Ah, we come to the crux of the matter.
We PE practitioners are practicing excatly what? Penis Enlargement, right? Sure, but what does that mean? It means controlled damage (and subequent healing) of said penis, which when considered in aggregate, can be considered controlled penis deformation. Admittedly, Penis Enlargement sounds a lot better than Controlled Penis Deformation…I’ll stick with using PE to decribe what we do, but I’m sure you get the point.
I think the photos in question should not be filed in the Injuries Forum. Indeed, I think that we may rest assured that Mr. Nine set out with great intent and purpose to deform his penis in the ways that he has. While we don’t know to what degree he knew what cosmetic changes would accompany his size changes, I don’t think those cosmetic changes should be considered injuries.
I recognize that I may be way of base, having never visited the Injury Forum (thankfully), but I do want to see the photos and have the opportunity to learn from them and from the follow up discussion that I would expect would follow their posting.
I’m of the opinion that photos of the items listed in Mr. Nine’s opening post would be of potentially great value to us PEers (CPDers!), who are interested in achieving our PE goals with a minimum of cosmetic (other than size) changes.
I’m sure that the Mods and Thunder will sort out which forum they should be located in, but please Mr. Nine, do post them.