Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Your New Penis Will NOT Get You


What Your New Penis Will NOT Get You

At Twatteaser’s request (and that is one man whose demands you ignore at your peril…), I am starting a thread devoted to the topic of What Your New Penis Will NOT Get you.

I am especially interested in getting input here from the “big guys”. Sharing what you have learned since acquiring your large penis (or being born with it) should help to create more realistic expectations for those who aren’t yet there. But please, anyone who has anything to say on the topic, go right ahead!

Okay. I’ll start a list for y’all to add to:

1. You will NOT have every woman spontaneously commenting on the size of your dick — or even showing any visible reaction at all, even if it's by far the biggest she's seen. Perhaps if you get to 10x7, or something absolutely absurd like that, then virtually everyone will freak out about it. But I can tell you for a fact, from personal experience, that even at a size that no one disputes is large and uncommon — 8+ x 6+ NBP — there are women who will not ever say anything, good or bad, about your penis.

2. You will NOT be immune to cheating by your girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, cousins, goats, etc. As some of the very largest members on this forum have attested, a big dick, and even great sexual skill, is no guarantee that your partner will stay faithful. There is more to relationship dynamics — much, much more — than sexual satisfaction.

3. Okay, I’m running out of steam fast. Take it from here TT…

:chicken: Para-Goomba :chicken:

EDIT: Memento’s recent thread is vital reading on this topic.

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I also would like to add that having a bigger wang doesn’t make up for lack of socialization skills. If you are an angry fuck with no people skills, all having a big wang will do is make you have one hand occupied as you spank off and eat hot pockets at the same time. You need to balance the whole equation to have an outcome that you want in the end. Neglecting parts will only be foolish for you.

From my perspective, it seems that better socialization in all forms leads to greater happiness. Take for example a young guy who works many hours in a good career. If he is devoid of friendships and of course sexual relationships, he is a miserable bastard. Sometimes, he would trade anything to have a fulfilling life in those missing areas. An example of this would be just about anybody in a business that they own themselves at one time or another.

I also believe that some people put too much weight on the pure mechanics of sex. If you are a dick with a big wang, you’ll still be a cock to everyone. One must reach out and understand others as well as oneself for the greatest happiness. The idea of foreplay or seduction is devoid in these people’s schemas. Like a musician who can only play the same three chords over and over again.

In conclusion, my point is look elsewhere for your self-improvement. Simply, don’t place all your eggs in one basket. Spread them around to get a better you all over. Having a big dick and being a crippled person in other areas is like a car at the body shop. Wow! You have the Triple Chroma color special of blue, purple, and violet from certain angles, but you were too lazy to sand the previous bumps down and now you have an expensive piece of shit that is a nice color with rust, dust, dents, and dings showing under that expensive paint.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

By the way, I’m not trying to imply that there’s no benefit to getting well hung. (Why do you think I’m here?)

I just think that there are enough threads brimming with fantasies (implicit or explicit, realistic or unrealistic) about how much better things will be once we’ve achieved our goals. I’m trying to balance those with another perspective here, that’s all.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

The Cliff notes version of what I wrote and perhaps my esteemed colleague Para wrote is that: Getting a bigger wang will not be the single solution to every problem you will face in your lifetime. It is more enlightened to do your best to try and round yourself off in as many facets as you can. Sometimes even one at a time.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Like I always said you still have to close the deal and the guy with the better personality and the guy who can talk the talk or the one that will make her giggle like a school girl will be the first to score. It also doesn’t hurt to be successful and in shape and good looking and have a sense of power about yourself and to be self confident. The one thing that having a big dick will do for you is make you special when you are able to get the girl but until the chick knows about big Willy you have to get her the old fashion way and believe me it ain’t easy to work into a conversation that you have a big dick without sounding like an asshole believe me I have tried. But once the chick knows you have big Willy in your pants and you know how to use him you will be surprised what she will put up with to be big Willys friend :) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino
believe me it ain’t easy to work into a conversation that you have a big dick without sounding like an asshole believe me I have tried.

