Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Women and size


Women and size

Yes guys women like big ones right? I think they like big wallets more but hey what do I know? According to some of you not much but I try. They ask women what their ideal size is and they always come up with a big number don’t they? They just don’t know measurements that well. Show them a picture of a 5 and they say it’s 7 and that’s what they like and then we get bent out of shape over it.

Well guy made a very simple but important post a while ago in looking at a member photo.

Originally Posted by Seneca 32

Very nice starting size. Looks longer than 6.5” BPEL.

Now if we guys who are better and measurements can say what he said, well girls are worse so maybe the next time you read a study that says girls like 8 realize they probably only mean 6.

Very interesting observation. It makes sense to me.

Doesn’t take much to be a size that feels good to a woman. And It’s not always about size for a woman. It’s about how you make them feel.

So interesting. In fact, women like big cocks, just like we men like big tits or asses, only we are more obvious than them. The dick is sexual symbol just like the tits or ass, one big dick make diference. what happen is they arent so superficial like us.

Inicio 19/11/16: 15,5 cm longitud y 13.5 grosor

Actual (Después 2 años y 3 meses): 17 cm longitud y 15.5 grosor

Meta: 18-19 cm longitud y 16 grosor

I’ve come to the same conclusion reading and watching many things here on Thunders Place especially. We’re all in PE in order to improve ourselves and achieve an ideal sized penis. However, Our fears and insecurities about what we think women are thinking, which is the first and most terrible mistake we could make lol, is not helpful in our journey.

Good Post

April of 2016 BPEL 5,5/8 MSEG 4,3/8

Now BPEL 6,3/8 MSEG 4,5/8

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Yes guys women like big ones right? I think they like big wallets more but hey what do I know? According to some of you not much but I try. They ask women what their ideal size is and they always come up with a big number don’t they? They just don’t know measurements that well. Show them a picture of a 5 and they say it’s 7 and that’s what they like and then we get bent out of shape over it.

Well guy made a very simple but important post a while ago in looking at a member photo.

Originally Posted by Seneca 32

Very nice starting size. Looks longer than 6.5” BPEL.

Now if we guys who are better and measurements can say what he said, well girls are worse so maybe the next time you read a study that says girls like 8 realize they probably only mean 6.

6.5” erect length, NOT BPEL might be a good starting size to look long to women. BPEL is good for measuring gains, but not the visual appearance of a penis, or honestly what you can even use to penetrate. You’ll get a little bit extra length in certain positions from pushing the fat pad back a little, but you’re sure as hell not getting the full 2” hidden under a fat pad.

You can have a 8” BPEL but if you have a 3” fat pad from being overweight you’re going to have a 5” Erect Length and look “small or average”

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
6.5” erect length, NOT BPEL might be a good starting size to look long to women. BPEL is good for measuring gains, but not the visual appearance of a penis, or honestly what you can even use to penetrate. You’ll get a little bit extra length in certain positions from pushing the fat pad back a little, but you’re sure as hell not getting the full 2” hidden under a fat pad.

You can have a 8” BPEL but if you have a 3” fat pad from being overweight you’re going to have a 5” Erect Length and look “small or average”

Average fat pad is typically 1” not 2” if you’re not overweight. That’s usually the baseline used.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

It wouldn’t change anything if women knew what X” looks like. They still have a practical experience and a certainly accurate idea of their average NBP partners.

So no matter what number they put on it, you’ll be compared to their average NBP experience. Not to the average man. Which will also depend on how fat, enterprising and deliberately chosen they were. Women don’t care about what is THE average. They’ll just compare you to their favorite dildo.

In modern Occident, expect the average penis experience of a woman in her 30s to be above average. She can call it 10” 7” or 4”, what matters is what they want based on what they know. It’s good for the ego to compare ourselves, with scientifically accurate measurements and all, finding that we aren’t that small, but that competition doesn’t reflect what happens in the sex field and we can’t blame women for that. We can’t impose quotas.

I don’t want to drag you down, it’s not the point : PE works. So focus on how you can satisfy your partner, not how you can dissuade your rivals. If you ever try to negotiate your relationships in the name of some scientific average, expect nothing but mockeries.

Originally Posted by qntrnar
It wouldn’t change anything if women knew what X” looks like. They still have a practical experience and a certainly accurate idea of their average NBP partners.

So no matter what number they put on it, you’ll be compared to their average NBP experience. Not to the average man. Which will also depend on how fat, enterprising and deliberately chosen they were. Women don’t care about what is THE average. They’ll just compare you to their favorite dildo.

In modern Occident, expect the average penis experience of a woman in her 30s to be above average. She can call it 10” 7” or 4”, what matters is what they want based on what they know. It’s good for the ego to compare ourselves, with scientifically accurate measurements and all, finding that we aren’t that small, but that competition doesn’t reflect what happens in the sex field and we can’t blame women for that. We can’t impose quotas.

I don’t want to drag you down, it’s not the point : PE works. So focus on how you can satisfy your partner, not how you can dissuade your rivals. If you ever try to negotiate your relationships in the name of some scientific average, expect nothing but mockeries.

