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Wearing PenisMaster all night while sleeping


Wearing PenisMaster all night while sleeping

I am wondering, has anyone tried wearing their penis master all through the night before while sleeping (8+ hours at a time)? The instructions advise against this. However, I am wondering if it would be safe to wear the device with a very light stretch and strapping into it very loosely as well, as to not cut off any circulation or overstrain the penis. Has anyone tried this with good results? It SEEMS like it would be totally safe, but I am just too scared too try it, after, you only get one dick.

The general wisdom I’ve seen on this subject suggests that this would not be a good idea. Because you get nightime erections that you’re not awake to monitor, you may cut off circulation, and if left this way, can seriously damage you. Of course I’m the crazy guy wanting to invent a robotic device that you COULD wear all night (the robotic part would take care of your circulation for you), so anyways, unless someone gifted in robotics shows up to help, I’d say to avoid doing what you’re suggesting, just as a precaution, take 0.000 chances with your dick my friend, you get only one.

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

ah, those darn night time erects, I almost forgot. That’s a good point.

I do find however, that a light wrapping that doesn’t constrict, still keeps my penis extended (avoiding the turtle effect by just keeping blood in the penis, which of course keeps it somewhat extended… slightly less strong medicine than ADS which goes so far to say ‘keep it stretched by pulling on it’ which as I’ve just said, requires an AWAKE person to monitor rather frequently). I’m currently testing a specific easy wrap, I don’t want to say what it is yet because people WILL call me wierd if they don’t fully understand, and I really respect some peoples opinions around here, so that’d hurt.

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Originally Posted by RonJeremy789
I am wondering, has anyone tried wearing their penis master all through the night before while sleeping (8+ hours at a time)? The instructions advise against this. However, I am wondering if it would be safe to wear the device with a very light stretch and strapping into it very loosely as well, as to not cut off any circulation or overstrain the penis. Has anyone tried this with good results? It SEEMS like it would be totally safe, but I am just too scared too try it, after, you only get one dick.

I have tried wearing my extender at night, Everytime I tried it, I woke up after 1-2 hours because it was getting uncomfortable and starting to hurt.

I know that a lot of members here thinks that you can wake up in the morning with a broken dick, Or that your dick can fall off during the night, But I have to say that the pain you would experience if not taking a break when needed is just unbelivable, You would have to be dead drunk not to wake up from it.

This however is my own experience, And I would not advice you to try it, And I actually do not think that it is possible to wear it all night.

I do not wear my extender at night/when sleeping any more, I try to get in the hours at day/evening time.

The only thing that seems safe for nighttime use might be one of those velcro straps around the base of the cock and balls. Doesn’t prevent full erection, and shouldn’t cause any discomfort beyond some skin abrasion.

What you could do is BG`s fowfers at night.

Originally Posted by kristian69
I know that a lot of members here thinks that you can wake up in the morning with a broken dick, Or that your dick can fall off during the night, But I have to say that the pain you would experience if not taking a break when needed is just unbelivable, You would have to be dead drunk not to wake up from it.

If your dick goes numb you won’t feel any pain and will continue to sleep. Having a numb dick for several hours can not be healthy.

Originally Posted by Piet
If your dick goes numb you won’t feel any pain and will continue to sleep. Having a numb dick for several hours can not be healthy.

As I wrote, This is my personal experience, I have worn my extender for almost 900 hours, And even if it is easier to wear it now than it was in the beginning, I still have to take breaks every 1-2 hours.
And even if it gets numb, it will hurt like hell if I do not take a break when it starts to feel uncomfortable.
The pain builds up, So that it gets more and more painfull the longer I wear it.
Could be different for different people, But I could never sleep with that pain going on.

And as I wrote, I do not advice others to wear it while at sleep, And I have not heard of anyone that is capable of wearing it all night without breaks.

Originally Posted by RonJeremy789
I am wondering, has anyone tried wearing their penis master all through the night before while sleeping (8+ hours at a time)? The instructions advise against this.

There’s your answer :D

An interesting point is that most of the traction device’s websites (Jes, etc) actually tell you its ok to wear them while sleeping. Sometomes they say “If you find it comfortable”, sometimes they just say “Yes, its fine”.

Due to the size/shape of the device, its pretty much a lock that it’d be too uncomfortable to sleep while wearing it, unless you sleep on your back.

But due to nocturnal erections, you cannot take the risk of cutting the circulation of blood to your penis for several hours at a time. Don't risk it.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Last edited by memento : 09-25-2005 at . Reason: Removed size code

I guess it’s just not worth the risk of messing up my one and only penis for some quicker gains.

However, I am interested in an alternative night time stretching device, such a velcro wrap. Something very mild, that does not prevent full erections and causes no discomfort as stated by para-goomba.

Can anyone share a successful experience they had with wearing a velcro wrap all night? Can anyone provide links/information on a specific wrap and method of use?

Shaggydog, let us know once you have perfected your specific wrap!

RJ789, I don’t actually wear a velcro wrap at night, and I don’t remember who posted about that here one time. I just know that when I wear it during the daytime, it does not prevent full erections or cause any loss of circulation or discomfort. I can’t say the same about extender devices or any other proposed form of “sleeping PE” (besides maybe bed fowfers). In my opinion, though, you really don’t need to PE in your sleep. Give your penis a rest along with the rest of you :)

Well, I want my dick to “rest” in an extended state, so the micro tears heal that way. Seems to me it would produce much faster gains having them heal in the extended state rather than my usual puny flaccid hang.

Smart Dick

(: Hey, I have my dick so well trained now when I crawl in bed it just automatically tucks itself between my legs. Now if I could just teach it to pull the cork from a bottle of wine I’d be happy:)


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I remember my HS teacher back in the days telling us that erections happen every 90 minutes while sleeping. If you can time yourself to wake up every 89 minutes you will be okay. :)

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