Originally Posted by Mick
Did you really give orange bends a good try? Those worked for me when nothing else did.Then clamping worked.. But I went SUPER intense.
After re-re-re-re-reading, I think I might have been doing them inadvertantly half-assed. I simply did them at the base, pointing down, for 30-45 seconds each time.total of 3-5 sets depending on how I felt. I am now doing 2 sets of the following:
30 seconds @ base, 30 seconds mid-shaft, 30 seconds near glans, in all four directions. I am still trying to determine the proper erection level. I can tell you it’s higher than the originally theorized 10% erection. Otherwise, I’m just bending a flaccid unit. If that actually worked, everyone with tightie-whities would have beef-pipes galore.
As for clamping, I’ve been doing it for several months. Again, I’m not sure if I’m doing it right.but I think I’ve gained a touch of girth with the clamping. I may or may not be over doing it. I get purple spots on my nit that stay for several days, turning from purple to red over that time. While purple, the skin is dry and tough, and occasionally itches. I may start seperating nights I do the o-bends and nights that I do the clamping.
Another thing I should mention is that I will do through stretches where I masturbate everyday. I’ve heard that this may decrease gains. I might try toning down the work out by seperating the exercises by day given their intensity.
As stated, My unit seems to be a bit beefier, but I haven’t measured after taking a long time off, so I can’t ascertain whether it’s actual gain for just remnant engorgement. I can say that prior to PE my EG was 4.75”-4.9” depending on where you measure. I’m now 4.8” at the glans and 5.35” or so at the base. However, if I measure while clamped, I’m close to 5.75” at the base. Now THAT’s where I’d like to be normally without being clamped. ( I can wish, right?)
FYI, I’ve been PE’ing since fall of 2008, starting with long schlongs and jelqing (hands first, then with jelq device)
Mike, can you tell me how you do your clamping and o-bends? I’m considering doing a deconditioning break and starting with a modified regimen. Can you provide some suggestions?