See, that’s the trick. Women are proven to have poor spacial relations. This is a fact. They can say a partner was X size and wore a trojan regular condom. Then, when you come by with a snug magnum the story is “oh well my ex was still bigger” when it is statistically impossible if you’re wearing a snug trojan Magnum.

They compare to whatever they think is average. My current girlfriend, with 5 prior partners, has had small to average. And it shows in her behaviors. However, many women have favorite toys average or slightly below average size. It’s simply a matter of preference.

Although, my most important caveat…don’t discuss size unless you’re prepared to be debated. Whether they know jack about size or not, few do, they will act as though they have visual reference down pact and likely be irritating about the topic. It’s one I generally skip unless I know the girl well.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Why we give a shit what women think about our dicks proves we are a bunch of pussies. Why we put that heavy weight on their opinions just on this one issue of dick size. Sometimes instead of being so fragile we should just not give two shits what they think and if they don’t like it, they can fuck off, seriously they can go fuck themselves if they are that pretentious.

I realize that’s easier said than done, but at the same time what they think means jack shit. Their opinion means nothing except the power we give it. And i believe women generally don’t give much thought to our units anyway. They adapt to whatever is in front of them.
My new thing as of right now…If you don’t like my dick you can fuck off. Take back the power.

Originally Posted by 4YearsBigWeen

If you don’t like my dick you can fuck off.

Wow that feels good when you say it!

If you don’t like my dick you can fuck off! I hear you!

April of 2016 BPEL 5,5/8 MSEG 4,3/8

Now BPEL 6,3/8 MSEG 4,5/8

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
See, that’s the trick. Women are proven to have poor spacial relations. This is a fact. They can say a partner was X size and wore a trojan regular condom. Then, when you come by with a snug magnum the story is “oh well my ex was still bigger” when it is statistically impossible if you’re wearing a snug trojan Magnum.

Of course they do, men as well, without static reference we can be tricked by the proportions, to a certain extent.

But women have static references. They know if it fits in one, two, three of their hands. They have a fairly good idea of the NBP length. Girth is much trickier, but still, they know how far their mouths were stretched, and if/where they can encircle it with their hands. They can’t compare two penises in a similar category, and their categories are much more tolerant than men’s. Kinda like : Fits in one hand and pencil girth // forgettable // over two hands long, above ok grip // well out of references. And they remember pretty well who falls in which category. Not all women, some are clueless, but I think most women nowadays aren’t.

Most women prefer big dicks but it’s true they are bad at making sizes estimates. Women have guessed my dick to be all from 8 inch to 14 inch which is just hilarious and kinda stupid. But it doesn’t matter if they are good at estimating or not, they still prefer the bigger ones and that’s why thundersplace has so many members. If they (women) see a 4 inch dick and a 7 inch dick next to each other most women would find the 7 inch to be more attractive. Some women do prefer average size or smaller because they are tiny themselves, I have encountered those also. So not everyone, but most, would pick the 7 inch. She might even think it’s 10 inch dick next to a 6 inch dick.

I happen to believe that most women are fine with average dicks and that it really is way down the list of things that are attractive in a man.

That being said, whatever your dick size, you have to own it when you are with a woman. I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to ask a wife, girlfriend, or lover if they’ve had bigger than you. Chances are you won’t like the answer and it also shows to some extent a lack of confidence or insecurity. And women can smell insecurity a mile away. The results, in many cases, aren’t good.

So whatever size you are, make the most of it and do everything you can to please your partner. Like I said, own it. Women can also sense when a man is quietly confident about himself and that is an attractive trait to most of them. Maybe one of the most attractive traits of all.

I agree asking is probably not a good idea, unless the two people are really committed to each other and communication is a very important thing to the two of them.
Do not ask a woman about this who does not care about your feelings.
In any case however, it will probably end in disappointment as mentioned, due to the ambiguity that surrounds the subject of penis size. Even for women it’s difficult to know exactly what an average size is.
They can tell you if it isn’t small. Or they can tell you if it’s huge. But they may not give a straight answer. Because for them when they discuss penis size, they don’t want to seem inexperienced, or like their a slut either.
So saying they don’t know is difficult. But also admitting they don’t necessarily look for guys who have small penises, that is also difficult to explain.

Because we’ll ask them, “Why?” And most often they don’t want to hurt our feelings. So avoiding it is easier for them. Because we are so damn sensitive about it that they know if one thing they say is misconstrued then it will shatter our ego and then their dealing with a man who’s ego is shattered, and most likely they just want to make us feel good and comfortable with them, just like we want.

If you’re gonna ask be prepared to get an answer you did not want. Lol. And be very patient.
The discussion of penis size has got to be just as hard for women as it is for men. They feel pressure too.

Remember too, that just about everyone watches pornography nowadays. A huge percentage of the female population too. So you have all of those women out there with a skewed image of how big a dick really is due to pornography.
And those women are probably more vocal about the subject then other ones, and place a huge amount of pressure on other females to go out and look for the biggest dick they can find in the animal kingdom.

April of 2016 BPEL 5,5/8 MSEG 4,3/8

Now BPEL 6,3/8 MSEG 4,5/8


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