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Using golf weights to stretch- the best fulcrum stretching I've EVER done

LOL I was Just about to PM him asking for the exact same thing.also my golf weights are from play it again sports and are red. Are these “proper” weights to be using if I am starting out @ 3.3 inches flaccid (exactly the point of which dustpan began) I need hope and this method seems very innovative and a breakthrough in PE development and the science behind it.

Got visuals.


Very interesting. Can we get an update?

Originally Posted by DR Pepper
Absolutely, incredible method, removes all guess work of where you hit already. Now to my question. Monty’s weights have a flat outerside, could this be too sharp on the penis? Are the golf weights round all over? Do you bend the penis at just a 90 degree angle or do you bend it back over the weights toward the body? (essentially folding it back over)


I haven’t moved on to Monte’s weights yet as I’m finding that 5 of the golf weights represents a pretty good ADS sweet spot for me so I can’t really say. What I will say is that, yes, the golf weights are totally round and this seems to be the best possible design for doing this stretching.

As far as the angle of bend, I try to vary it. Sometimes I’ll get it out at 90 degrees and really stretch it out in that direction and then others I’ll wrap it back over the weight and back towards the body.

Another interesting facet is that once you’ve got a few weights on, you are then dealing with a cylinder (of stacked weights). This means that you not only have the leading edge of the terminal weight (the last one you put on)to use as a fulcrum, but you also have the leading edge of the bottom-most weight too! I’m not even close to exploiting all of the angles and the variety of stretches you can get with this method yet.

One thing is for sure, If you use the soap in the shower method of doing this, you could rip your dick off if you wanted to. I was always kind of thwarted in stretching before these. Dry stretching always made me chafe and I always wanted to add heat to it and wet stetching, although you could have heat, was hard to stick with and feel like I was being effective. With this, I’m golden.

I pulled a 7 and 7/8ths bpfsl measure today! Speechless. When I do my bpel measure in four weeks, I’d be willing to bet the bank that I’m going to see a good increase.

Originally Posted by wantsmore
I haven’t moved on to Monte’s weights yet as I’m finding that 5 of the golf weights represents a pretty good ADS sweet spot for me so I can’t really say. What I will say is that, yes, the golf weights are totally round and this seems to be the best possible design for doing this stretching.

As far as the angle of bend, I try to vary it. Sometimes I’ll get it out at 90 degrees and really stretch it out in that direction and then others I’ll wrap it back over the weight and back towards the body.

Another interesting facet is that once you’ve got a few weights on, you are then dealing with a cylinder (of stacked weights). This means that you not only have the leading edge of the terminal weight (the last one you put on)to use as a fulcrum, but you also have the leading edge of the bottom-most weight too! I’m not even close to exploiting all of the angles and the variety of stretches you can get with this method yet.

One thing is for sure, If you use the soap in the shower method of doing this, you could rip your dick off if you wanted to. I was always kind of thwarted in stretching before these. Dry stretching always made me chafe and I always wanted to add heat to it and wet stetching, although you could have heat, was hard to stick with and feel like I was being effective. With this, I’m golden.

I pulled a 7 and 7/8ths bpfsl measure today! Speechless. When I do my bpel measure in four weeks, I’d be willing to bet the bank that I’m going to see a good increase.


Thats exactly what I noticed, there is another potential fulcrum point, I’m doing some “wantsmore bends” and I said let me add a Dr Pepper chaser, LOL, if I pull on the stack in the opposite direction or the same direction for that matter you create another fulcrum point. I could also put pressure on any specific ring in the stack, in any direction to create another fulcrum point so you get two pressure points for the price of one, time wise. I think the golf weights will work better than Monty’s for this one based on the shape, although the large size Monty’s could be helpful for putting pressure on individual rings. What do you think? How long are you holding each stretch? and How often are you doing these?



None at walmart. None at target. Damn I want these.

You got it Dr.Pepper. That’s the way to work them. I love to work the dual fulcrum effect that you’re talking about- the Dr. Pepper “chaser” innit?- when I’m stretching in the upwards position. When I stretch up, I simultaneously push the stack down. Gives a great double fulcrum!

Agreed that the golf weights might be better for this due to the radiused edge. I’m holding each position for one solid minute- so that’s 4 minutes per ring and working 5 rings that makes for 20 minutes of total stretching time in the routine. I do these every other day right now. If I feel up to it I will occasionally do them for a few days in a row, but if I’m going at it pretty tough I usually need a recovery day.

I too am intrigued, but I think one should definitely wait until the newbie gains are through before even thinking about this. wantsmore - when you use these for an ADS, how do they stay on the penis? What keeps them from slipping off? And I’d like to echo the others and ask for pics or diagrams or something similar. Do you have a link to the DLD video you mentioned in your first post?

