Weird Gains--But I'll take them!
I’ve been doing nothing but hanging during the last month. Following the received wisdom, I was focusing on length first, then girth.
I did absolutely no girth work, right up to this week when I started doing some light dry jelqs for about 5 minutes first thing in the AM.
Well, today I decided to jelq (it’s my day off from hanging). I did about 300 reps with a decent erection: 70-80%. I noticed I felt thicker than normal and decided to measure.
Here are the results:
BPEL: Up 1/16” since I started hanging (not impressive, but I’ll take it).
EG (midshaft): Get this, up 1/8” since I strated hanging.
I know measuring right after a workout doesn’t really count, but this is how I always measure, so I believe these gains are real.
Anybody wanna explain this?