Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do we think about IPR?

Originally Posted by raybbaby
It forces your erection into the shape of a “sine wave” and that whole “shortest distance between two points is a straight line” thing comes into play.

This is a great explanation. Brings me back to high school trig classes that I haven’t had a use for in 12 years. It seems like it would apply pressure evenly and disburse the micro tears at regular intervals along the shaft. Very intelligently designed little toy.

What are your thoughts on the best ADS to use for the P phase? I had an ESL40 silicon cup style ADS for a while and thought it was ok. You can’t tighten it past a certain point or else you get negative pressure in the cup and fluid buildup in the tip of your penis, but as far as comfort and visibility goes it was excellent. Is mild extension sufficient, or should we be pushing to extend every possible milimeter during proliferation?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I believe xeno said its just a mild stretch. That’s my thoughts as well since its in the healing stages no need to force more trauma to the penis. I fact I stick to that guideline for all ADS use. I stick mainly to pe weights, cock coils or the VLC (winter only since I need pants to wear). I stick to 1 to 2 lbs of force and usually can wear these all day at my job >12 hours.

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

Yeah, I don’t extend with any force. I shoot to keep my unit outstretched, I’m guessing I keep it about an inch to an inch and a half shorter than my BPEL. I just use a homemade “down the leg” type stretcher. The real micro-trauma work is done during my workout. Then I’m just trying to keep it a bit stretched out for a few hours afterwards.

Does anyone here believe that length work like hanging would condition the penis for girth work such as clamping? I was thinking of hanging for a period of time then straight to clamping then decon. Are my efforts wasted?

Start Jun 16" - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Current 6.75" BPEL x 5.4" MSEG

Goal Anything x 5.5" MSEG

Any of you guys has success following IPR now it’s a bit down the road.

I think almost everyone who does it has success with it. They just have their own logs. Thoughtfulgold and Titleist are likely the best known ones. As well as the “finding xeno” thread.

Originally Posted by Muckl3
Any of you guys has success following IPR now it’s a bit down the road.

Yes, I did. Did 3 girth campaigns each gaining about 1-3 mm that accumulated to a total girth gain of 5 mm.
(3 weeks I-Phase, 2-3 weeks P-Phase, 4-10 weeks R-Phase).
IPR is a very low hassle approach. I like it very much, but you got to know what you are doing to execute a cycle successfully.
I just tried it because I want to find the most effective “stealth” way of pe for me without investing a lot of time on daily basis.
I do about 7-11 workouts in a progressive manner (starting at about 15 Min and going up to 30-50 Min towards the end) and doing some soft passive ads/adc-work for 2-3 weeks afterwards.
That is nothing compared to a 3/1 routine ;)

The progressive work load (i.e. 10% more intensity each work out) and the definition of the the intensity that is needed for the last 3 workouts in the “I”-phase is crucial in my eyes.
I think it is very important to reach max expansion or deformation at the end of the “I”-phase.
So if you don’t know or can’t guess approximately the intensity that is needed to create inflammation, IPR is gonna be difficult to master.

That is why IPR-routines are nearly impossible to execute correctly for the inexperienced.

" PE is a helluva drug. "

Last edited by pe_pe : 09-30-2018 at .

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I think almost everyone who does it has success with it. They just have their own logs. Thoughtfulgold and Titleist are likely the best known ones. As well as the "finding xeno" thread.

BeardedDragon is another notable example. His progress thread is worth reading start to finish: BeardedDragon Update Thread

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Thanks guys for the reply’s, great stuff.

The rest/remodel period will be the hard part for me.

Originally Posted by lifestyle
BeardedDragon is another notable example. His progress thread is worth reading start to finish: BeardedDragon Update Thread

I need to get back to it, haven’t had much in the way of gains since deviating from IPR. That’s not the only reason (I also stopped going for more length) but it’s probably related.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I’ve been reading about it and I am now following it.

I’m currently just over half way through my second read through of Xeno’s progress thread and reading closely and taking notes.

I’m also going to read through several other progress threads linked to in Xeno’s, including BeardedDragons.

I’m currently working length but I’m going to move onto multiple cock clamps until I can figure out how to build a Tunica Tenderizer.

I’m going to build some cock coils also, for the Micro-P and Macro-P phases (I’m currently using a Penimaster).

