Any more people wanna comment on this idea of penis growth occuring during exercise, rather than during rest time?
If we can understand or figure out which one it is, then we could greatly maximize our results and our time spent working out.
I completely understand that giving a tired, sore and depleted penis a break from time to time is definitely a neccessity, but if we could figure out when penis growth occurs, we can make the most out of the whole PE experience.
To me, it seems to make the most sense that penis growth happens DURING the workout… so if that’s the case, then we must always go for the maximum size we can get each time we work out. We must always try to “out-do” the last time, or “parlay” the gains from our last session into the next session, and keep building on that.
I believe that rest is a neccessity, but I also think that the longer you rest, the more of a chance you are giving your penis to revert back to it’s original size and shape. This train of thought can also lead to extreme paranoia that the second you stop exercising, your cock will shrink. That is not a very good way to think.
As far as ADS’s and stuff… I don’t think they are very practical if you expect to leave the house at all. I mean, really, how good of a stretch are you gonna get under clothing? Or working a physical job? Unless you are in your house all day and can be naked at all times, ADS-type shit ain’t really worth it. Let’s not even talk about comfort, either.
The concept makes total sense though. Just like an earlobe… I think you gotta stretch your dick a lot to keep it long, and keep it growing longer. I don’t believe that the penis is like your muscles… it won’t “remember” that it was, say, 8” long last night and that it must grow to that length in order to adapt. I have a hard time believing that. I can’t “trust” my dick to grow during my rest-time.
Maybe, just maybe, girth gains are another story and behave somewhat like your muscles, but I don’t know about that. I don’t think my dick will “remember” that it was thicker yesterday… I have to keep “reminding” it… keep engorging it… stretching it out like a rubber ballon… “train” it to be that big.
Please don’t let me carry this thread by myself.
What do you guys think of my ideas? I can’t be the only one who has thought this. This is not just a “Is Rest Time Good Or Bad”-thing… I’m trying to sort of unlock a secret here.
I know that a lot of guys have made good gains with very little or infrequent work….but how permanent are those gains, anyway? If this theory is true… that penis growth occurs during your workout… then that would mean a lot of dudes are undertrained and need more frequent sessions, not harder ones. Like, the longer you can keep your dick that one inch bigger than it is normally, the more of a chance you’ll have of making that one inch stick…. then it’s on to the next inch and so on. Like a rubberband, you stretch it out (or expand it) so far that it could never “snap back” to it’s old size. Hey, it might require stretching and expanding your cock a lot more often throughout the day, but if it works??? Who wouldn’t wanna try it? I know I’m trying already and it’s a lot of work.
So c’mon everybody… think out loud.