Here is a link I found to buy these online . I couldn’t find them at, but I’m sure I’ve seen them in the store before.

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

KingPole is my Sensei - Goal: Just a little bit more - Progress/Routine - My Pictures - Perfect Measuring Technique

Originally Posted by wantsmore
You got it Dr.Pepper. That’s the way to work them. I love to work the dual fulcrum effect that you’re talking about- the Dr. Pepper “chaser” innit?- when I’m stretching in the upwards position. When I stretch up, I simultaneously push the stack down. Gives a great double fulcrum!

Agreed that the golf weights might be better for this due to the radiused edge. I’m holding each position for one solid minute- so that’s 4 minutes per ring and working 5 rings that makes for 20 minutes of total stretching time in the routine. I do these every other day right now. If I feel up to it I will occasionally do them for a few days in a row, but if I’m going at it pretty tough I usually need a recovery day.

Remember what Brad Pitt said in Troy when the princess asked him what he wanted, He said “I want what all men want… I want more”


Originally Posted by SideBanger
I too am intrigued, but I think one should definitely wait until the newbie gains are through before even thinking about this. wantsmore - when you use these for an ADS, how do they stay on the penis? What keeps them from slipping off? And I’d like to echo the others and ask for pics or diagrams or something similar. Do you have a link to the DLD video you mentioned in your first post?

Here is a link I found to buy these online . I couldn’t find them at, but I’m sure I’ve seen them in the store before.

Thanks for the link. No drawing is needed, just put a ring on the penis in the shower and bend the penis around the ring, up, down, and to each side, one minute each, put on another ring and do it again, another ring and do it again. As for your ADS wrap question, search for Wrapping for golf weights or Monty’s PE weights, if you buy Monty’s weights he emails you a video on wrapping.


Originally Posted by SideBanger
Here is a link I found to buy these online . I couldn’t find them at, but I’m sure I’ve seen them in the store before.

Thank you for providing the link — Any idea on how many weights come in each package? Is it just 1?

God gave me: 4.75" BPEL / 5" EG

Currently: 6" BPEL / 5.25" EG

Goal: 7" BPEL / 5.75" EG

I tried this stretch method but used my hand/ fingers instead of the weights. I started with a simple OK grip with index finger and thumb pressed against the pubic bone. Stretched for 5 minutes then added a second finger to the grip so my hand was forced up my shaft a half inch, stretched, third finger, stretched, forth finger, stretched. This felt like a good stretch but not the tunica blast you describe.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Originally Posted by SideBanger
Here is a link I found to buy these online . I couldn’t find them at, but I’m sure I’ve seen them in the store before.

These are them. You get one per package. If I’m not mistaken this is the actual brand that wal-mart carried. Seems pricey in the above link though- additionally, they’re not in stock there right now. I was getting ready to order another one here until I entered my zip code and it said that a store down the street had them in stock.

Here is the link to Monte’s wrapping video. However, I don’t use tape myself. I apply cornstarch/aloe powder (buy it anywhere talc is sold) instead of regular talc due to the fact that regular talc is essentially a powdered stone which, on a microscopic level, is razor sharp and has been linked to trouble in women (uterine cancer I believe) when the guy who’s fucking them uses it on his whang regularly. Anyhow, after showering and with a really supple, heated up whang, I dry off, apply the powder and slip the (heated up, but not too hot) rings on my dick (I use 5 currently). Then I hold the cock that’s coming out the end with one hand and put warm water on the other hand and use it to rinse/wipe off the powder from the part that’s sticking out. I then wrap the end with 4 squares of doubled up toilet paper. This, for me, is the key to a succesful wrap as the toilet paper gets a good grip on the previously moistened glans and skin on the end. After I wrap the toilet paper around, I overwrap it (just like monte does with his tape)with a section of the 1.5" thick self adhesive "ace" bandage stuff which you can procure cheaply at any drugstore. I tuck the end down into the last weight. For me, this is a much better wrap than using tape. I can keep it on for around 2 hours before needing to take it off and re-wrap.

Essentially, I’m doing exactly that monte shows, but with an underwrap of toilet paper and the self adhesive ace bandage in place of the tape. The bandage, for me is better because it’s reuseable and I don’t have to walk around all over toting tape in case I’ve got to re-wrap.

The DLD video I couldn’t find. It was actually a link to this Brittish video that was done on PE in which DLD was featured. In the video he was stretching his whang out using a doggie tug-of-war toy. Looked like a good stretching method too although I can’t imagine ever needing a deeper stretch than these golf weights are giving me.

Just got some today and yes the stretch is incredible - don’t need extra wrap to keep them on as an ads though as they are a very snug fit and hold themselves on.


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