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What do we think about IPR?

Yeah, V stretches are definitely better for hitting the tunica, rather than the ligs. Hanging is definitely a lig targeting means. My own thought is using my “Tiger Trap” to cause damage/inflammation in the tunica, and then stretching. I start out with a warm up and some lig stretches, move to some compressions with the Tiger Trap, Then do some Jelqs and finally more stretches, with an OK grip at the base, so the stretch is hitting the tunica, rather than pulling against the ligaments. Then I edge for a few, and wear my down the leg ADS to keep my dick stretched out.

I should add I’m no expert, I just started my first IPR campaign this past week. Xeno, ThoughtfulGold and BeardedDragon have been my go to guys for questions.


Thanks this is very helpful but I would like to ask further questions.

>You understand the overview of the R phase, but your examples of exercises or what you would do to initiate the inflammation are off. Like the extender part, an extender is a form of ADS. So it will not cause the inflammation we are after. Hanging as well. It’s too long in duration, and too low in intensity. The idea is to warm up, then do some inflaming or small scale damage to the tunica. The idea behind it is not to stretch the ligaments or tunica beyond their current size, but to create small scale damage to the tissue, thereby encouraging cellular mitosis. The stretching, extending, hanging stuff stretches the tissue, but will not create these micro tears on their own.

The question is if stretching, extending, hanging etc stretches the tissue, but does not create micro tears on their own what will?

On the question of extending I believe I finally have a version that works well for me. I use a LeLuv slider non spring extender (also known as a Miracle) that I have Velcro strap modded. With a sound wrapping technique I can get a very good stretch without slipping or obvious pain coming in until the end of the stretch. I apply Rootsnatty’s stress relaxation approach to periodically adjust the screws to maintain the tension during the stretch.


>Maybe an example routine for length is in order?

Yes it would be very helpful

>Being new at IPR myself I am still trying to understand what type of stimulus is necessary to reach plastic deformation. I was considering;
Warm up, 5 minutes manual stretch, 5 minutes jelq, 10 minutes hang, 5 minutes jelq, ice and manual stretch cool down, into an ads until bed time.
I have read that only jelqing or only hanging is not enough. Do you think the two together would reach plastic deformation? Maybe some more intense manual stretches, like v stretch and other bending stretches, instead of hanging?

I always warm up before or during an extender session and take away the heat during the last 15 mins of the 1 hour session. If I have the time I can do up to three of the sessions one after the other with 20 min massage breaks in between. Could try to do some jelqing during breaks. Currently normally do jelqing in the shower or in bed in the morning before I get up. I also do 1 hour dynamic pump sessions two nights out of three partly to keep my EQ up. During pumping I also apply heat but take it away for the last 15 mins. I do two handed inverted V jelqs and usually do a bit of hand stretching at the same time but not sure I have the patience to hold hand stretches for long.

In the past especially during my newbie gain period from extending I felt a form of mild soreness in my unit which I assume may be the inflammation referred to in the I of IPR or it could be related to ligament stretching.


I wonder if we were to average the gains of each cycle for most IPR practitioners, what it would come out to. Maybe .125” in either direction if that? Of course I mean like the first 3 cycles or so, not say a veteran’s 15th cycle. Obviously after the first few cycles gains will slow down more and more.

Start Jun 16" - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Current 6.75" BPEL x 5.4" MSEG

Goal Anything x 5.5" MSEG

Yeah, it’s hard to say. But after your initial eighteen months to two years, gains are hard to come by, period. At that point, to be able to gain .125 every three months may be a real victory. One would still be gaining a half inch per year, which is not too bad, especially after you have been at it for a couple years.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
My own thought is using my “Tiger Trap” to cause damage/inflammation in the tunica, and then stretching.

That’s a new one to me. Search yields no results for “tiger trap” as a thread title. Do you have a link or a suggestion for a better search term?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish

That’s a new one to me. Search yields no results for “tiger trap” as a thread title. Do you have a link or a suggestion for a better search term?

This picture is from post #307 in the thread “Finding Xeno”. Also attached is my attempt to make one.

january 2014 037.JPG

(375.1 KB, 64 views)

Originally Posted by raybbaby
See also post #278.
Finding xeno: a penis tale (p. 19)


Thanks for reminding us about Xeno’s Tiger Trap. I am pretty handy and could easily make one. I have made another one of Xeno’s inventions, the Cock coil which should come in handy in the P stage of IPR as a form of ADS.

Here Xeno certainly suggests the Tiger Trap could be a useful tool in the I phase.

There is also this contribution by BeardedDragon BD Update Thread (p. 10)
see post #140

There is a lot of theory here and in Xeno’s posts.

Could it be that the Tiger Trap alone supplies the inflammation and all the other forms of PE referred here are part of the P phase. I also get the impression that the I and P phases can overlap.


