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Very long term gains/taking a break from PE

Very long term gains/taking a break from PE

Hey everyone,

I am a old vet of PE, started back in 1999 and made some decent gains. I stopped most of my PE in 2003. But I continued to do some light manual stretching stretching, not every day but I would say 4-5 days per week for aprox 3-5 min total. This consisted of stretches when ever I had a bit of time and some privacy (when I went to the bathroom, in the shower, when I was getting dressed/undressed).

I know many people wonder if PE gains are perminant, and I can say that in my case the answer is yes. I went from 6” EBPL X 5.25” EG in 1999 to slightly over 7” EBPL X 6” EG in 2003. I hadn’t measured myself for at least 2 years, but I did measure the other day and my current size is 7.25” EBPL X 5.875” EG.

While I did lose .125” in girth I was very please to find I had gained .25” in length from 3 years of consistant light stretching.

I just figured I would post this information for anyone who was worried about losing size if he takes a break from PE.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Thanks for the report, and congrats on your length increase. Girth seems to have held up well too. If you start seriously PEing again, please post results in here.

We need more reports like this from those who have and have not done maintenance routines.

Hey Bro

Good to hear from you I’m glad your gains stayed that is very good news. Are you thinking about starting again?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

That’s good to hear— one of my concerns was how much I’d have to do to maintain my gains.

I thought I’d have to hang at least once a week but your experience suggests otherwise (I’ve not researched maintenance routines yet)

Hey Dino. It’s been a while. I’m thinking about doing a short girth only routine. I’m working on it now. The problems are time & privacy. I can probably have some time and privacy for about 30 min in the morning.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

30 minutes is fine:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve been back doing PE for about 3 months. My current measurements are 7.125” BPEL x 6” MSEG. I’m developing a long term routine again. I didn’t stick with my last routine…I really wish I had. Just dropping a note.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

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