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What kind of fluid is coming out of my urethra?

What kind of fluid is coming out of my urethra?

Hi, guys!
I’m not sure if I should post this thread into the “injuries section” or what happens with me is just normal for some PE exercises and it is OK to post it in the Main Forum. Here is what happened to my dick.
Last week I made intensive manual stretches using a rood as a fulcrum aid. I could say this was the best stretch my dick has ever experienced. I was in the state of constant fatigue in my tunicae. So far so good, but there is also an annoying side effect to my stretches. Because I had to grab my penis firmly behind the glans (but my palm grabbed partially the glans), I observed that every time I had to change my hands there was a drop or two of water-like fluid in my palm. I’m sure it wasn’t urine and I discovered that even when I don’t stretch, but I just squeeze my glans it comes a drop of this clear fluid out of my urethra.

I was a little bit afraid of it and took a 3 days break from every kind of PE. Today I started stretching again very lightly, and not grabbing my penis as firm as I did last week, but nevertheless the water-like fluid came again out of my urethra.
I have few questions for you guys that have experienced something like this:
1. What kind of fluid is this? Blisters fluid, or…?
2. Is it dangerous?
3. How can I get rid of it?
I would appreciate if you share your personal experience with this kind of problems!
Thanks in advance!

I’m only surmizing, but I would think that it would have to be one of two things:

Urine that is still in the uretha - no big deal.

Precum - again no big deal.

The fact that you say it is clear in color makes me believe that it’s one or the other.
Are you erect, or recently been erect when you’re doing your PE? Then it’s probably a drop or so of precum.
Took a pee recently before Peing? Then it’s probably urine that was traped in the uretha.

Of course if it burns, stings, itches, smells funny, or if you had questionable or anonymous sex lately - go see a doctor.

If it’s clear, then you shouldn’t worry to much. I would reckon it’s probably precum because I used to get it a lot during my initial PE activities. I don’t that much anymore. Pain (not soreness)/discoloration/smell, those are all signs of something nasty. The body tends to know when things “aren’t right.” You seem a little worried, precum is sticky, but quite clear, puss isn’t nearly as clear, and any major damage would probably result in blood, not mere puss. If it sticks to your finger (and is clear), it’s probably precum, if it doesn’t, it could be urine. You might have a weak prostrate which could result in a bit of dripping, keageling should remedy that I would think.

fresh out of the loony bin and back to PE! :D

Originally Posted by RootCap

Are you erect, or recently been erect when you’re doing your PE? Then it’s probably a drop or so of precum.
Took a pee recently before Peing? Then it’s probably urine that was traped in the uretha.

Of course if it burns, stings, itches, smells funny, or if you had questionable or anonymous sex lately - go see a doctor.

I’m not erect when stretching. It doesn’t burn, smell or sting, but I felt today a little bit of itching in the glans, but it could be due to the use of self adhesive AID band, that I used yesterday. I wrapped it around my penis in order to keep my slightly tron frenulum in position that it would heal faster.

In anatomy terms, it is known as Cowper’s fluid, or pre-ejaculate, or precum. Here is an article on it:’s_fluid

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