Variable LOT.
Hey guys,
Here’s something really weird that I’ve noticed. Two weeks ago, my LOT was up around 11:00. Since then, I’ve hit the ligs hard, stretching BTC. This has resulted in a FBPSL gain of .75” (from 7.5” to 8.25”).
However, this gain wasn’t accompanied by any gains in flaccid length or erect length.
Yesterday, I tested my LOT again, and it seems as if it’s dropped all the way to around 7:00 (there isn’t any forceful tugback, but I can see a slight flex at the base). So, instead of my normal routine of BTC stretches, I did 90 minutes of DLD blasters, high intensity, at upward angles, stretching the tunica.
Here’s the thing.
When I checked my LOT today, it was back up to around 10:00. So, rather than stretching the tunica, I stretched the ligs again, hard. After about an hour of intense stretching, I decided to test my LOT again, just for the hell of it.
Guess what?
7:00 again.
I don’t know what’s constituting these major changes, but I’m going to use it to try something different. From now on, instead of trying 1 routine a day, I’m going to do 2 routines a day.
First, I’m going to do 100 reps of BTC DLD Blasters. I’m going to follow this up with 5-10 minutes of jelqing to regain the circulation. Then, I’m going to rest for 3 hours.
After this rest period is over, I’m going to spend an hour attacking the tunica at upward angles.
DLD has said that he varies up his angles, and I think he may be on to something. I’ve always felt that attacking both the tunica and the ligs would result in the greatest gains, but up until now, I didn’t know of a way to attack both with full intensity. However, splitting up the workout into two separate routines and allowing for rest times, I think that this method has some major potential.
Let me know what you guys think.