Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

You know you're obsessed with P.E. when...

Originally Posted by Cock Kent

Then there was the time at Walmart my wife called out to me, “Hon, what aisle are the Dick Clamps?”.

*Shouts: In the electrical isle across from the aquarium / penis pump section

I always have to tell myself, no one knows why I am buying such odd junk. They think I need to clean gravel and have messy cables .

When it has made you late to work on more than one occasion.

Ha, I never miss a PE workout.

Goal: None, PE for life

Originally Posted by babl
*Shouts: In the electrical isle across from the aquarium / penis pump section

I always have to tell myself, no one knows why I am buying such odd junk. They think I need to clean gravel and have messy cables .

:rolling: I’ve had various salt water tanks and never connected the dots with gravel cleaner to penis pump.

Made it easy for her know because when I was clamping she’d help get me hard.

The packs at Walmart come with those two small white ones and I left them sitting around. She’s like a squirrel and these clamps are like acorns. I can’t turn around in my house without seeing a cable clamp. The infamous day I mentioned she came out of the aisle with 4 Mega Clamps.

The hair dryer, Christmas lights, appliances, extension cords, water hoses, etc., she has found a use for the “dick” clamps. Have you not seen the “Mega Clamp” at Walmart that “Keeps Your Hard to Organize Items Where They belong!”. Damn things are friggin useful they can even add girth to your dick. :)

When it’s embarrasing to buy a cable clamp

When you can’t eat a doughnut without cringing a bit.

When you stick needles with chemicals into your dick, it sometimes bleeds, hurts like hell, and yet you still continue to do it.

When you wear an ADS while playing high school basketball games.

When you go chill in the hotel room during Spring Break for an hour to get some pumping sets in, with your roommate in there.

When you walk around hanging OTS, literally under your shirt, around your roommates freshman year of college.

When you ABSOLUTELY HATE taking rest days………… I love pumping

Ok…you know you’re obsessed with PE…when you feel it is your duty to scour the University’s academic databases hoping to find studies about penis enlargement for the members at Thunder’s.

Progress Thread - I assure you, I'm growing.

Originally Posted by lmorleytx know you’re obsessed with PE.when you feel it is your duty to scour the University’s academic databases hoping to find studies about penis enlargement for the members at Thunder’s.

I have done this so many times while I should be working. Journals of urology, anything about sexuality.there are so many. And there are a few diamonds in the rough if you have the patience to wade through the archives. I think the best I found was a study that used an extender to treat Peyronie’s. The results said something like, “While the study did not show a significant reduction in curvature, all participants rated their satisfaction with the study as ‘high’, most likely due to the increase in both flaccid and erect penile length.” Now that’s some strong analysis, Oppenheimer.

"We sat on a park bench - - - and I thought, well, now I have found something, I have found something that is going to help me, for a long time to come." - Charles Bukowski, Ham on Rye

Start: 10 Feb 2009: 6.3 BPEL x 5.00 MSEG; Aug 2021: 8.0 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG

Originally Posted by mmmk

When you browse this site constantly instead of finding a job.

Mate, I don’t need a job I have PE!

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

When you have to detach a hanger as quick as possible because your friends are knocking at your front door.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

When your afraid the UPS man will show up in the middle of a session and you have to move your equipment outta sight. It’s like getting caught masterbating by your mother in mddle school.

When you think Bees will help enlarge your penis.

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_

When you think Bees will help enlarge your penis.

Muahahhaha classic thread.

When you consider contacting a surgeon and getting your pelvic bone broken (the bit where you put the ruler when you measure) and it re- set back an inch or more to help gain, Bone Pressed Erect Length.

Seriously considering using bees in your quest for a larger penis is also someone who is very committed to the cause.


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