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What do we think about IPR?

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish

It looked to me like the exercise schedule recommended by Xeno was not especially intense. In fact I found it reminiscent of the newbie routine; start with 200 Jelqs and increasing at a factor of 1.1. After a two month break this is probably more than enough to reach fatigue, but I don’t think that you risk any sort of injury as long as you are careful.

This is not a recommended routine. It is an example, of an exercise familiar to all, from the newbie routine used to explain the increase in workload from one workout to the next. Somewhere in there I remember reading Xeno saying Jelquing itself would never cause the type of inflammation we are after.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
This is a mischaracterization of the workout schedule. It is in fact 5 workouts over 15 days. And then 8 to 12 weeks off.

Who said anything about 5 “sets” ? We are talking workouts, not sets. 5 sets might not make you stronger, but 5 chest workouts in 15 days most likely would. As a matter of fact, with only two days rest in between workouts, a lifter would have to keep his work volume low in order to recover adequately. We know we are not talking about building muscle, so the analogy falls apart here. Muscle mass built would not remain there for 12 weeks. We are trying to encourage “cellular mitosis”. Newly grown penis would likely remain.
I just think your understanding of the IPR protocol is not very strong, and obviously, your math is really gone awry.

No need to get fussy. 5 workouts in 15 days followed by a month of ADS and two months of rest is 5 workouts in 14 weeks. There is certainly nothing wrong with my ability to count.

As you said, the bench press example was intended as an analogy, not a direct comparison, so I’m not sure why you are so upset about it. But yes, you are correct, my understanding of IPR is probably significantly less than yours or others, which is why I posted. Thank you for your moderately constructive, if a bit venomous, responses.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
To initiate IPR cycle and warrant a rather long R phase, I think a damage that goes well into the plastic range, is needed.
Of course for a newbie it will be rather low intensity.
Xeno meanwhile is using tiger traps etc. to keep gaining..

I myself clamped heavily followed by a long R phase and gained nothing. That’s cause I only expanded within the elastic range and bounced back.
Only after some heavy bends and stuff during clamping I finally managed to get into plastic expansion range.

Thank you for this. I feel like a lot of us fail to apply stress that enters into the plastic deformation range. I know I am personally guilty of this. I can think of many exercises that would accomplish this for girth, my personal favorite being o-bends, but how many exercises do we know that accomplish this for length? Raybbaby pointed out that just jelqing is probably not sufficient, and I feel like heavy manual stretches and hanging always run into the issue of being limited by tendon length. Thoughts?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish

No need to get fussy. Thank you for your moderately constructive, if a bit venomous, responses.

Venomous indeed. Full of name calling and put downs. Mean as hell I am!

Guys don’t destroy thread please ;)

Whiskey, you can reach plastic range also by increasing the timeframe/frequency of a low intensity exercise. It adds up and the literature agrees.
Extending might be an example.. also if you load a strong metal for a million years with feather it might buckle too ;)

Studying big girtha and his clamphatons he might be a guy who did it with girth.
Much harder to do then with length which needs no blood expansion.
Also the girth plastic territory is not so easy cause it involves blood, veins etc which have to expand too- injury risk.

Loads can accumulate over days and you might get into plastic territory with low intensity but obviously it’s hard to do. Doing a 10 minute set of light clamping or jelqing within elastic range probably means next day you will be back at zero..

Thank you for the input. Between this thread and others I have had a lot of my questions answered and have a better theoretical understanding. Though I do still wonder about application. I’m sure it differs for everyone, but what indicators would show that you have reached plastic deformation and have not just stayed within the elastic limits of the tissue? From what I have read positive PI’s don’t necessarily indicate one way or another. I have experienced inflammation and temporary size increase without subsequent gains, and I am sure many others have as well.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
Thank you for the input. Between this thread and others I have had a lot of my questions answered and have a better theoretical understanding. Though I do still wonder about application. I’m sure it differs for everyone, but what indicators would show that you have reached plastic deformation and have not just stayed within the elastic limits of the tissue? From what I have read positive PI’s don’t necessarily indicate one way or another. I have experienced inflammation and temporary size increase without subsequent gains, and I am sure many others have as well.

Honestly, your indicators are more by feel and a lasting post workout increase in size that “feels different” to be honest. I know that the plastic range of deformation, when you hit it, you feel that odd strained feeling. But that is not always the case and should not be the goal sensation to feel, as this is easily treading over the line of injury in some cases.

Over time, the gains are quicker if you hit the plastic range regularly. This is the idea behind IPR. Hitting the plastic range quickly and repeatedly in a short period of time and causing inflammation and healing in a deformed, plastic state. This is my understanding of why IPR works. Because elastic deformation doesn’t really cause inflammation. And this is why a few workouts and a longer rest phase show gains, because hitting the plastic range hard and relying on wound repair mechanics to create new tissue is a reliable mechanism.

