Improving flaccid length
Ok guys, I have done PE, mainly hanging since June something like that. Anyways, I have moved to hanging quite quickly, and have also exhausted my BTC stretch, (all I feel now is the stretching in my skin). I have posted a threat regarding this to which Monty and a few others posted.
I have gained a great deal from hanging and I am now adjusting to reduce my weight but increase my reps and duration but my main concern is my flaccid length.
I am roughly 8x6 now, but my flaccid length is the same, in fact, my NBEL is still the same! (Yes, I am measuring correctly and consistently)
As I am 6” EG, I don’t want girth gains, simply length gains, how do I increase/enhance my flaccid length and my NBPEL?
Ive heard pumping my help, but I dont want to use more equipment.
So any help would be appreciated.