Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

You know you're obsessed with P.E. when...

How about having a 9 incher and feeling ‘small’. Theres a couple of guys on this board who feel this way.

When your bummed that your wifes demands for SEX are interrupting your PE schedule

Originally Posted by aceofspaceman

When you see someone’s, anyone’s, penis and want to enlarge it.

That might mean you have a completely different obsession all together my friend. ;)

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Ben1966
When you have used your tape measure to measure the girth of household items - deodorant cans, shower gel bottles, massage oil - even a banana (with and without skin)!

hahaha,so very,very true.


Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

When you regularly mime an invisible outline of your desired penis with your hands thinking “I’m coming for you baby”

February 1: NPBEL: 5.25" Eg: 4.25"

Haha, I must be obsessed..

I am only watching porn to stay erect while PEing, saving the loads for my girlfriend.
I often take her hair laces and wrap around the penis.
I measure and compare with stuff found in the bathroom. I want that hair spray-can sized dick =)
I browse this forum to much =)

BPEL Starting PE Jan 2009@7.1*5.3 (18*13.5 cm)

Current: 20th March 2009: 7.4*5.6 (18.7* 14.4 cm)

Realistic goal 2010-11: 8*6 (20*15.2 cm) --- Dream goal: 8.5"*6.3" (21.5*16 cm)

When you start admiring other guys dicks!

Originally Posted by Cock Kent
Don’t know if it has to do with obsession or just awareness but yes, all the time. For example this mornings conversation with my 10 year old daughter:

Her: Dad are you doing yoga at the gym today?
Me: Yes, weights then yoga if I’m not to tired.
Her: My PE teacher said she grew and inch from the stretching.

Yea, almost spit out my coffee on that one.

Hahaha I literally laughed out loud when I read this.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

When you are watching some porn and you completely fail to notice the hot chic because you are staring at the guy’s cock, wondering what size it is.

When you browse this site constantly instead of finding a job.

When you look through a clothing catalogue and when you get to the underwear section you wonder who does PE and who doesn’t.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Had to add this on after seeing something in another thread

You know you’re obsessed with P.E. when you watch a porn movie and instead of getting into it, you start breaking down the guys size like a John Madden play by play.

one month in (as of 02/12/09): 8.15" BPEL, 7.4" NBPEL, 5.6"EG, (5"-6.5" varying) FL, 4.75" FG, Height: 6'1", Weight: 190 lbs.

Currently (as of 04/3/09): 8.50" BPEL, 7.6" NBPEL, 5.7"EG, (5.5"-7" varying) FL, 4.75" FG, Height: 6'1", Weight: 175 lbs. (final semester of Computer Science > Gym :( )

Goals (in the next 6 months): 8.60" BPEL, 7.8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 7" FL, 5" FG, (still hopefully 6'1"), Weight: 200 lbs.

.When you estimate flaccid size of the men you meet by glimpsing at their crotch. Stop it, self, stop it!!

.When you daydream of new mechanical inventions, exercises, or routines to do a better job than what everyone has already seen, so you can name the thing after your username on Thunders Forum and become a legacy. People here would say things like “I used the Tallheart wrap”, “I did three sets of Tallhearts”, or “I’m going to try and build a Tallheart to wear at the office”.


Begin 12-28-08: BPEL:5.8 EG:4.75

Current 2-08-09: BPEL:6.0 EG:4.90

1st Goal_____: BPEL:7.0 EG:5.50

Originally Posted by ChiefDante
When you hear about penis size and you wonder if it’s NPEL or BPEL.

Agreed. But lets face it, in the non PE world most people when talking about measured size is NBPEL:, hence why I guess a lot of us find that the more meaningful measurement.

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

Originally Posted by Vurpollon

When you at every dinner party gets the seat next to the guy who’s working as a mathematician at the university, since you’re the only one that seem to find his endless lectures on statistical distribution interesting.

Totally hahaha

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly


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