From what I’ve read I believe it has validity and that it does work, but I’m new to it, so I can’t report gains from it first hand as yet.

My only issue with routines at the moment is shifts, there never the same week to week but I always have 2 days off in a row but normally followed by 3-6 days and I work 12 hour shifts and after travel and so on those days are basically work, sleep, work so no free time other than an hour to do some weights.

So would it be detrimental or pointless if I did 2 days in a row of inflammation, could even change it up so it’s a different exercise, maybe clamping day 1 and stretching day 2.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated guys. Sorry for the long post.

Originally Posted by Muckl3
My only issue with routines at the moment is shifts, there never the same week to week but I always have 2 days off in a row but normally followed by 3-6 days and I work 12 hour shifts and after travel and so on those days are basically work, sleep, work so no free time other than an hour to do some weights.

So would it be detrimental or pointless if I did 2 days in a row of inflammation, could even change it up so it’s a different exercise, maybe clamping day 1 and stretching day 2.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated guys. Sorry for the long post.

Xenolith, who was a proponent of IPR and who carried the theory forward in leaps and bounds was an engineering consultant who tested many methods and programs, took what he learned from them and put together the most efficient and effective tools and routines he could devise.

Assuming the practice of IPR really does work, and it does seem to, Xenolith moved the practice forward considerably, with the focus on efficiency and minimum effort for maximum gains, so for someone with your schedule, IPR would definitely be the way to go (to be honest, everyone here should probably be aiming to understand and utilise the IPR protocol for P.E.)

One of the principles it seems is that there’s a maximum limit to the speed at which a person can gain, and there’s only so much a person needs to do to promote those gains, so a "less is more" kind of approach seems to be the way to go.

First of all, a lot of the more advanced routines can be harmful for people not conditioned to cope with them and injury can occur. I’m not sure how you’d do it with your schedule but you should try and complete the newbie routine, with a view to monitoring your P.I.’s ("physiological indicators"), for the experience it’ll give you in understanding your own physiology, for the conditioning it’ll give your penis so that it’s ready for an increase in intensity, and to achieve whatever gains you can without you having to move onto more intense exercises. The idea, ultimately, is of course not to strengthen the penis so that it can resist exercise while staying the size it is, but to increase its size.

Assuming I’d practiced enough manual P.E. to understand the process, and to get to know my own physiology, with regards to what it can stand and the P.I.s that are of most relevance, if I had the same schedule as you, I’d use the two days you have off for girth work using a variety of exercises, starting the first day with less intensive exercises such as jelqs and working your way up in intensity. The second day do the more intensive girth exercises, ending with the most extreme you’re able to sustain without injury. That would be the Micro-I phase of your Micro IPR cycle and the variations in practice should hit your tissues in a variety of ways, theoretically creating more opportunities for growth through stressing the tissue more and in more varied ways.

Those girth exercises should be carried out in the morning, with the rest of both days devoted to the Micro-P phase:

I’d suggest focusing on sustaining length for the Micro-P phase, through the use of an a.d.s. such as the Penimaster (if you’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting). I recommend length because it’s more difficult to achieve than girth so it’s best to do more of it and sooner. Girth exercises are conducive to length gains, as the effect they have on the tissues will manifesting as length gains, if you use an ads that promotes length. Stretching will probably produce most the length gains but the stressing and subsequent lengthening of the tunica should add to length gains, and with limited time being a factor that can only help in terms of length.

A couple of ADS devices to consider, especially for the Macro-P phase are these, although, as yet I’ve not used either:

ADS of this type attaches around the thigh or under the knee to maintain elongation of the penis: PeniMasterPRO belt expander system product details

Or one of Xenolith’s inventions, the cock coil (which I’ve also not used)…

Cock Coil ADS

(Finding an ADS you can live with is really key because you’ll need to wear it more or less every day for the Macro-P phase. (I think some people might advocate extenders such as the Penimaster as an ADS to be warn under clothing through the day, but I have a Penimaster and I can’t imagine ever being able to wear it all day without being able to check on it and re-apply it)).

When you take the ADS off to sleep at the end of the first of the two Micro-I days, that’s the beginning of the Micro-R phase. The night of the first day (assuming 8 hours sleep) gives you a Micro-R phase of about 8 hours.

