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What Length Is Needed To Hit The Cul De Sac

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What length is needed to hit the cul de sac of most women especially 5,3 petite women














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What Length Is Needed To Hit The Cul De Sac

Hello Guys,

It’s me BD my question is guys what have bern your sexual experiences with women regarding hitting their cul de sacs and did they find it enjoyable?

Did you find any correlations between women’s height, weight and their vaginal size regarding reaching the cul de sac and penetrating it and did they find it very enjoyable?

I was wondering if a 6.7-7.2 easily bone-pressable was enough to reach the cervix and hitting the cul de sacs especially on a 5.3 petite skinny girls?

What have been your experiences guys regarding petite girls and what length was their cervix and was the cul de sacs easily reachable with a 5.8 NBP/6.7-7.6 BPEL?

Sorry for asking too many questions guys.
Thanks in advance

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

How long is a piece of string…

Every woman is different… the average vagina is designed for the average penis…


Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

I agree with skygod and if I remember right the cervix changes position during a woman’s cycle.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
I agree with skygod and if I remember right the cervix changes position during a woman’s cycle.

Not only cycle. It changes after an orgasm.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

There’s no correlation between women’s height, weight and their vaginal size

He was delighted as it stiffened

And ripped right through his sock

It’s been a good year

For me, when I’m at a fully swollen 7.75 inches, it’s only the rare, extra-deep plunge that does it. And my lady is 5’3’, too.

Honestly, except for academic interest, this cervix tap business is meaningless. Neither of you experience any direct physical pleasure. If anything, it startles her. It’s more like a fist-bump than anything.

Vagina depth and physical features have no correlation.
Also the depth changes a lot based on her cycle and how arroused she is and in what position your doing it.
You may hit the cervix during morning sex. Then have evening sex and feel like you can’t come close to it. It’s all based on her being arroused and relaxed.
Also where your stroking. If u go to the side while inside u may slip past the cervix but if u straighten out hit it.
Too many variables to say. But I would say 6.5NBP 7BP is where you will start to experience it.

Personally I like hitting cervix like I enjoy hitting back of the throat. I like the feeling of hitting a wall. She just doesn’t enjoy it. Unless it’s a soft and smooth rubbing. Now a pounding.

My wife gets very aroused. She is the wettest and most open (dimensionally) woman I have ever been with. I still remember the first time I went down her pants and thinking wtf! I was hooked from then on.

Shit, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the end of the rainbow!

I think at 7.25” I am sliding to and in some positions past the cervix, which I can feel rubbing the head of my cock. I am now starting to feel back pressure from what I believe to be the posterior fornix, when in our favorite position, doggie. She enjoys hard and deep penetration, she also to this day, everyday, gets very aroused.

Bottom line is all women are different and level of arousal can make the difference between pain, pleasure and the shape within the vagina.

I would think once you begin to cross 7” bpel the potential for causing cervix pain and /or reaching the fornices becomes a greater possibility. I think if you want to really hit the wall in the majority of women (assuming arousal) probably =>7.5” is required.

The trade off is that some women might not like depth and just simply prefer an average cock length that stays clear of the cervix and the fornices. They might appreciate the fornices, but simply are too sensitive in the cervix to relax and allow themselves to adapt and acclimate. I suspect with the right lover, a slow and conscientious lover, she could learn to enjoy.

I have grown into my wife and she slowly adapts to my growth during our daily sex, it’s the perfect storm for PE growth.

I rounded up, voted 8”.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Last edited by LittleEngine : 12-05-2018 at .

Thanks guys for the answers and I would appreciate if others would give their experiences and thier knowledge regarding the subject of the thread.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
My wife gets very aroused. She is the wettest and most open (dimensionally) woman I have ever been with. I still remember the first time I went down her pants and thinking wtf! I was hooked from then on.

Shit, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the end of the rainbow!

