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Velcro Wrist Wrap

Velcro Wrist Wrap

I am thinking of trying one. I have never used a cock ring or anything like one. Can anyone explain how to use one, i.e. how tight, time duration, etc. ?

Also, where is the best place to buy one? I did a search that yeilded Walgeens and Wal-Mart. Walgreens apparently stopped carrying them.

I just did a search for “Homedics,” the folks who make the wrap. There are several informative posts among the results: /forum/search.p hp?s=&action=sh … rder=descending

What part of the world are you in Chas? Some one in your region might have a specific suggestion for a nearby source.

I live in Virginia. Thanks for the link. there was a post in there by avocet that explained alot. I guess I’ll have to play with the tightness and see what happens.

Check out:

That thread has much information on a velcro wrap that seems pretty good (just bought myself one from WalMart 10 minutes ago… I’ll be testing it out later tonight ;)

Started: 7.1x5 1/1/04

First Goal 7.25x5.5

I have one, but didn’t think it did much besides put a huge bulge in my pants. Hmmmmm….

but alas, it was temporary.

I guess that’s why they call it the web. Following worshak’s link, I found a post by avocet who suggested searching the www . I did and found a inexpensive wrap. I am still perplexed on what tension/ tightness is safe though. After reading several posts about how wraping with a self - adhesive ace bandage reduces the occurence of the donut, I started to experiment with this. Tonight, after pumping, I decided to take the ace off of the area beneath the glans and wrap it around the base to maintain the engorgement much like the wrist wrap would.

I ended up with a pecker that was about 4.5” of girth where wrapped, and about 6” above that point.

Is there any rule of thumb on how tight to wrap, or is it just a matter of comfort?

I don’t want to kill my dick just to add a little flaccid size.

Any help or input on this would be greatly appreciated!

Guys: The wrist wraps are great they are cheap and have countless uses. If you do a search for *neonatal BP Cuff ADS* you’ll probably come across some of my old post abut uses for the $5.00 wrap (Wal-marts) on the Band-Aid isle. The Ace Wrist wrap, a 3” roll of Ace foam underwrap and a roll of their sports wrap and Ace 3” bandage should always be on your Wal-marts shopping list. And of course CableClamps. The wrist is made out of neoprene on the inside, so it is soft and padded, and nylon on the outside so it is tough… Wright now I am wearing one wrapped around a Infant Blood-pressure cuff pumped up around a homemade Bib/Wench/Girtha hanger hanging 12 for 4 sets of 20 and I can’t even tell I have it on. The wrist wrap goes around the hanger under the cuff, which distributes the pressure evenly along the lateral sides of the CC.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

What is the name or definition of this method, this is just like ADS after you hang but this is suppose to help concrete girth…. correct?

Originally Posted by tyrdbnavg
What is the name or definition of this method, this is just like ADS after you hang but this is suppose to help concrete girth…. correct?

You don’t concrete girth, you don’t asphalt it either…why don’t you try cementing it!!!

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