The night of the second day, beginning when you take the ADS off to sleep, is the beginning of a Micro-R phase that should ideally last two days, with the next Micro-I phase taking place the following morning, which, if the two days you have off are Saturday and Sunday, would be the Wednesday.

Obviously you’re not going to have time for a full Micro-I session on the Wednesday, but I think it would be worth doing a mini-session and wearing an ADS for the rest of the day if possible:

The reason I think it’s worth doing a mini session is that, another principle of the IPR protocol is that gains are a function of the work done on the penis, therefore more intensive work over a shorter period should, theoretically, work out as effective as less intensive work over longer periods, and in response to the question of how much work Xenolith estimated he spent on P.E. per day he responded with this:

Originally Posted by xenolith
Well, I only apply I-Phase force 32 days per year; for about 15 minutes on each of those days. When you do the math, that yields an average time per day/per year of "PE-ing" of…1.3 minutes per day. I apply substantially more time applying P-Phase force (wearing Cock Coils), but haven’t done the math on that…it probably averages out to approximately 2 hours per day/per year. Obviously that yields an average annual time in R-Phase (i.e. resting) of about 22 hours per day/per year…

So, maybe a few minutes a day might be worth the effort, if you can wear something afterwards for the rest of the day to promote the Micro-P phase of the Micro-IPR cycle.

And that brings me to stretching:

I think you should stretch on one of the two days off, not both. Mainly because lig-stretching can leave you very sore and there’s probably not that much benefit to doing them two days in a row, if you believe in the IPR method (which advocates more intensity over a shorter time). If you were to stretch them well on that first day you’ll probably find they’re too tender for a meaningful stretch on the second day.

Also, I’d suggest stretching on the second day, after you’ve finished any girth exercises that hit the ligaments, since if you’ve stretched well and have very tender ligaments they might impede the girth exercises.

I’d probably recommend trying to find time for stretches on the Wednesday morning (assuming your two days off are the weekend) but if that’s an impossibility due to fitting in a mini girth routine on the Wednesday morning then try to find time for them on the Thursday morning. Try and wear an ADS on both the Wednesday and the Thursday if you’re exercising both days. If you can confine both the stretching and the mini-girth routine to the Wednesday then just use the ADS through Wednesday.

If the above has given you enough upon which to make make a decision (as to whether you want to take up the practice of P.E. or not) and if you decide you do want to take up the practice, then I’d suggest:

1. Starting a new thread to address the issue of formulating a routine.

2. Makeing a start on learning the nuts and bolts of IPR theory. I’m personally about half way through my second reading of Xenolith’s progress thread, where, at time of writing, most people are probably best off starting in order to learn about IPR:

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Last edited by Mr. F : 10-22-2018 at .

Originally Posted by Mr. F
Xenolith, who was a proponent of IPR and who carried the theory forward in leaps and bounds was an engineering consultant who tested many methods and programs, took what he learned from them and put together the most efficient and effective tools and routines he could devise.

Assuming the practice of IPR really does work, and it does seem to, Xenolith moved the practice forward considerably, with the focus on efficiency and minimum effort for maximum gains, so for someone with your schedule, IPR would definitely be the way to go (to be honest, everyone here should probably be aiming to understand and utilise the IPR protocol for P.E.)

One of the principles it seems is that there’s a maximum limit to the speed at which a person can gain, and there’s only so much a person needs to do to promote those gains, so a "less is more" kind of approach seems to be the way to go.

First of all, a lot of the more advanced routines can be harmful for people not conditioned to cope with them and injury can occur. I’m not sure how you’d do it with your schedule but you should try and complete the newbie routine, with a view to monitoring your P.I.’s ("physiological indicators"), for the experience it’ll give you in understanding your own physiology, for the conditioning it’ll give your penis so that it’s ready for an increase in intensity, and to achieve whatever gains you can without you having to move onto more intense exercises. The idea, ultimately, is of course not to strengthen the penis so that it can resist exercise while staying the size it is, but to increase its size.

