Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do Penis enlargers actually believe


In my opinion it is not very difficult to post a good, clear measured picture with a ruler along the top of the penis. Most people should be able to do this after only a very short practising period.

Measuring is probably one of the most underrated PE-tools. I have seen pictures of peoples gains where one can see that the first picture was taken standing up and the “after”-picture was taken sitting down. This adds 1-1,5cm instantaneously and has nothing to do with growth.

I have been guilty of fooling my self to see gains in the beginning of my career. This is, after all, what most of us are after…actual growth. We want our penis to grow longer and thicker and are very disappointed if we, after months of diligent PE-practice, see zero gains.

If ones measuring method is not constant and has few flaws, it will be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of ones PE-routine/method. When I measure I use the same ruler every time, the exact same measuring method and I always take a picture of it if I think I might have grown.

I get the exact same number on every picture I take. If the number is more then 1mm higher then normal and I get this number consistently, I know I have gained. Simple as that. If your method of measuring progress gives you inconsistent numbers, you are fooling your self.

Since I know how easy it is to take good, clear measured pictures with a ruler on top of the penis, I often laugh when I see threads where someone is claiming a big size and posts a picture without a ruler. If they do not post a good measurement picture they have added to their measurement. If you can not get the measurement you think your penis is on a picture, you have tweaked your measuring method or been fooled by smoke and mirrors…

Most people should be able to take excellent measured pictures after one short evening, practicing with a ruler and a camera. If you are going to claim a big size and post a picture, put a ruler on top of it. If you fail to do this you have overestimated your cock size and that is fine, so have I, many times, but you must be honest with your self.

What makes me wonder again is that tae_lord opens yet another thread, writes a few lines and leans back .. Without entering the discussion.

In my opinion this guy gets well too much of our intention.

I don’t care about his dick so I really wonder why I am posting here and wasting my time. And he doesn’t give a sh.. (Sorry for that one:) ).

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
What makes me wonder again is that tae_lord opens yet another thread, writes a few lines and leans back .. Without entering the discussion.

In my opinion this guy gets well too much of our intention.

I don’t care about his dick so I really wonder why I am posting here and wasting my time. And he doesn’t give a sh.. (Sorry for that one:) ).

Yes, that’s true. But I don’t understand one thing. Who will photo shop he’s dick and fake some gains? For what purpose?
Damn, that’s so stupid.

Originally Posted by Luka89

Yes, that’s true. But I don’t understand one thing. Who will photo shop he’s dick and fake some gains? For what purpose?

Damn, that’s so stupid.

Ego, Luka. Or attention :attention . The daftest thing about it is that they are only really fooling themselves.

Originally Posted by kaan
Take it this way: one must “believe in” PE, for it to actually work, right? If no one ever believed in PE, everyone would be overly skeptical, and no one would do PE.

Aren’t all the mighty scientists saying PE is BS? :D

This is a good thread, because tea_lord’s first post actually makes a lot of sense: too much doubt and negativity kills PE progress. The “non believers” should think about that :)

I don’t know that you need to ‘believe in” PE for it to work. For me, it was sufficient that I approached it with an open mind.

Prior to finding Thunder’s Place, I was skeptical about PE. On finding Thunder’s Place, I thought, “Gee, there’s a lot of effort invested in this subject on this site, and no one is requiring a dime for any of all this information. Maybe this IS possible for at least some men.” There was ample warning offered on the site about the need for patience and persistence, so I did not expect instant results.

My patience, persistence and openmindedness paid off for me. Engaging in PE has improved my body and an important part of my life. But I did not approach PE with belief; only with an open mind.

And yes, DISbelief and negativity is likely to kill your chance of success with PE. You’re less likely to be persistent with something that you fundamentally do not believe in. If that’s how you approach PE, save your time and effort and don’t even bother starting.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by tae_lord
Any big dick pic, any fast gains, anyone that does something remotely better than them, is not believed and will be attempted to be discredited by a large majority of penis enlargers here.

If someone puts a ruler pic up, “That was photo-shopped!”

New exercise adds size quickly, “That can’t be true.”

What do you believe? What does it take besides it actually happening to you for you to take things as they are, and reality?

What you are saying is somewhat reasonable, I guess. Considering there are thousands of members here at TP’s and there are only a handful of comparative measurement pictures, you can see why people would be skeptical.

"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman."

Well I guess the best way to solve this issue is to give everybody what they wan a ruler pick of Tae lords dick. Iv’e seen picks where only part of the ruler shows from two inches on, who is to say that one inch of that ruler was not sawed off.

Now I was a fast grower took several years but if I were bragging I would say I’m 24” long by 20” girth. I have yet to post picks, wished I was brave enough to post a pic from the bargaining.

To put the issue to rest, Tae should do a ruler pic and a measuring tape pic for girth. Would anyone argue the fact that Yoyoto is big and Brianrex no! Becaue they got comparison picks or ruler pic.

As far a photo shop accusations I really don’t think there is a remedy for that. If one is talented one could pull off a photo shop job good enough to look genuine.

So now that everything is not 100% provable that brings us back to the honor system.

Lets say that is Tae’s real dick, look at the naval the glans comes up to it and above it. This could be the bench mark for 7”-8” On a man my height 5’9” 1/2 just say on a 6’ guy it is a 9” distance from naval to where their pubic bone meets the penis, Even this can be dis-proven.

So my final suggestion is for someone to go over to Tae lords pad and take a picture of his Dick, maybe that would work?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Last edited by kingpole : 04-22-2007 at .

“Mandingo!” shouted the lady profusly bleeding from her vagina. His mighty sword showing the marks of many a teeth was covered in blood, but it was not his own. Hail the victorious PE warrior! Hail! Hail!

And that has nothing to do with the question if PE works or not. Of course it does. English archers in the middle ages got much more severe changes in their body by their exercises, so why shouldnt pulling on a rather soft tissue not make it longer?

Last edited by Schabernack : 04-22-2007 at .

tae_lord, where for art thou tae_lord?


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

He is setting us up for the kill, as I write he is putting the ruler up to his pubic bone and snapping a picture of a ruler and his penis. Alas even Tae is wrong his member to his surprise is really 9.8” by 6.9”.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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