…you just have to tread the line and read your PIs like a Mystic or you’ll get injured in no time, chasing gains. Or toughen the dick up so that it is more resistant to the inflammation you wish to cause.

That’s just my .02

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

IPR in simple terms

Xeno’s IPR concept looks very interesting but I am having a bit of trouble fulliy understanding the concept as it relates to PE especially the I and P bits.

I gather I stands for inflamation (or soreness) and is generated by fairly strenuous PE (stretching, extending hanging etc) to get past elastic stretching. Is that correct?

I gather P stands for Proliferation which I gather means keeping the tissues in a stretched state for some time.

Could someone explain this better?

I gather R stands for Recovery which is easier to understand. Rest Breaks etc.

Have I got it right?

Regards Austfred


I think the acronym is quite literal. Inflammation caused by micro tares because inflammation is a natural reaction to injury, even very small ones. Proliferation is cell mitosis as the body works to heal the micro wounds in the tissue; staying in an extended state here simply forces the mitosis to bridge a larger gap. Rest or recovery, whichever you like, allows the scar tissue formed by mitosis to soften and smooth back towards the density and flexibility of pre-injury tissue.

Does that sound about right?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Yeah, I don’t think the new cells are scar tissue though.

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish

I think the acronym is quite literal. Inflammation caused by micro tares because inflammation is a natural reaction to injury, even very small ones. Proliferation is cell mitosis as the body works to heal the micro wounds in the tissue; staying in an extended state here simply forces the mitosis to bridge a larger gap. Rest or recovery, whichever you like, allows the scar tissue formed by mitosis to soften and smooth back towards the density and flexibility of pre-injury tissue.

Does that sound about right?


That helps. I am not trying to quibble about the terminology but to get a better idea of what it means in practical PE terms.

So 1. - I - Inflammation

Give it a good workout or series of workouts over a few days until it feels a bit sore. I assume this can be done by stretching, extending or hanging and possibly combined with pumping and / or jelqing.

I gather Xeno’s Tiger trap is part of this but not sure how. A tenderizer?

2. Proliferation

Work out a way to keep in a stretched state for an extended period without working it hard. ADS, golf weights, cock coil or a silicone Xsleeve as Monkeybar sells spring to mind.

3 Recovery

That’s the easy one to understand.

Have I now got it right?


I phase consists of a three day “microphase”. One day you work out and wear an ADS or cock ring. Day two you wear your ADS or c-ring with no workout. Day three, you take totally off. Then on day four, you start over. Repeat this cycle for twelve to fifteen days.

Check post 115. Finding xeno: a penis tale (p. 8)

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I phase consists of a three day “microphase”. One day you work out and wear an ADS or cock ring. Day two you wear your ADS or c-ring with no workout. Day three, you take totally off. Then on day four, you start over. Repeat this cycle for twelve to fifteen days.
Check post 115. Finding xeno: a penis tale (p. 8)


Thanks That is helpful. I had read post 115. previously which got me interested in IPR but I got lost in the detail especially the microphase (Micro-scale /Macro-scale) concepts.

Must admit to still being a bit confused. Lets assume we are focussing on length rather than girth for simplicity’s sake. So in day one of the first microphase you do some hanging, stretching or extending sufficient to get some inflammation but when finished immediately go into the P part by wearing an ADS etc, On the second day you just continue the ADS stuff (P part) and on day 3 you rest. You repeat this 3 day micro cycle another 3 or 4 times making up your 15 day macro cycle and then take a longer break Have I got it?


Yeah, kind of. You are right where I was with my understanding of it a month ago. You understand the overview of the R phase, but your examples of exercises or what you would do to initiate the inflammation are off. Like the extender part, an extender is a form of ADS. So it will not cause the inflammation we are after. Hanging as well. It’s too long in duration, and too low in intensity. The idea is to warm up, then do some inflaming or small scale damage to the tunica. The idea behind it is not to stretch the ligaments or tunica beyond their current size, but to create small scale damage to the tissue, thereby encouraging cellular mitosis. The stretching, extending, hanging stuff stretches the tissue, but will not create these micro tears on their own.

Maybe an example routine for length is in order? Being new at IPR myself I am still trying to understand what type of stimulus is necessary to reach plastic deformation. I was considering;

Warm up, 5 minutes manual stretch, 5 minutes jelq, 10 minutes hang, 5 minutes jelq, ice and manual stretch cool down, into an ads until bed time.

I have read that only jelqing or only hanging is not enough. Do you think the two together would reach plastic deformation? Maybe some more intense manual stretches, like v stretch and other bending stretches, instead of hanging?

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can


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