Assuming I’d practiced enough manual P.E. To understand the process, and to get to know my own physiology, with regards to what it can stand and the P.I.s that are of most relevance, if I had the same schedule as you, I’d use the two days you have off for girth work using a variety of exercises, starting the first day with less intensive exercises such as jelqs and working your way up in intensity. The second day do the more intensive girth exercises, ending with the most extreme you’re able to sustain without injury. That would be the Micro-I phase of your Micro IPR cycle and the variations in practice should hit your tissues in a variety of ways, theoretically creating more opportunities for growth through stressing the tissue more and in more varied ways.

Those girth exercises should be carried out in the morning, with the rest of both days devoted to the Micro-P phase:

I’d suggest focusing on sustaining length for the Micro-P phase, through the use of an a.d.s. Such as the Penimaster (if you’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting). I recommend length because it’s more difficult to achieve than girth so it’s best to do more of it and sooner. Girth exercises are conducive to length gains, as the effect they have on the tissues will manifesting as length gains, if you use an ADS that promotes length. Stretching will probably produce most the length gains but the stressing and subsequent lengthening of the tunica should add to length gains, and with limited time being a factor that can only help in terms of length.

A couple of ADS devices to consider, especially for the Macro-P phase are these, although, as yet I’ve not used either:

ADS of this type attaches around the thigh or under the knee to maintain elongation of the penis: PeniMasterPRO belt expander system product details

Or one of Xenolith’s inventions, the cock coil (which I’ve also not used)..

Cock Coil ADS

(Finding an ADS you can live with is really key because you’ll need to wear it more or less every day for the Macro-P phase. (I think some people might advocate extenders such as the Penimaster as an ADS to be warn under clothing through the day, but I have a Penimaster and I can’t imagine ever being able to wear it all day without being able to check on it and re-apply it)).

When you take the ADS off to sleep at the end of the first of the two Micro-I days, that’s the beginning of the Micro-R phase. The night of the first day (assuming 8 hours sleep) gives you a Micro-R phase of about 8 hours.

The night of the second day, beginning when you take the ADS off to sleep, is the beginning of a Micro-R phase that should ideally last two days, with the next Micro-I phase taking place the following morning, which, if the two days you have off are Saturday and Sunday, would be the Wednesday.

Obviously you’re not going to have time for a full Micro-I session on the Wednesday, but I think it would be worth doing a mini-session and wearing an ADS for the rest of the day if possible:

The reason I think it’s worth doing a mini session is that, another principle of the IPR protocol is that gains are a function of the work done on the penis, therefore more intensive work over a shorter period should, theoretically, work out as effective as less intensive work over longer periods, and in response to the question of how much work Xenolith estimated he spent on P.E. Per day he responded with this:

So, maybe a few minutes a day might be worth the effort, if you can wear something afterwards for the rest of the day to promote the Micro-P phase of the Micro-IPR cycle.

And that brings me to stretching:

I think you should stretch on one of the two days off, not both. Mainly because lig-stretching can leave you very sore and there’s probably not that much benefit to doing them two days in a row, if you believe in the IPR method (which advocates more intensity over a shorter time). If you were to stretch them well on that first day you’ll probably find they’re too tender for a meaningful stretch on the second day.

Also, I’d suggest stretching on the second day, after you’ve finished any girth exercises that hit the ligaments, since if you’ve stretched well and have very tender ligaments they might impede the girth exercises.

I’d probably recommend trying to find time for stretches on the Wednesday morning (assuming your two days off are the weekend) but if that’s an impossibility due to fitting in a mini girth routine on the Wednesday morning then try to find time for them on the Thursday morning. Try and wear an ADS on both the Wednesday and the Thursday if you’re exercising both days. If you can confine both the stretching and the mini-girth routine to the Wednesday then just use the ADS through Wednesday.

If the above has given you enough upon which to make make a decision (as to whether you want to take up the practice of P.E. Or not) and if you decide you do want to take up the practice, then I’d suggest:

1. Starting a new thread to address the issue of formulating a routine.

2. Makeing a start on learning the nuts and bolts of IPR theory. I’m personally about half way through my second reading of Xenolith’s progress thread, where, at time of writing, most people are probably best off starting in order to learn about IPR:

Finding xeno: a penis tale

I’m at work at the moment so can’t reply in detail but a quick thanks for this and I will get back with a reply soon. Just quickly though I’m not a newbie, been doing this since 2003 maybe before.


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