Haha, I can back that up too, sadly…

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Originally Posted by Para Goomba
Sharing what you have learned

I have learned that basically, no matter how big you are, or how big you get - she will accomodate. Don’t fool yourself into believing that “there’s no way she can handle this” or “I’ll stretch her out to her limits” because it simply won’t happen. Well, maybe for the first few fucks, but she will accomodate in short time.

I don’t know if that’s such a negative in most cases, but it seems best to fit in here.

Originally Posted by Dino9x7
believe me it ain’t easy to work into a conversation that you have a big dick without sounding like an asshole believe me I have tried.

Another negative - at one point at the end of high school, word got out from a loud mouth friend the size of my wang (Funnily enough, a value less than it is now…) From that point on, at social events, I was either introduced as “Sec - they guy with the 22.5cm/big dick” or worse: “show them that trick where you pull it out through your pocket, sec!” OR they would say “Hi, *YourFriend* has told me about you, Sec…… so how big is it etc?” and the rest of the conversation would be centered on that or go way downhill from there….

I mean, come on, how can you possibly get to know somebody who has been immeadiately introduced to some fact that you would probably only tell your closest of friends??

Sometimes it’s not fun to be “the guy with the big dick”, but nothing else. Like twat says it’s best to be well rounded. What’s the point of a big dick with no girlfriend, or even worse, no friends directly because of it? Becuase they judge you on these face values and pre-concieved notions.

Bummer. Do any of you remember the romantic comedy Splash with Tom Hanks and the unforgettable Daryl Hannah? She plays a mermaid that comes ashore. In that movie, John Candy is asked ( in Swedish or Norwegian? ) why he is trying to access the lab where Daryl Hannah is being kept. He responds using the only phase he knows in that language “.. because I have a 10 inch penis.” The guy lets him in the lab without further ado. I have grown up with the belief that a 10 incher would get me into private clubs, get me free meals and drinks, wholesale prices on retail items and instant and lasting happiness. Now that I have reluctantly discovered that nirvana doesn’t lie at the end of the ruler I may have to reevaluate my enlargement strategy. :)

Originally Posted by secjay

Another negative - at one point at the end of high school, word got out from a loud mouth friend the size of my wang (Funnily enough, a value less than it is now…) From that point on, at social events, I was either introduced as “Sec - they guy with the 22.5cm/big dick” or worse: “show them that trick where you pull it out through your pocket, sec!” OR they would say “Hi, *YourFriend* has told me about you, Sec…… so how big is it etc?” and the rest of the conversation would be centered on that or go way downhill from there….

Sometimes it’s not fun to be “the guy with the big dick”, but nothing else.

You poor, poor thing secjay. I can just imagine how the females in your high school social circle would avoid you like the plague. I’m sure the introduction never resulted in a few cute ladies ogling your meat…and taking you somewhere private for a more thorough investigation. :leftie:

Originally Posted by doubles
You poor, poor thing secjay. I can just imagine how the females in your high school social circle would avoid you like the plague. I’m sure the introduction never resulted in a few cute ladies ogling your meat…and taking you somewhere private for a more thorough investigation. :leftie:

Well actually no it didn’t, D. Somewhat unfortunately but then again somewhat fortunately because my school was filled with airheaded skankbags anyways…

In fact, I don’t think the word was spread at my highschool at all. Just the broader population of my generation :D

Well for Ol Stretchin’ here, it will not get you regular missionary position sex with the wife any more.
I’ve gained probably another 1/4th inch EL and some obvious girth(haven’t measured yet). Sex is now doggie or laying on her side now. I’ll update my stats below after couple of more months of my new PE “program” if you will. I’ve discovered the joy of pumping and have slowly increased the girth of my unit and have begun to hang again along with the pumping which has given me some length. I hang three fifteen minute sets and then pump for ten minutes or less for one set when done hanging.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

I was hoping that a big wang would get me into Playgirl. Or, at least a job with the Chippendale’s dancers. Please don’t shatter my dream.


Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


You might at least be able to work a gay strip club. :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:


Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

You’re right, Goomba-Stud!! She has never made a comment about my dick. However, she does eye it in wide-eyed wonder!! :chuckle:


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


And it does cramp missionary style. But I prefer doggie anyway. :chuckle:


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


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