Thunder's Place

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wondering if...tell me about it

wondering if...tell me about it

so we get our genital size from our mother?? …………..

Howard& Hughes: Scientific Penis Expression,1903 P.137

Yes, The x chromosome in the nucleus of the third gene is expressed in this ratio, however it is unclear what exactly is causing the multipication.

My momma had big ole titties, and I was given a small penis.

Dammit Mum, why didn’t you have a bigger cock!

Originally Posted by Alice Hooper
My momma had big ole titties, and I was given a small penis.

Yeah same here. My gf has real little titties though, maybe that means my kids could have massive cocks. They better not be bigger than me! Right back to the PE on the double!

I don’t know, my mom has small titties and I have a small dick. I wonder if it has any relation to clit size? Not that I”m going to ask my mom how big her’s is.

Originally Posted by Maxtro
I don’t know, my mom has small titties and I have a small dick. I wonder if it has any relation to clit size? Not that I”m going to ask my mom how big her’s is.

Yeah, not the sort of thing you want to bring up over the dinner table is it?

“Hey mum, I have a small cock and I was wondering whether it was linked to you having a small clit. Can you pass the salt? And is gran OK? She seems to have spat her food all over the table.

Or maybe not.


Would any ladies care to comment. Espically ones that know how big their clit is and and the size of there sons member.

I have two adult, married sons and have never seen their dicks since they were in diapers. We’ve never even stood side-by-side pissing together since they were grown, which is regrettable — not the greatest for dad-son bonding. From observations during their adolescence, when they were wearing pants that they quickly out-grew (thus displaying any bulges they might have had at that time), I suspect that one of my sons is about my size (larger than average), but don’t know about the other, who is probably a “grower”, not a “shower”. I would like to discuss my PE involvement with them but don’t know how to mention the subject without their thinking that I’m really weird. Any suggestions from other dads of adult sons? Thanks in advance for you input.


I do not think it is related to breast or clit size, I just wanted to be sure if that genetic info (penis size) is “provided” by the mother

I do not have kids yet…I cannot help you with that wanneB9x7…I guess it is hard to talk about PE, people just do not take it seriously…I would like my brothers to know about it and I face the same problem…

Some how, my whole family knows about PE. My mother,father, brother, and my girlfriend… I think I have a big mouth.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by Alice Hooper

My momma had big ole titties, and I was given a small penis.

I fail to see the connection…

Maybe there is a connection to clit size or pussy tightness, but I have no idea.

Anyway, it would make sense to me if you inherit that gene from your mother, because my dick looks nothing like my dad’s. His one is thick and short, while mine is thin and long(er).

No, I haven’t seen his dick erected.

Originally Posted by remek
Some how, my whole family knows about PE. My mother,father, brother, and my girlfriend… I think I have a big mouth.


I want to tell my little bro… he is 16.

I read it somewhere in a genetics book whilst at university. By ‘genitals’ I presume that means the sexual organ - why some of you guys are talking about tits eludes me! - the sexual organ would be the vagina and its surrounding area (vulva etc) not the breasts IMHO.

For those of you who want to check this - checking out your mum’s pussy lips isnt gonna be easy!!

As I said, its simply something I read in a genetics book. It may be incorrect and if it is I hold my hands up and say ‘doh!’

I know for a fact it has little to do with your dad’s cock (I’ve seen my dad’s cock loads of times at the gym etc) and my cock is much bigger (in flaccid mode anyway).

Why wouldn’t it have to do with your dad’s size? I mean you get your Y chromosome from your dad, and from what I understand your male traits. What about nutrition during development? I would imagine that has something to do with it.

Originally Posted by druid
Why wouldn’t it have to do with your dad’s size? I mean you get your Y chromosome from your dad, and from what I understand your male traits. What about nutrition during development? I would imagine that has something to do with it.

“Primary sex determination is not the same as secondary sex determination, which results in the outward manifestations of maleness and femaleness (body type, breast development, body hair, and voice). These outward characteristics are not determined directly by the presence or absence of the Y chromosome. Rather, they are determined by the actions of hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen.”

Source: Life, the science of biology

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