Flaccid gain, which I wanted in the first place when I started doing all this *&$%# work (!), took me a long time. It was 10 mos before I sarted seeing serious change. It may be totally coincidental, but I started wearing a cock/ball strap after workouts - for about 4 hrs after each one. Within weeks of doing that, I started hanging heavier and have seen gains all along since.
The only explanation I can give you for this happening _IF_ it relates to wearing the strap is that possibly whatever healing takes place during that time post PE occurs while I am holding some “pumped up” volume. You heal while larger rather than smaller?
A couple other guys have talked about this and seem to feel it helps. If you or others figure out the key to permanent flaccid gain, please let me know! I have great erect gains; I was hoping that flaccid gains ocurred proportionally, but that doesn’t seem to be the script for everybody.