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Girth vs. length

Girth vs. length

hey guys, I want some serious responses to this because…well just read and you’ll know where I’m coming from…

I have been doing regular manual hand-jelqing for 8 full months now, and I have gone from around 6 3/4” length to right under 8” length (7 7/8”…really close). I have gained a little bit of girth, going from 5” to 5 1/4” girth. My eventual “goal” (don’t know if it’s realistic or not) is 9” length and 6”+ girth.

My question is this…I really need to start into girth exercizes, and I want to know, if I get into girth-gaining, will I not be able to reach my 9” goal in length? I do about an hour a day of jelqing for length, and I was planning on splitting the time in half for both length and girth gaining…basically, can I still gain length while gaining girth if I keep up the length exercizes in combination with girth exercizes?

Also, really, is 8” length big enough or will most women not find it fulfilling enough? I’m having such a hard time deciding whether or not to keep jelqing until I get to 9” length and THEN go into girth-gaining, or if I should be doing both at the same time. I’m just concerned because I don’t want to stop gaining length, or (frighteningly) possibly lose length.

Please help me out with this, anyone…thanks.

There are two schools of thought on this.

One is the rubber band theory where the thinker the rubber band the more difficult it is to stretch, so the more girth the more difficult length is to gain. This is the prevailing theory and has been talked of extensively here.

The other theory is that pushing girth can help gain length because you are effecting the tissue in more than one direction so it has less chance to gain strength on the forces inflicted on it.

My advice would be to follow the prevalent theory unless the length stops coming as it did for me. If it does stop then working in a girth routine is a sensible step.

Good gains so far. Gaining girth does pull back length a bit.

Hope that helps.

I think I have gained a small amount of length with the cable clamp exercises. Do a search for cable clamp. I think these will really work for your girth since jelqing doesn’t seem to be doing the trick in the girth department.

I like to focus on length or girth. One at a time.


What is your erection level during jelqinq?

Hey guys, thanks for the posts.

I think I’ll keep trying to gain length…even though I’ve slowed a lot (even with an hour of jelqing a day) in terms of length-gaining, I’ll keep it up and try to bust out 9”…if it looks like it won’t happen, I’ll just try and get it up to the nearest 1/4” increment (8 1/4”, 8 1/2”, etc).

Can someone tell me, please, is 8” EL as good (or better) as 9” EL? Or would it be better to shoot for 9”? I’m not a person that really cares about how big it is in terms of my own personal satisfaction, but rather how big it is to make women happy…I guess what I really want to know is, would 9” be TOO long for most women? The last thing I want is to be so long I can’t fit it all in…I want to bottom chicks out but not painfully.

Please help, and thanks again.

In response to bt:

My erection level varies from 50% to 90%…it goes up and down, but I try and maintain a steady 75% erection level. I never do jelqing if it gets past 90%…that’s too hard and I’ve heard that doing 100% erect jelqing can actually cause length and girth to diminish (eek).

Also, I do one full hour of jelqing per day (I try to do it everyday, maybe 2-4 days off per month).


8 inches should be just just about right for most women. However, they do seem to pay attention to girth more than length, so keep an eye on that. 9 inches wouldn’t exactly be too much length, but you would have about 3 inches hanging out. Too much girth can cause a woman some pain.not good:(

But answer your question straightforward, no, 9 inches should’nt be too long.


Nice response. but pay attention to the dates of the threads you are responding to. After a year, it’s just possible phreakk isn’t looking for an answer any more.


I assume that you are presently at 7 7/8” BPEL. If I were you, I’d go for 8” NBPEL, which will be more than enough for most women. After reaching this length, I’d concentrate on the girth, but still work on length if and when you want extra (which may be never).

Additionally, between now and getting to 8” NBPEL, I’d do some girth work, just to get you going in that direction. But I wouldn’t push the girth until you are at or near your length goal.

Congrats and best of luck.

Man I feel stupid. Anyway, thanks for letting me know about the dates.

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