs and exposed more inner penis (lowered your exit point)…you didn’t grow your shaft (tunica).

You don’t “lower your exit point,” unless you imagine the penis to be like a wire cheese cutter that slices through your flesh downward.

Deep in the body, the penis is not “attached” at merely one point, like a hinge. Rather, it has a fixed anchor point deep inside and - forward of that - is attached again by a bundle of ligaments. It is that ligament group that we are stretching - not the anchor point.

The “inner penis” does not proceed outward in a straight line. Rather, it arches upwards some before proceeding outward. Lig gains do no occur from stretching the penis away from the anchor point (deep in the body), but from stretching the penis away from the roof of the structure from which the penis is suspended (hence, “suspensory” ligament) - but this is not the penile anchor point.

When these ligs are stretched (or surgically severed), the arch is reduced, flattening out the penis into a straighter trajectory from whence it exists the body. In other words, both the anchor point and the exit point remain the same, but the inner arch is flattened, freeing up some inner penis.

Phalloplasty surgeons have stated that the amount of inner penis varies amongst men (from between 33% to 50% of the outer size). I would also suspect that the degree of inner arch would vary as well. Thus, explaining the difference in potential lig gains from one man to the next.

So does the angle at which it exits the body, lower ,after lig gains?

Originally Posted by dwight
I haven’t done any jelqing or girth exercises since I started PE last November. My reasoning for this is because I want to hit my length goal first so that when I move on to doing girth exercises they are hitting all of my length that I want to thicken, thus giving a uniform girth. I was worried that if I do girth exercises while I’m still working on getting more length that the "new" length won’t be as thick as the rest of the shaft that has been getting girth work, creating the dreaded "baseball bat" effect. Also, as a side bonus there is some speculation that tunica length gains are easier to get if you haven’t worked on girth, but I don’t know how much truth there is to that. I figure better be safe than sorry. I’m not using an ADS just because I don’t want to be pulling down at all. My goal is to achieve all tunica gains with no to minimal lig gains, and I feel that if I use an ADS that pulls down I’ll be working the ligs. Also, I’m a little lazy. If you have any suggestions for a good ADS I would be up to checking it out. The rubber ring sounds like a good idea. I read on DLD’s site that he started using a tube sock for the fulcrum and felt intense stretches. I might start trying that if my gains slow down. I’m hoping they won’t though. Good luck with the routine. I hope you love it as much as I do.

I would suggest that you both reconsider- don’t shrug off jelqing as merely ‘girth’ work.

The notion that less girth is easier to work for length is based on a sort of ‘rubber band’ idea- that the girthier the unit the more tunica there is to stretch. I don’t know if that is borne out other than as a spitball theory-

Jelqing works the penis in all three dimensions- not merely the girth. In fact, you’re pushing the blood through the CCs from proximal to distal - in a manner that would logically place the greatest stress on the longitudinal end cap of the CC cell furthest from the body.

Wad had posted years back on the "Big Gainer"- a guy he knew from back in the day- who jelqed prior to stretching.

I’m thinking that some 80% jelqing after a deep warm-up may generally loosen up the tunica prior to stretching.

Then knock out those fulcrum type stretches- As and Vs all day long my friends.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


My concept... hope it enlightens you.

Originally Posted by dwight
I haven’t done any jelqing or girth exercises since I started PE last November. My reasoning for this is because I want to hit my length goal first so that when I move on to doing girth exercises they are hitting all of my length that I want to thicken, thus giving a uniform girth. I was worried that if I do girth exercises while I’m still working on getting more length that the “new” length wont be as thick as the rest of the shaft that has been getting girth work, creating the dreaded “baseball bat” effect. Also, as a side bonus there is some speculation that tunica length gains are easier to get if you haven’t worked on girth, but I don’t know how much truth there is to that. I figure better be safe than sorry. I’m not using an ADS just because I don’t want to be pulling down at all. My goal is to achieve all tunica gains with no to minimal lig gains, and I feel that if I use an ADS that pulls down I’ll be working the ligs. Also, I’m a little lazy. If you have any suggestions for a good ADS I would be up to checking it out. The rubber ring sounds like a good idea. I read on DLD’s site that he started using a tube sock for the fulcrum and felt intense stretches. I might start trying that if my gains slow down. I’m hoping they wont though. Good luck with the routine. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Have a good one bud!

Actually dwight, you’re spot on with the concept that aiming for length first then pursuing girth is better than vice versa.(since you like me are aiming for length!) Its basically based on the conquer and divide principle. Thickening with what you have first and then getting the length later would be harder(if you’re more concerned with length). However I have to disagree with your “baseball effect” concept. What may happen is that your penis will taper from bottom forwards. And not conversely, well… it really depends. This is because the inner penis is girthier compared to the outer penis. If you’re gonna lengthen an already thickened penis it’s just gonna be harder because you have alot of circumference area that deters the growth for length. Kinda like you need more concrete to cover a larger base to build a structure taller, as opposed to one that has a smaller base.

