When Did You Start to 'Believe'?
Picking up on some of the themes from the ‘how much $ in PE’ post (but hopefully with none of its inflammatory nature), I started wondering how much faith people need in order to start a routine.
When you started PEing would you consider yourself optimistic or skeptical? Was this attitude based or influenced on your goals (e.g. wanting to be 10”) and motivations (if you do PEing to improve self-confidence, is it possible to to start with zealous hope?
How much faith do you currently have in PE - do you believe every man could have a 12” penis if they worked at it, or that most people can only grow a small amount?
And, tying in with ‘PE in a year from now thread’ how much faith do you think the average person would need before he embarked on a routine? Is finding an impressive Internet site like this enough to spark a drive to PE in an ‘ordinary’ person or would it take more personal assurances and scientific proof?
I’d be interested in hearing anyone’s take on the subject matter.