Thunder's Place

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Using golf weights to stretch- the best fulcrum stretching I've EVER done

Well I have been trying to do these dry so that could be my problem. WOW am I dumb.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Dry, as I believe Monte has mentioned, just might work with these. However, I’d get very warmed up and I would apply talc so that you could get something in there to act as a “dry lube” to faccilitate the sliding and stretching around the fulcrum point.

I do them in the shower with direct application of the warmest water I can tolerate. As warmed up as possible for every exercise is a golden rule of sorts for me.

Glad you’ve got it figured out!

Yeah I will be buying some soap hopefully today. Hey I’m not sure if you jelq or whatever but I suggest you jelq before you do these. I’m pretty sure I’m headed in the right direction with this routine. I don’t know if you read that thread by wad about his friend who gained a shitload but he jelqed before stretching so I will be taking that approach. I will be jelqing every day then stretching for a month straight and I will evaluate my results at the end of the month. If I don’t gain I’m going on a decon because lately I’ve been plateaued at 7.25”BPEL. Wish me luck!

If I can figure out these golf weight fulcrums once I get some soap and finally get some good soreness going, I will listen to my PI’s during this testing month and take days off needed.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)


You should have gone on the tv show “great American inventor” with this one.

Started this weekend once and then again this morning.

The options are endless and you can hold a great stretch for ever with not much effort (except for your dick).

I’m trying a new routine now,

Warm up

Manual stretch

Wantsmore stretch

Pumping two sets

And then 5-6 hours of ads.

I’m guessing after the super stretch your cock will just give in to the ads?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

I suggest you pump before you stretch. There is lots of evidence that jelqing and stuff like pumping before stretching is better for gains.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I have never heard that. I am basically new but I was under the impression that (like all physical activities) it was better to stretch then exercise.

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Originally Posted by kdoc
I’m trying a new routine now,
Warm up
Manual stretch
Wantsmore stretch
Pumping two sets
And then 5-6 hours of ads.
I’m guessing after the super stretch your cock will just give in to the ads?

Thanks for the interest in these kdoc. Your routine sounds a LOT like mine used to be. The only thing I’ve found is that with the intensity I achieve with these, I’ve had to change up my routine a little.

I do my “wantsmore” stretches like this: I do one day full out, strong intensity, good duration stretches at all positions, I do the next day at near the same intensity, but only holding the stretch for half as long, and then I take a day “off”. During my “off” day I do either 1 20 minute pumping session or 2 20 minues sets if I’ve time for it. I always jelq after pumping sessions. I always ADS after the stretching days- 7+ hours per day, but never after a pumping day. Every so often, if I’m really feeling the need I take a “total day off” which consists of some very light stretching followed by ADS for the whole day.

Compared to a lot of routines, I know that I don’t really take days off, but this new regimen involves a lot more time just ADS’ing then my regimen used to. It just feels like with this stretching that I’m blasting the internals in a way more focused manner than I used to and that it requires far less time to reach a point of stress where some recovery is called for.

And yes, like yourself, I really feel that ADS directly after these and for a long period of time really maximizes these. If I do these, get REALLY warmed up for them, and then apply golf weights as ADS, when I take the weights off for the last time and smooth out my unit, it’s WAY MORE slack and enlongated than it used to be.

Kdoc look up wad’s story on his friend who was a huge gainer.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Sidebanger provided a link to some weights that cost $6.95 in this post. I found the same golf weights at a local golf shop for $2.95. In case you’re wondering they weigh 4oz.

I went to and typed in "golf shop"; then I called around. No golf course "Pro Shops" carried them. Look for any shop that focuses on selling golf paraphernalia.


Let me add to the consensus…this is a remarkable breakthrough in theory. The rings provide a kind of physical discipline of form to the process. When we’re playing with our dicks (as we all do regardless of how “scientific” we consider it) it’s easy to get distracted and do what feels good instead of what yields results. Your way creates the boundaries to work within. Exploratory stretching and jelqing has it’s own benefits in three dimensions, just as a cable weight stack is a different experience for your muscles than path machines. But for development to be efficient, it has to focus to create a breakdown to be healed. Hurrah for your intuitive leap. In addition to sharing an improved means, you have also demonstrated exactly what Thunders is about - collective growth towards, um…collective growth.

Last edited by danwilke : 10-02-2007 at . Reason: punctuation

Originally Posted by philio1
Yeah I will be buying some soap hopefully today.

I think you should go ahead and keep some in stock either way. :)

Hey Wantsmore,

What is your ads of choice.

I am using a spring stretcher device that I am changing now for a vac extender (should be delivered any day)

Are you just using the golf weights to hang with throughout the day?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Originally Posted by kdoc
Hey Wantsmore,
What is your ads of choice.
Are you just using the golf weights to hang with throughout the day?

5 golf swing weights. Moving to 6 soon and then on to Monte’s. If you get the wrap wired, I think golf weights are a kind of bridge between ADS and a really mellow all day hang. One thing that I’m considering is buying a set of Montes girthier weights so that I can ADS on pumping days too. The golf weights are too narrow for me to ADS with after pumping.

On a side note: today I left my weights down at my office due to the fact that my chica and I were partying close to my office last night and I took her up for a desktop shag and forgot to bring my weights back home with me when we were done. That left me without any weights to do my wantsmore stretches this morning so I tried to do my old manual stretching routine which is pretty much like my wantsmore stretches sans the golf weights. God did that suck!!! Getting a grip sucked, the fulcruming I was capable of doing with just my hands was weak, I felt like I was just stretching skin and not the internals, and etc.etc.etc.

As far as I’m concerned, manual stretching without the weights as an assisting device is dead. No way I’m going back there.

Originally Posted by Kirin

I think you should go ahead and keep some in stock either way. :)

Haha very funny. I am not a dirty guy I just use body wash with the spongy thing not bar soap and wash clothe.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)


I too have been talking to Monte regarding a set of his weights.

I spend most of the day sitting. I was wondering what kind of benefit I would realize from this.

That is why I am going to a vac extenter. Do you realize any gains just from sitting and jumping up every once in a while to walk through the shop?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5


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