Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Which is better


I do 1 on, 1 off and it works great for me. I do 300 jelqs and thanks to a kind forum member who actually sent me clamps from halfway across the world without charge or even me asking ( he kindly offered out of the blue),
3 x 4 minute clamping sessions, and man, this might not be the thread for it but clamping rules. It feels good, it LOOKS good, and it seems to work very well.

Take care.

I’m not answering directly to your question Tivase but I PE

5 days then 2 off(Friday and Saturday) but then again for someone it is better with 2 days on and 1 day off (depending on sleep, food and age)

Finally: my first gains

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

Originally Posted by Okish6er
I currently do a 6 day on 1 day off routine. Currently 4 months into PE.

How much did you gained ?


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