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Why wrist wrap?

Why wrist wrap?

I still don’t understand the reason for wrapping with the thera-P wrist wrap, except for using it as a wrap/padding for clamping, etc. What is the reason for keeping it on for hours as some do, or wearing it at night?

If I get fully hard and then wrap it at the base, the expansion will last for a few minutes, but eventually the blood does get out and my size goes back to normal, so it is not as though it keeps the expansion in there for hours.

Maybe it is the magnets that make guys do it, to help in healing?

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

I don’t use a wrist wrap, I usually traction wrap to keep the thing long after workouts. But since I like quoting myself, here are some thoughts and wonderings about the mechanisms of - for lack of better terminology - expansion wrapping.

“A few years ago, a friend of mine got burned badly in a fire. He was kept sedated for a few weeks in the hospital before they let him wake up, it was that bad. He told me that in the hospital, they had been scrubbing of the scab tissue that was on the top of the surface every day, using a soft carpet-like brush at first and later a stiffer plastic brush. The point was that when you get a scab, the new tissue tries to heal up against it, and since the scab is in the way you get uneven structures of the tissue = visible scar tissue. So by taking away the scabs, the new tissue could grow unhindered and smoothly, covering the surface.

This was not enough, however, as you still get scar tissue; the tissue did not grow back smoothly enough to be invisible, and so he had to wear a tight body dress (in his case over the entire body, since the burns were splotched a littel all over the place, mostly on his back and back of legs). This was an expensive super duper textile that placed an even pressure all over the skin - the constant pressure nudged the tissue in the skin to get even smoother. Apparently, when tissue regrows all over the place, the cells are arranged stocastically (all jumbled) = visible scar tissue. By keeping pressure on the entire surface, the tissue slowly regrouped itself in a-stocastic patterns (all lined up) = not so ugly skin.

If the same is applicable to the healing of ligs and tunice - and it most likely is - then it would make sense to keep the member not only elongated during healing but also under slight pressure, to nudge the healing of the tissue to arrange itself lengthwise.

So for elongating purposes, a traction wrap should be a good idea. And thinking of it, a wrist wrap around the base that keeps the unit engorged should do the same thing - only the pressure is from the inside rather than the outside.”

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

When I used it, I never used it for long periods of time. After jelqing I would get an almost full erection and wrap it around the base as tight as I could and wear it for about 20 minutes. It would hold all the blood in if it was wrapped tight enough and basically elongate the amount of time my dick was in its expanded state.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

There may well be something (and I don’t know the physiognonomy of it) to “habitualizing” the penis to remaining more engorged than unengorged.

I was a relatively fast erect gainer but a very retarded flaccid gainer until I tried wrapping.



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