Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why I started PE

I don’t mean to be negative, but I am annoyed at what you said esac, she sounds nasty, even if she is being open.

She took hold of your cock after sex and said that? Thats just evil, seems like she didn’t enjoy the sex and then realised she had to do something about it and told you some bull**** about changing her mind and not wanting sex before marriage. She has had 4 bigger guys than you before, and you accept that?

Good luck on your gains though. Maybe you can please her with a bigger dick if it matters to her that much. Take care man.

Time is valuable and so is a suitable penis, so use it wisely (your penis that is.)


I was just thinking about her wording on what she told you. Note that she didn’t say “so what are you going to do about this size issue”, she said “so what are we going to do about this size issue.” It looks as though she’s willing to help out, so don’t fret. What you have on your hands is a good girl with a conditioned preference. I guess that’s why some guys prefer a virgin when it comes to marriage.

The next thing you should try to find out is exactly how much size she expects you to gain so that you will know if it’s with in reasonable limits. What I think I know from a lot of different sources is that it takes about 8” bp minimum to completely satisfy an “experienced” woman. This means that you have to gain close to two inches in order for her to get what she’s after. For you this is a gain of 25% (a lot but very possible) which will undoubtedly take a lot of perseverance, dedication, and time to achieve.

This is something that you should make known to her right away. It’s not something that’s going to happen in three months time like some woman may expect. If you can get yourself on to a good growth cycle like Luvdadus did (one eighth inch per month), theoretically you could have an 8” bp h0gg in less than a year and a half!

good luck to you esac and everyone else here too,

“Dink” is the word my fishing buds use to describe a bass so small its hardly worth mentioning. I agree, lets move away from that word.

“We did terrible. Just caught a couple of dinks on the north shore. That’s all.”

See what I mean?

Inasfar as you marrying her, I don’t know what to say. What she said was a pretty blistering comment. Coming from someone who has been there before, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR GUT! Your gut will not lead you astray. Good luck, godspeed, and Happy New Year!


I tell you, I’m normally a nice guy, but if it were me,
while not having sex with her, I’d get that bad boy up to 8” x 6”
pop some viagra, screw her for four hours straight,
When I was done I would grab her ass and say,
“Hey what are we going to do about this cellulite.”?

After that I would just dump her.

Originally posted by EZ Rider
I tell you, I'm normally a nice guy, but if it were me,
while not having sex with her, I'd get that bad boy up to 8” x 6”
pop some viagra, screw her for four hours straight,
When I was done I would grab her ass and say,
“Hey what are we going to do about this cellulite.”?

After that I would just dump her.

I gotta say, I do agree with EZ Rider here. Esac, do you honestly think that some one who loves you could be so cruel?
Dont know man, just dont know. Either way, I hope it all turns out OK for ya mate.

Esac, have you ever thought that she’ll marry you because she likes you for what you are while she’ll get the size she wants from other guys?

If she would ask me what are we going to do about my size I would say that if she’s not 100% happy about it she’s free to go and fuck a 9 X 7 and I’ll get me another woman (not to mention I’d kick the shit out of her :) -kidding ). Christian my ass - she told you that because it’s obvious she’s not happy with your size (she didn’t have that problem before with those bigger guys, did she? )

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo

Esac she sounds like a thoughtless bitch to me.

However, if you are set on marrying her and going ahead with this PE then strike a deal with her. How about for every 1/16” you gain you get to fuck her up the chocolate starfish and if you reach a certain size then it becomes a regular dish on the menu :D

If you eventually get to 8x6 or whatever your long-term goal might turn out to be that’s sure gonna make her eyes water!!


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