Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yes, huge gains finally!!!!


Yes, huge gains finally!!!!

I am finally getting a big cock! It has taken several years, lots of experimentation, but I am thrilled and expect more growth.

Beginning stats: BPEL 7x 4 ¾

Now: BPEL just under 8 ½ x 6”

I could not believe it but I jelqed yesterday at lunch for about 15 minutes, and 14 hours later, I am at 6” girth.

This past November, it has been 8 years since I started experimenting. The first few years, I could not do much because of privacy, but I eventually started clamping (used a hose clamp) and worked up to about two twenty minute sets a day. After a few years, I went from 4 ¾ to 5 ½ girth. About a year ago, I stopped gaining girth and decided to try length. I purchased an Andropenis, and after about two weeks, told my wife because I realized I could not wear it 8-9 hours a day without her knowing. Plus, it gets painful as you keep extending the bars. I wore this for about 3 ½ months, gained a ½ inch, but switched to hanging because it was consuming my life. I had tried to hang a few years ago with a Bib hanger, but I only did about 3 sets a day because of no privacy and did not gain anything. Since my wife knew about Andropenis, I told her about hanging and began. Six months later, I went from 7 ½ to just under 8 ¼ BPEL. I got up to about 23 lbs, probably moved up to quick. I stopped about two months ago because I developed a prostate infection (enlarged) and was afraid that hanging may have affected this somewhat since I hung BTC.

This forced me to consider other possibilities, and begin reading jelqing and stretching threads and was impressed with some of the gains. I was afriad I would lose what I gained through hanging. About 1 month ago I started doing the newbie stretching routine in the shower for about 15 minutes in the morning and doing two sets of 90-100% jelqing of 300 reps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). Within days I was surprised at the girth expansion I was getting. It has only been about 3 ½ weeks and I can’t believe my gains. About a week ago, my wife wanted to know what I was doing to make my cock so “fat”. She said I am getting to big! I am not telling her about jelqing because I do it erect. I told her it must be from the hanging I had done. She said she knows I am doing something (pills or something), but I am not telling her about what I am doing. The last several times we have had sex, even after I put lots of lube on my cock, I can barely, I mean barely get it in. It is so tight, I am afraid to get much bigger. But, I am so excited about my potential to gain I am not stopping. We always take a shower before sex, she gets out first, which allows me to do a few sets of jelqs. It stays big the entire time we have sex.

Bottom line, at this point it is slow, erect jelqing for me! I am going to continue to do two sets a day of 300 reps each. Today, at the end of 15 minutes of jelqing, my girth got up to a little over 6 ¼. It’s only been about 3 ½ weeks! I actually think I can get up to 6 ½ girth! Now, I may stop gaining, but I don’t think so. I have never done erect jelqs like this before, so this is new to my cock. Actually, if I don’t gain any more I am still thrilled, but I think in about six months max I will have at least 6 ½. We will see. I thought I would lose length when I stopped hanging, but after only 3 ½ weeks of stretching, and not hanging for 2 months, I have gone from just under 8 ¼ to just under 8 ½ BPEL.

I have written all of this to encourage guys. I can’t believe I have gained this much. PE definitely works. I am almost 54, and had I started years ago, I think I would have a ten inch cock. But, a warning to you guys. I can’t get the last ½ to 1” in now, but hey, it’s awesome!

1.5”x1.25” is impressive gain, even if it took 5+ years. Congratulations mate, that’s true motivation right there. :) Makes my 1.5”x0.75” goal look achievable. :)

Congrats. That is amazing. I suspect that most people have the potential to gain like this, some just figure out what works for them early, others give up before they figure it out, and the few that spend several years (for some it may take close to a decade) trying to find what works often do.

You said it took a couple years to gain the first 0.75 inches in girth. Could you be more specific? Was it like two, three or even more years to gain that much.

Originally Posted by tiodm69
I am finally getting a big cock! It has taken several years, lots of experimentation, but I am thrilled and expect more growth.

Beginning stats: BPEL 7x 4 ¾

Now: BPEL just under 8 ½ x 6”

I could not believe it but I jelqed yesterday at lunch for about 15 minutes, and 14 hours later, I am at 6” girth.

This past November, it has been 8 years since I started experimenting. The first few years, I could not do much because of privacy, but I eventually started clamping (used a hose clamp) and worked up to about two twenty minute sets a day. After a few years, I went from 4 ¾ to 5 ½ girth. About a year ago, I stopped gaining girth and decided to try length. I purchased an Andropenis, and after about two weeks, told my wife because I realized I could not wear it 8-9 hours a day without her knowing. Plus, it gets painful as you keep extending the bars. I wore this for about 3 ½ months, gained a ½ inch, but switched to hanging because it was consuming my life. I had tried to hang a few years ago with a Bib hanger, but I only did about 3 sets a day because of no privacy and did not gain anything. Since my wife knew about Andropenis, I told her about hanging and began. Six months later, I went from 7 ½ to just under 8 ¼ BPEL. I got up to about 23 lbs, probably moved up to quick. I stopped about two months ago because I developed a prostate infection (enlarged) and was afraid that hanging may have affected this somewhat since I hung BTC.

