Wrap clamping
I bought a clamp the other day and was rather disappointed with the results. I would lose too much blood after tightening the clamp and even after careful experimenting, was unable to produce enough lasting engorgement to make me feel as if I was accomplishing anything
However, after erect jelqing I always used to tightly wrap a thera-p wrist wrap around my cock and would keep it engorged for an extra 20 minutes. When I wrap my dick correctly, I can come close to keeping my erection and my dick gets pretty fat. I could get my dick to that point clamping, but for some reason it wouldn’t last for more than a minute or two.
Before I only thought of this as a means to keep my dick fat after a workout, but now I am starting to do this more frequently to hopefully produce the same effects as clamping.
I lost my thera-p wrap and started using a Mueller jumper’s knee strap instead. It is advantageous because it is even thinner than the thera-p, however it is longer and takes longer to wrap. It has a tubular insert that can be easily removed by cutting out the stitching on either end. I got it at Wal-Mart.
http://www.knee … com/jumpers.htm
Basically the process of attaching the wrap consists of me getting a 90-95% erection and wrapping the strap around my cock as tightly as possible without pain, kegeling blood into my dick the entire time. I know I have a good amount of blood in my cock when my dick head is nice and hard.
So if clamping isn’t working out for you, you might want to try this. It’s more of a hassle than clamping but it works out better for me for whatever reason.
Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp
Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp
Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp