Thunder's Place

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Ligs are being pulled , so why are fowfers only mainly known for flaccid length gain?

Ligs are being pulled , so why are fowfers only mainly known for flaccid length gain?

I can feel the ligs being pulled strongly during fowfer and I would think that indicates fowfers are good for length—-flaccid and erect. Yet its main reputation seems to be flaccid length gain. What am I not realising when thinking about this?

Good question, beenthere. The only thing I can think of is that the ligs are not being pulled enough. You probably need a constant amount of force applied at a certain pressure to affectively stress the ligs.

One other thing; whatever you do, avoid asking or trying this.

They very well may be good for erect gains. I don’t know if anyone has done a fowfer only program to find out.

When doing fowfers I trap it where butt and leg join. After a while I move to the other leg side.


I doubt that fowfers alone could put enough force on the plastic fibers to cause deformation, but the elastic fibers will be nicely stretched, giving you a better flaccid hang. Used after stretching or hanging I am sure fowfers would contribute to erect gains.


makes since

Worked and works for me.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by stevie31
Good question, beenthere. The only thing I can think of is that the ligs are not being pulled enough. You probably need a constant amount of force applied at a certain pressure to affectively stress the ligs.

One other thing; whatever you do, avoid asking or trying this.

I remember that thread. Quite funny it was. I also second what stevie31 says about the ligs. There needs to be much more strain put on them than a butt can provide.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week.

Originally Posted by Smallja
Mary was a dirty slut and that's why she got pregnant. She loved God's giant, holy penis.


Wrap your dick in some self adhesive ace bandage so it is a fairly rigid unit from base to under the glans, then do a fowfer. It greatly enhances the lig stretch. Here’s more: CaptnHook - Success with ADS

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