Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why are there so many big slangers on here


Originally Posted by optimalss

Whats considered “horse hung”?

A horse. ;)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Well none of us would fit that qualification, even if we had a 10” piece.

I also noticed many of the posts on the forum were by guys larger than me. If they worked consistently at improving their size through the info. provided here, I’m happy for them. I too aspire to have a bigger unit and I’m working to that end. I’m probably one of the senior citizens of P.E. on this site. Besides being a newbie, I’m also 56 years young. My current girlfriend has been with at least one partner that was bigger than me. The truth came out once in a conversation. I would love to be her biggest, perhaps someday I’ll get there. I have had some problems with soft erections due to my age and some previous overdoing it with the pumping. I went back to moderate pumping, thanks to the encouragement of senior members on this forum. I’m also doing stretches and some dry jelqing. Not much is happening right now, but I’m going to stick with it. Optimalss has given me a routine and some guidelines. I’m currently following them. I hope to report progress. Irishman 79 has encountered some of the same erection issues as myself, I’ve enjoyed his input. Recently I’ve had several good episodes with the wench without the Viagra. This is enormous progress as there was a time I thought I couldn’t have successful sex without it. My erections are still a little soft, but I’m hoping that moderate pumping with the fresh influx of oxygen will improve that condition. So far haven’t had any morning wood like I used to have in my 40’s but when it happens, I’ll be a happy camper. I’ve heard statistically that the length of the vaginal canal is just about 5 inches. Needless to say I’m very upset that my wench can bury an 8 inch dildo, but the more I read the more I’m convinced that girth will stimulate her more. If it’s true that the vaginal canal is 5 to 6 inches then your unit, if it’s around 5” or so should do it. I think if you have decent technique and can last about 10 minutes or so you can have a decent sex life. Most women like some foreplay… particularly a little oral sex. It seems to bring my girlfriend closer to that point where she can get off. Some women like the breasts and nipples massaged. I guess you just have to have good communication with your mate. Ask her what turns her on, etc, etc. I was about 6 inches fully erect in my 40’s. I’m now just a half inch larger and I’ve done a lot of work. My goal is to be 7.5 E.L. by at least 5.75 or 6”” E.G. I would be happy with those stats.


So your saying your woman could bury a 8” dildo all the way to the base? How much more length do you think it will take to max out that canal?

The common opinion on here is most women should be maxed out in the 8-9” range, this would include any vaginal tract length and tenting
From overfilling it.

That’s correct. She used to play with a nine incher but left out about and inch or so to work it in and out, etc. I believe anything longer than 8 would result in uncomfortability. Although I have no firsthand eyewitness of her comfort / pain level with the nine incher, this is what she told me. I did however, witness her burying a six inch G spot tool all the way in a couple of seconds without even batting an eyelash. The nine incher was one of those real deluxe models…it got warm in the vagina and did some rotation moves. Needless to say, most men can’t compete with the mechanical aspects of these things, so it was a little intimidating to hear her describe this thing. She no longer uses it as she knows I’m not crazy about her stuffing huge tools up there. Actually she’s been very good about the whole thing stating that she is happy with our sex life and doesn’t find it necessary for those things right now. I have no reason at the moment to doubt her, if for some reason that changes, I’ll deal with it then. I reminded her that a vibrator is limited in that it can never tell the woman it loves her. It can’t hug her, kiss her, or communicate words of love. If all women want is the physical, then of course we’re all doomed. They now have robots armed with huge dildo’s that can go on for hours and never get tired. My experience however is that most women are emotionally geared and like communication. There is a down side to that as well. I’ve had to tell her on a couple of occasions that we can talk later, right now we need to strike while the iron is hot. So far, so good.

Originally Posted by refresh9
Most guys on here have penis of 7 inches or more, and maybe started out at 6.5inches…

You’re not reading around enough, refresh. Smaller guys than 6.5, like you and me, came here for tips on how to make it bigger. Most of us started out PE smaller than you state.



You wont find any guys who are 3 because thats as rare as 9, pretty non existent. 4 inches is also pretty rare, whats more likely is alot of guys who are 5 to 7 inches and want more but arent actually that far off the average.
Its called natural distribution and its a much more reliable guide then self measurement. There have been alot of polls, see if any of them match that

Horse hung, you’d have to ask a woman what her idea of that would be because obviously no guy is actually that size or he’d have problems! I had some girl mention this once and her idea was like 10 inches, if you include the fact she is basing that purely on looks so it probably includes the balls and not the actual usable length it’d relate to a measurement anywhere from 7 something to an actual 10 I reckon

The guys on here who probably have the best idea of what is the real average are the gay guys, experts in the field!


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