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Why bother with BP length measurements?

Why bother with BP length measurements?

I just bought a ruler today and measured myself with it (before I was measureing with a flexible tape measure). I had 6” NPB but I had 7” BP ( I was very disappointed with my NBP lenth by the way). I thought that sucked. 6” NBP is not that good at all. However, 7” BP is decent. But, what’s the point in measureing BP length? Aside from making up for the difference that results from the fat pad, what’s the point? The difference between BP and NBP is not a difference that a woman would see or feel anyway. Do any of you guys have some insight that perhaps I’m not considering? Cheers.

A BP measurement has the lowest margin of error. Also, why does everyone think the difference in measurement between BP and NBP is unusable? If you’re pushing it into a woman with any normal amount of force your fat pad will compress just as much as when you’re doing a BP measurement.

My Gains thus far You can expect a forecast of vengeance in the near future. "Combat salacious removal"

Yeah, what he said ^^^ BP is most definitly usable.

I thought we had a couple more weeks before this was supposed to be brought up again. :D


The only time BP is not usable is when your gains are affected by masturbation at the time of your “My first post” thread while an infrared lamp is on you.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
The only time BP is not usable is when your gains are affected by masturbation at the time of your “My first post” thread while an infrared lamp is on you.

That would certainly give westla a coronary.

My Gains thus far You can expect a forecast of vengeance in the near future. "Combat salacious removal"

Why? Because it is the most accurate way of telling your gains.

Yes, seyz. It removes the “fat pad” factor, which can vary.


But I like XLM’s explaination better. :D


Originally Posted by RoomToGrow
But I like XLM’s explaination better. :D

Sith Master XLMagnum - “That’s it…come to the dark side!”

My question then would be, how hard are you supposed to press you getting a BP measurement? I press until I hit my pelvis and can’t press any further. It’s slightly painful. What about you guys?

Also, this is the first thought to pop into my head. When one does a BP measurement, that man is producing a high psi force on a very small area of the fat pad. In other words, when you push on the ruler with the force of your arm you are concentrating all that force into the end of the ruler. In order to get your entire fat pad to compress to an equal amount would require that same force to be applied all around the pad. Just taking a guess, I’m not sure that even the hip muscles generate enough force for that. What do you guys think?

If you’re pushing hard enough into a woman, you should be able to feel your pubic bone hit hers. Unless you’re talking about a 2-3” fat pad, it should compress very readily. Fat isn’t fixed to one specific area, as long as there is room for it to “squish over” to, you should be fine. Just like if you were to grab the stomach on someone who is morbidly obese, you could somewhat “squish” it off to a side.

My Gains thus far You can expect a forecast of vengeance in the near future. "Combat salacious removal"

Originally Posted by andgrowing
… Just taking a guess, I’m not sure that even the hip muscles generate enough force for that. What do you guys think?

I think you’re not doing it right….lol. Just kidding, man I have to stop doing that. I usually measure by pushing in until I can’t push in anymore. It’s usually not painful (for me anyway). The biggest reason is to get an accurate measurement, eliminating a non-constant variable. And in all seriousness you can generate enough force to squash the fat pad during sex.

Originally Posted by XLmagnum
Sith Master XLMagnum - “That’s it…come to the dark side!”

Dark Lord RTG: Yesssss, my master. What is thy bidding.

There goes the universe (well, Thunder’s Place anyway.) :flame:


Originally Posted by andgrowing
I just bought a ruler today and measured myself with it (before I was measureing with a flexible tape measure). I had 6” NPB but I had 7” BP ( I was very disappointed with my NBP lenth by the way). I thought that sucked. 6” NBP is not that good at all. However, 7” BP is decent. But, what’s the point in measureing BP length? Aside from making up for the difference that results from the fat pad, what’s the point? The difference between BP and NBP is not a difference that a woman would see or feel anyway. Do any of you guys have some insight that perhaps I’m not considering? Cheers.

I used to think exactly the same as you but now I see the importance because I have gained some weight (bulking) and my NBP has decreased by 1/4” and if I never took my BP measurements I would have thought that my penis had shrunk.

BP is a great way to track gains as long as you measure the same way each time. I measure top centre of the penis pushing the ruler into the bone as hard as I can every time. It is no good pressing the ruler in fairly hard one time and then extremely hard the next as this could lead you to believe you have gained when you have not.

That last inch that is hidden by your fat pad might not be visible but it is certainly usable.

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