I think at 7.25” I am sliding to and in some positions past the cervix, which I can feel rubbing the head of my cock. I am now starting to feel back pressure from what I believe to be the posterior fornix, when in our favorite position, doggie. She enjoys hard and deep penetration, she also to this day, everyday, gets very aroused.

Bottom line is all women are different and level of arousal can make the difference between pain, pleasure and the shape within the vagina.

I would think once you begin to cross 7” bpel the potential for causing cervix pain and /or reaching the fornices becomes a greater possibility. I think if you want to really hit the wall in the majority of women (assuming arousal) probably =>7.5” is required.

The trade off is that some women might not like depth and just simply prefer an average cock length that stays clear of the cervix and the fornices. They might appreciate the fornices, but simply are too sensitive in the cervix to relax and allow themselves to adapt and acclimate. I suspect with the right lover, a slow and conscientious lover, she could learn to enjoy.

I have grown into my wife and she slowly adapts to my growth during our daily sex, it’s the perfect storm for PE growth.

I rounded up, voted 8”.


BPEL 20.7 cm EG 15.8 cm

Meta: BPEL 21.2 cm EG 16.2 cm

Medidas ideales (tal vez): BPEL 21.5 cm EG 16.5 cm

So this means that being 6.7-7.2 with easily bone press able length is enough to hit the cervix while max BP is 7.6 is more than enough I think from what you my thunder’s brother’s have said.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5


It differs per girl. Don’t expect to hit a cervix then be disappointed if you don’t. If that happens you are going to greatly ruin your confidence and not have good sex. I use to date a girl (20y) when I was 7.25NPB (prior to injury) Thought I would crush her cervix. She was 4-11 and 95lbs and a virgin. Only to not even come close trying to. Ruined that time of sex for me. Mentioned to her I thought it would be too deep. She mentioned to me that her gyno said she has a really deep canal.
That’s like a girl saying any guy over 6-2 has an 8 inch dick. Then being disappointed if he doesn’t.

9/18 5.5nbpel x 4.3meg 50EQ

12/18 6.5nbpel x 5meg 80EQ

Due to nerve damage in my back and pelvic region i am inconsistent.

Mate there is no connection between the skeletal structure of the body and what the soft tissues are like for any human.

Just as penis’ vary in size so do vaginas. There is also a different between hitting the cervix and hitting the cul-de-sac, they are different things.

I’ve reached the cul-de-sac before at 6.25 inches and it was extremely pleasurable for the woman, one time I went there and later changed, she started moving herself to make sure my dick kept going back there.

It’s got more to do with the girls anatomy and your penetration angle. Sometimes it’s not an overly easy place to get to.

Originally Posted by Scubes

It differs per girl. Don’t expect to hit a cervix then be disappointed if you don’t. If that happens you are going to greatly ruin your confidence and not have good sex. I use to date a girl (20y) when I was 7.25NPB (prior to injury) Thought I would crush her cervix. She was 4-11 and 95lbs and a virgin. Only to not even come close trying to. Ruined that time of sex for me. Mentioned to her I thought it would be too deep. She mentioned to me that her gyno said she has a really deep canal.
That’s like a girl saying any guy over 6-2 has an 8 inch dick. Then being disappointed if he doesn’t.

Ok Bro thanks for the great advices and happy PE’ING.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

Originally Posted by plow
Mate there is no connection between the skeletal structure of the body and what the soft tissues are like for any human.

Just as penis’ vary in size so do vaginas. There is also a different between hitting the cervix and hitting the cul-de-sac, they are different things.

I’ve reached the cul-de-sac before at 6.25 inches and it was extremely pleasurable for the woman, one time I went there and later changed, she started moving herself to make sure my dick kept going back there.

It’s got more to do with the girls anatomy and your penetration angle. Sometimes it’s not an overly easy place to get to.

Ok Bro I know they are different things but I thought that the cul de sac is located at the end of the cervix.

So with a 6.25 Inches you reached the cul de sac that’s a good info.

Thanks for your input.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

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