Hypothetically speaking when you thicken your penis and then elongate it, the volume is altered by increased length per se (healing of micro tears and hypertrophy due to engorgement) along with the length that was converted from the thickness.(but girth doesn’t decrease and the converted length gets repaired?) Its like when you take a piece of rubber that is… supposing 6 inches long and 5 inches thick and stretch it to 7 inches long. But the thickness does’nt remain 5 inches, it is instead 4.25 inches thick. What happened is that the stretch (additional length/1 inch) was actually a temporary shift of girth to length. Ultimately the volume remains the same. However the penis is not a rubber, it is a living organ that repairs itself. So the result from the stretching is an increased amount of length.

Now again using the rubber piece analogy, it is easier to stretch a thin piece of rubber than a thick piece of rubber, no? But this has a disadvantage,
the longer the piece of rubber the more surface you need to apply latex coating to make it thicker. Therefore the longer the penis the harder the girth gain.

That is why the same measurement is easier to accomplish in length than it is to in girth.(1 inch length VS 1 inch girth)

It’s all very volumetric, one compensates for the other.

Let’s consider this scenario…

There are two twins named Mr.Chubby and Mr.Lanky. They(like all twins) have the exact set of genetics and respond exactly to the same pe.

Mr.Chubby Tubby tries to increase the girth of his 6 X 5 inch penis to 6 X 5.5. It takes him a month to reach this 0.5 inch gain in girth. He then decides he wants another 0.5 in length to make his fat cock proportionate… finishing at 6.5 X 5.5 after another month.

Mr. Lanky Panky tries to increase the length of his 6 X 5inch penis to an additional 0.5 inch. However it takes him two weeks to reach 6.5 X 5. He then decides he wants a 0.5 inch in girth to make his long schlong proportionate… finishing at 6.5 X 5.5 after 6 weeks.

Mr.Lanky takes a shorter time to achieve his 0.5 in length. But takes longer time to achieve that 0.5 girth compared to Mr.Chubby because he focused on girth first.

Mr. Chubby takes a longer time to achieve his length than Mr.Lanky because he focused on length first.

Ultimately they both achieved their desired size of 6.5 X 5.5 at the same time despite having different intital goals. This is because of the volumetric concept.

I don’t know if this theory has been dealt with before, but it was something that I was kicking around in my head. This is solely my opinion. But I would like the more experienced veterans to review on this. Feel free to give constructive comments. :)

Last edited by Evergrowing : 03-11-2008 at .


I get your example, but you’re pulling it all out of your ass. Lanky and chubby are both getting results in record time and thus should shut the fuck up and be grateful. ;)

If the rubber band analogy is universally applicable, then one should avoid all girth work prior to achieving final length objective- but that’s yet to be determined. You’ll have to find a lot of identical twins that agree to try out the theory

Regardless- I’m thinking that much what we think of as length or girth work doesn’t stay neatly in that category. Bib gained a ton of girth by hanging- and yes, he did recovery jelq between sets- but his primary work was hanging.
DLD’s stuff blends jelqing with a variety stretches and while girth gets hit, he seems to focus on length- but enough DLD.

I wouldn’t make clamping my primary if I were interested in length- but that said, I do think there may be a way to direct the exhaustion of the stressed area after the initial stress- lets say deep clamping followed by hanging so that the tunica gets heavy stress and then the hang continues the stress longitudinally.

But then, WTF do I know.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

What you’re saying makes a lot of sense.

Originally Posted by dwight
Hey guys I’ve been PEing for 3 months now. I’ve been focusing on only length gains right now until I hit my ultimate length goal of 8”. So far I’ve gained about 3/4” in length but it was from mostly lig stretches. I want to be able to get permanent gains so I don’t lose anything in case I take a break from PE for a while, and I feel that the best way to do this is by lengthening the tunica rather than the ligs. I’ve read it takes longer to gain length in the tunica, but if it’s more likely to provide permanent gains then I don’t mind the wait. I’ve been searching like mad to try to put together a tunica lengthening routine comprising of only stretches, but I can’t find anything.

I have NOT managed to stretch my tunica however I do have theories I feel are sound on it, it’s purely lazyness that has stopped me.
My theory is a penimaster / jes extender or other traction device in a specifically upwards position - it pulls on the tunica rather than the ligs.
Couple this with some jelqing and pumping, plus Girtha’s ‘don’t let it turtle’ theory and I believe that would lead specifically to tunica gains.

Specifically the don’t let it turtle, some kind of all day device is best (I imagine)

That being said, as I mentioned, I haven’t achieved this yet.

Thanks for the input inches. I’ve been thinking about starting to use an ADS but I’m not sure which I should try.


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