Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do Penis enlargers actually believe


What do Penis enlargers actually believe

Any big dick pic, any fast gains, anyone that does something remotely better than them, is not believed and will be attempted to be discredited by a large majority of penis enlargers here.

If someone puts a ruler pic up, “That was photo-shopped!”

New exercise adds size quickly, “That can’t be true.”

What do you believe? What does it take besides it actually happening to you for you to take things as they are, and reality?

I know that you say this because of your personal experience, but personally I could not care less if someone photoshops their dick or not, cause it’s not my dick.

I will congratulate them on their gains, and see it as a motivation.

I can see both sides. I understand that you would feel hurt for not getting the support you wanted, but you got to understand that this is a site for people TRYING to grow. It is pretty hard for us to believe that there are these great problems with these larger cocks and to be honest we are here for motivation. Also, sometimes when things are written in what amounts to a narrative about past experiences, it can come off a bit fantasy like, as the facts are related from memory. Also computer people have a tendency to be kind of scientifically inclined so they demand alot of proof. Also, the net seems to be teeming with fakers…dont know why…but its true.

Dems da breaks.


Just like Chicken said, I think you say that from your personal experience and I don’t really car about your dick either. But I can give you a hint or two why people tend to question whether your size claims are true:

-Both your recent posts about your size (dick pic + growing story) sounded like you were bragging a bit. PEnis size is a sensitive issue for a lot of people (especially here!). Maybe that was not your intent but that’s how I (and some other people too I guess) perceived it, so that’s not going to increase your chances of having people believing you. Some people have claimed humongous gains but their approach was more “educational” and they are regarded as the founding fathers of PE!

-You have no ruler pic!

-Around here, as soon as you claim a big size or big gains, you’re always going to have people questioning if your gains/size are true. I got called a liar by some when I posted that I gained 3cm EL in my first 5 weeks of PE (even though this is pretty much all I gained in 7 years of PE!).

I say just post a ruler pic. Rulers and cameras arent hard to come by in 2007. If its so easy to post pictures of yourself without a ruler, why is it hard to post one with?

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

You are right, when things are well above what people consider normal or feasible, people tend to get suspicious. The unfortunate thing is in the past so many people have been caught trying to falsify pics or totally exaggerate gains or size for attention. The more this happens, the more people get suspicious of the legit.

That said, there are many members in here that I have developed a sort of trust for. I’ve never met these members before, however, based on previous posts and information they have shared, they wreak credibility. I’m sure there has been some honest claims in here that have gotten discredited, however, I’m sure there have been many more that were legitimately discredited. The one myth is that people are jealous. I don’t necessarily buy that. I think people have a tendency to not want to be a sucker.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

There is a certain ‘Thunder’s style’ which is very different from other forums like LPSG (which seems full of fantasy). When posts here read like posts from LPSG, they tend to be treated as fantasy.

Firegoat nailed that one.

Get a ruler or shut up.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Originally Posted by Klayton

Get a ruler or shut up.

Well that was harsh. But seriously though I’ve noticed the same thing, some guys here refuse to believe any big gains made by someone, ruler or not. And that’s just sad.

Before this accumulates more and more…

1 camera = you already have
1 ruler = $1.25
1 tape measure = $1.00
1 soda can = $0.89
Putting the 2 together in a picture = Seemingly impossible for some.

You already posted pictures. Despite the “it’s too hard without a tripod”s people still do it. A lot ask for measurement pictures of the big gainers and why? They don’t want to ride the wave of being suckers. Go to a bodybuilding forum and claim incredible gains of your upper arms and body and you’ll get the same thing. Still there’s always one or two that say shopped if it’s a huge increase, but so what? One thing I do find a letdown is that most big gainers (not all) don’t have pre-PE photos. For motivational purposes, I know there’s a lack of this. Then again there’s great documentary here of people who have done this.

You’ve already done more than most do. Why not go the ~$3.00 more and save all the moaning and groaning?

Seems quite simple to me.

I see it this way:
1- He posted pics, and claimed a size. With no measurements. But there’s no forum rule that dictates the pics have to be measurement pics. So he doesn’t have to do that.
2- Then he opened a thread in “life love and fantasies” section (attention firegoat), writing about his experiences with his claimed sizes. As far as I know, there’s no forum rule dictating that he must prove his size first, before writing about his experiences with that size :) So that’s perfectly legal too.

Now, in that case, noone has the right to call him a liar, or to be rude. I think I am right up to here. Am I not?
You may not believe him, you may even write that and ask for ruler pics, but being rude and negative shouldn’t be allowed, in my book. That will certainly discourage members who are thinking about posting pics. They may think that it’s too much pain in the ass, and change their ideas.
Just a friendly analysis and suggestion here.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by powpow
Just like Chicken said, I think you say that from your personal experience and I don’t really car about your dick either. But I can give you a hint or two why people tend to question whether your size claims are true:

-Both your recent posts about your size (dick pic + growing story) sounded like you were bragging a bit. PEnis size is a sensitive issue for a lot of people (especially here!). Maybe that was not your intent but that’s how I (and some other people too I guess) perceived it, so that’s not going to increase your chances of having people believing you. Some people have claimed humongous gains but their approach was more “educational” and they are regarded as the founding fathers of PE!

-You have no ruler pic!

-Around here, as soon as you claim a big size or big gains, you’re always going to have people questioning if your gains/size are true. I got called a liar by some when I posted that I gained 3cm EL in my first 5 weeks of PE (even though this is pretty much all I gained in 7 years of PE!).

Not to mention that you seemingly “snuck” around Walmart so you could get your pictures of your dick printed off at Walmart, and then use your scanner to get it on your computer. And now your camera is gone? Then, you are wearing a jacket, yes a jacket, and only a jacket while the picture of your horrifically miscolored penis with no face shot is taken? Who the hell took this pictures anyways, and why don’t you do something to prove it besides using terrible stories to cover it up? I am completely terrible about noticing a fake picture but the shadow is unrealistic and you can notice a thin black line where the penis connects to “the body.” Hell, the girth doesn’t even look the same size in both pictures. You made another thread asking what the best stretches were for length, even though you already (claimed) your penis is over 9 inches long and every woman you have sex with bleeds. Well, you do have a scanner, so there is a way to prove all of us wrong.

Anybody remember the guy that claimed he had ridiculous girth, either 7 or 8 inches? He posted a picture, but with no measurement. What did he do? Well, he proved it, with a measured pic. Well, I don’t know if tae_lord is buying time to get a legitimate looking picture while he figures out how to make everything look realistic as possible with measurements, I don’t believe everything I see.

I can see KAAN’s point, but we are all looking to follow the experiments of those who have improved before us, so I kinda think we should have some sort of scepticism as we are looking for good routines and ones that work. I suppose there has to be some right to voice sceptitsm, or people will politely believe the routines and advice of those who dont know.


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