This forced me to consider other possibilities, and begin reading jelqing and stretching threads and was impressed with some of the gains. I was afriad I would lose what I gained through hanging. About 1 month ago I started doing the newbie stretching routine in the shower for about 15 minutes in the morning and doing two sets of 90-100% jelqing of 300 reps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). Within days I was surprised at the girth expansion I was getting. It has only been about 3 ½ weeks and I can’t believe my gains. About a week ago, my wife wanted to know what I was doing to make my cock so “fat”. She said I am getting to big! I am not telling her about jelqing because I do it erect. I told her it must be from the hanging I had done. She said she knows I am doing something (pills or something), but I am not telling her about what I am doing. The last several times we have had sex, even after I put lots of lube on my cock, I can barely, I mean barely get it in. It is so tight, I am afraid to get much bigger. But, I am so excited about my potential to gain I am not stopping. We always take a shower before sex, she gets out first, which allows me to do a few sets of jelqs. It stays big the entire time we have sex.

Bottom line, at this point it is slow, erect jelqing for me! I am going to continue to do two sets a day of 300 reps each. Today, at the end of 15 minutes of jelqing, my girth got up to a little over 6 ¼. It’s only been about 3 ½ weeks! I actually think I can get up to 6 ½ girth! Now, I may stop gaining, but I don’t think so. I have never done erect jelqs like this before, so this is new to my cock. Actually, if I don’t gain any more I am still thrilled, but I think in about six months max I will have at least 6 ½. We will see. I thought I would lose length when I stopped hanging, but after only 3 ½ weeks of stretching, and not hanging for 2 months, I have gone from just under 8 ¼ to just under 8 ½ BPEL.

I have written all of this to encourage guys. I can’t believe I have gained this much. PE definitely works. I am almost 54, and had I started years ago, I think I would have a ten inch cock. But, a warning to you guys. I can’t get the last ½ to 1” in now, but hey, it’s awesome!

Awesome, such an inspiration, tell me something, in this 8 years. how many years of effective training do you have?.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Congratulations! You started with a good length but not so good in the girth department. It was inspiring to read that you stuck with it and ended up with a very large penis. Just goes to show that as many have mentioned here it is a marathon and not a sprint

Awesome!!!!!! Good Dedication You’ve Had!


I think my 3/4 girth gains took about two years, but I would say I noticed a significant girth increase after 6 months of serious clamping. I used a hose clamp, got fully erect, and tightened as tight as I could stand, for two 118-20 minute sets a day.

As far as the other question, I would say four years of effective training.

Doing slow (2-3 second) erect jelqs these past 3 /12 weeks has given me this mega girth increase. I can’t belive I didn’t try them before. I think because I had read calmping is the key to girth, so I only clamped. But, it may have been better I did clmaping first. Bottom line, must experiment, and stay with it. Gains will come!

Congratulations - Your success provided incentive for me to keep working and perhaps try some other options.

When young I was about bpel 6x5 by 2002 size had shrunk down to bpel 5.5x4.8 with age, had to do something!

09/10 bpel 8.4, eg 5.8 midshaft (6.3 base) Goal- 9x6.2 average eg.

Originally Posted by tiodm69
I think my 3/4 girth gains took about two years, but I would say I noticed a significant girth increase after 6 months of serious clamping. I used a hose clamp, got fully erect, and tightened as tight as I could stand, for two 118-20 minute sets a day.

As far as the other question, I would say four years of effective training.

Doing slow (2-3 second) erect jelqs these past 3 /12 weeks has given me this mega girth increase. I can’t belive I didn’t try them before. I think because I had read calmping is the key to girth, so I only clamped. But, it may have been better I did clmaping first. Bottom line, must experiment, and stay with it. Gains will come!

That’s really great to hear. Do you believe that it’s possible for some people who have had a really difficult time (especially girth) to start making big gains a year or more into their career by finding what clicks? I always hoped that it was this way, but it seems like all big girth gainers gain very early.

I have also been gaining little by little via a similar jelquing style.

4 years of effective trainining wow, I am so motivated right now!!! thanks!

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Amazing, I wish I had the discipline to start jelqing again. Very inspirational.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg


Inquiring minds want to know:
How does it feel now to officially own a whopping pecker?

Best of luck to you in all your endavors!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Cool, bro! I’m sort of on a PE hiatus right now, but I’ll be back in about two months when I’ve finished travelling. I’ll be entering my 8th (yes, 8th!) year of PE this April and you’re an inspiration! I hope to get some of those girth gains you’re talking about :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Congrats on the gains bro. Yeah I think jelqing is best done when each stroke is done slow and controlled. Almost like you are doing an uli then jelq that blood slowly up the shaft and stop just short of reaching the glans which should be fully engorged at that point.

I like how you made clamping gains using a hose clamp. What I like about the hose clamps is no matter how much you tighten those suckers, they still keep there circular shape so the sides of your clamped base shaft doesn’t get bottle necked.

Good job man. Question for you. Based on your experiance and success with clamping at first and now jelqing, do you think that 90 - 100% erect slow jelqing is more effective then clamping?

I ask this because I was thinking about throwing serious jelqing back into my routine.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Last edited by saiyan22 : 12-31-2010 at . Reason: grammer

This is really inspirational for all us slow gainers out here. Tiodm, you’re the kind of guy that needs to speak up more around these forums. This is going to make me redo my routine for the new year for sure.

Do you think that focusing on length for a while might have helped loosen up the tunica, etc and led to better girth gains once you started jelqing? One thing I’m wondering is how was your EQ during the various times in this process? Did it go down while you were doing length work? If so, it really seems that your new jelqing routine may have corrected this loss of EQ and led to the new gains.

Anyway, congratulations! Have fun with that thing.

I'm a disciple of science.

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