Originally Posted by raybbaby
See also post #278.
Finding xeno: a penis tale (p. 19)

Lots of good information in that thread. The tiger trap looks a bit like a torture device from the Spanish Inquisition. Though, from what I can find it is generally considered more useful for pursuing girth. I also saw reference to the dog pull stretch, but my search yielded either no results or several hundred. I hate to complain without offering a solution, but fine tuning the search function a little would help I think. It could be a lot more efficient. Any idea where I can find a description of the dog pull stretch or a search term that would lead me there?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

tiger trap

>The tiger trap looks a bit like a torture device from the Spanish Inquisition. Though, from what I can find it is generally considered more useful for pursuing girth.

Yeah that was my first impression but if this IPR theory holds water it might also help for length work. The link that Raybaby posted has some useful stuff aboult using a tiger trap.. Xeno used it for 2 x 5 minutes, both horizontal and vertical orientations and got good results but I for one would like more info on how to use it before running the risk of an injury. For example how tight do you need to compress the screws to get a result without doing a serious injury. Also i assume you apply it up and down the shaft or should it big enough to cover the full distance from the groove to the base?

If as Bearded Dragon says the I and P phases can overlap I suppose you could do Tiger trap work closely followed by stretching, extending or hanging on the first day and then just do stretching, extending or hanging on the second day along with some traditional ADS work.

I now realise I know very little about how to go about the I phase of an IPR routine whereas I initially thought the P phase was the area I needed to work on.

The offset “teeth” of the Tiger Trap force your penis to be longer when under pressure. It forces your erection into the shape of a “sine wave” and that whole “shortest distance between two points is a straight line” thing comes into play. As far as the dimensions for your own TT would go, you have to measure when you’re erect, from the base to the edge of your glans, then subtract a half inch per clamp. Xeno double clamps at the base. If you wanted to do that, you have to subtract an inch. I’m just using one, but I may cut a half inch off my TT so I can use a second. Maintaining an erection while tightening down the wing nuts has definitely proven to be the toughest part of this. As far as pressure goes, you have to be the judge of that. I aim for moderately uncomfortable, but not painful.

Sine wave

(10.2 KB, 27 views)

Originally Posted by raybbaby
The offset “teeth” of the Tiger Trap force your penis to be longer when under pressure. It forces your erection into the shape of a “sine wave” and that whole “shortest distance between two points is a straight line” thing comes into play. As far as the dimensions for your own TT would go, you have to measure when you’re erect, from the base to the edge of your glans, then subtract a half inch per clamp. Xeno double clamps at the base. If you wanted to do that, you have to subtract an inch. I’m just using one, but I may cut a half inch off my TT so I can use a second. Maintaining an erection while tightening down the wing nuts has definitely proven to be the toughest part of this. As far as pressure goes, you have to be the judge of that. I aim for moderately uncomfortable, but not painful.


Thanks. I had not thought about the need to clamp while using the TT

Here is a pic of waterman888 using a TT. Waterman888’s progress log (p. 3) post 37 and he is also double clamping.

I note the TT has sharp angles where the V grooves meet the flat top sections. I wonder if that is necessary? If you used a router to make the TT you could make the grooves more sinusoidal and cause less skin damage at the sharp angles. Or are the sharp angles necessary to get the necessary inflammation.


Originally Posted by austfred
Or are the sharp angles necessary to get the necessary inflammation.

It’s a balance fred; the ideal configuration, based on my experience with my original TT: 45 degree angles on the teeth, 0.5 inch amplitude (height) on the teeth, and 1.0 inch spacing frequency (spacing - peak to peak of teeth) TT is different than my original construction: I think about 60-70 degree teeth angle is optimal; about 0.75 inch deep amplitude (height) on the teeth, and about 0.75” frequency (spacing - peak to peak) on the teeth is where the device will be most effective…based on my tissue response.

To more directly answer your question. I think that the ideal radius of curvature on the above referenced design would be about 0.0625”, for a 0.125” diameter at transition to the angle of the teeth. This is, I think…for me…, a rational compromise between the objectives of tissue deformation and tissue safety.

Understand, I haven’t yet built this TT, but this is the one I would.

Probably will.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
To more directly answer your question. I think that the ideal radius of curvature on the above referenced design would be about 0.0625”, for a 0.125” diameter at transition to the angle of the teeth. This is, I think…for me…, a rational compromise between the objectives of tissue deformation and tissue safety.

Thanks Xeno. A bit of judicious sanding should easily be able to achieve something close to that.

In answering my earlier questions about IPR I revisited an earlier interchange between Waterman and you at Finding xeno: a penis tale (p. 40) posts 593 and 594 which helps me a lot more after thinking about Raybaby’s more recent advice which gave me some clues about IPR. I read it as the TT or multiple clamps are the key to the “I” part of IPR. I should have picked this up earlier but did not focus on it probably because the technique is counter productive as you wrote.

In my case I got good newbie \length gains mainly from extending and then good girth gains from dynamic pumping using fairly high max vacuums but never have tried clamping or hanging. However my gains have stalled though I keep up the PE as it helps my EQ so now I want to try something different to get to that 7” BEPL barrier I want to break through.



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