Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clinical Study on Penis Extender - Italy

Originally Posted by MakesUsStronger

Theleviathan: I’ve had great newbie BPEL gains in a month (.5”) and I’ve noticed my girth has gotten substantially bigger. I’ll report that number soon enough, but if I were you, I wouldn’t be so quick to make judgement.


What judgement are you talking about?

The value to this study is that it contributes additional evidence to the idea that PE works. I disagree with their clinical methods, criticize their statistics, and find little solace in their claims. But whether I trust this study to verify the efficacy of the Andro-Penis or not, this research bares some fruit; patients grew.

Discriminating readers of the review should be able to make some inferences about the efficacy of the Andro-Penis device. First, the authors assume that gains in flaccid length = gains in erect length. Second, only 2/3 of the patient-subjects could deal with using the free device for six months. That speaks volumes to me, personally. Also, since there were length gains and no girth gains, this research contradicts the Andromedical study’s claim to girth increases. It is dangerous to infer too much, but if the device does add length only, this is evidence that focusing efforts may produce isolated results.
For my personal situation, I am heartened to find evidence that isolated gains can be made. This is good news. This is evidence. This is NOT proof, yet, “I Want to Believe.”

Really, it is surprising how prominently determinism is infused into the science behind PE. It works, in some regard, for just about everyone, including myself. I personally believe that we become so emotionally invested in this enterprise that when we find a routine/device that gives us gains, we consider it gold (rightly so, about anything that makes my dick bigger!). A divide exists because different things work for different people.

Certainly, there must be some prominent entrepreneur willing to sell the definitive analytic program, backed by a REAL, UNBIASED, SCIENTIFIC study/assessment of common exercises, devices and routines that leads to the most efficient/effective use of PE time and resources to maximize potential in the least time. Seriously, the merchandising wouldn’t have to be a ripoff - if I could have found a cheap (< $40 USD) extender, I would not have bothered to make my own. I mean, I cannot believe that such a huge industry exists, that gives people results, and capitalism has not been able to legitimately tap into this. Think about Pfizer and Viagra. That is very long money.

Anyway, I have constructed a DIY Extender and find it quite comfortable as a supplement/secondary stretch. I hope I can use it as part of my overall regimen.

Hang well my man-tastic brethren.

Progress Thread - I assure you, I'm growing.

This Italian study has made it to the newspaper (one of the main web based newspapers) in my country today.

The author of the article more or less made it sound like a non serious study, and basically dismissed it as close to B.S..

The article was also open for comments, and most commenters made fun of it and were convinced this was a scam. :D

I say let them live in dilution - only to reveal the secret if their desire is strong enough.. :)

Scientific study proves that extenders work!

The article is in Swedish but I will translate to the best of my capabilites.

Forget surgery. Now it is possible to get a longer penis with a so called penis extender - which effect is scientifically proven. The average gain for the one who used the penis extender is 1.7 centimeter (0.66 inches), writes

Those men who is unhappy with the length and girth of their penis has until now been directed to surgery. But now there are several so called penis extenders on the market - which has proven scientific effect. Scientist at the University in Torino has studied the effect of the penis extender “Andro-penis” and it showed that for 16 men who participated in the study their penises in average became 1.7 centimeter longer after daily use during six month, writes

The way Andro-penis and other penis extenders on the market work is that you secure a grommet around the base of the shaft and another one around the head. Metal bar who connects the two grooms then extends the penis, and after a longtime stretching the cells divide and forms new tissue, which is the same method used to extend necks and the lobe of the ear.

To get an effect the penis extender must be used at least 5 hours a day up to 6 months, and it can be used underneath the users clothes so he can live a normal life at the same time. Of the sixteen participants who participated in the Italian survey one terminated the trial because of pain, the other ones said to be happy with the result. Penis extenders can also be used to straighten out curved penises and will also make the penis thicker, according to the manufactures.”

If the grammar is funny or weird it’s because I just translate straight off.

This article was in a fairly big evening newspaper here in Sweden. Hopefully it won’t get to much attention.

Edit: Don’t know if this was the right section to put the thread but a Mod can perhaps move it if it is in the wrong section.

Last edited by best_jeppe : 03-18-2009 at .

Ah, ok. Well then you can delete this thread :)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

We already have a thread about this study in the Main Member Forum. I suggest taking these “findings” with a large grain of salt.

What’s your view on all this Thunder?

Are you basically saying that manual PE is probably the best way to go? That’s my view anyway.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

After reading the article I was interested. Then I went to their website and they want $299 for the thing. No thanks.

Andro Penis Hits the Scientific News!!!!

Here is the address to the Scientific Daily link: Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports — ScienceDaily

(I’m posting here because I’ve been restricted from posting in the PE members Forum)

Web address:


Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports
ScienceDaily (Mar. 10, 2009) — Men who wore a penile extender every day for six months were able to increase the flaccid length of their penis by up to 32% and their erectile function by up to 36%, according to an independent clinical study published in the March issue of BJU International.

Researchers from San Giovanni Battista Hospital at the University of Turin, Italy, are now suggesting that this treatment could provide a viable alternative to surgery, as the results were significant and patient satisfaction with the technique was high.

“Twenty-one highly motivated patients, with an average age of 47, were enrolled and 16 completed the 12-month study,” says consultant urologist Dr Paolo Gontero.

“Having undergone psychosexual counselling, to make sure that the treatment would be beneficial, the men were asked to wear the Andro-Penis device for between four and six hours a day for six months. The device comprises a plastic ring, two dynamic rods that produce the traction and a silicon band to hold the penis in place. The men were told to increase the traction from 600g in month one to up to 1200g in month six. Follow ups were performed in months one, three, six and 12.”

Key findings included:

•Men who took part in the study wore the device for an average of five hours in the first month, five hours in the third month and four hours in the sixth month.
•The men’s average flaccid penile length was 7.15cm (2.82 inches) at baseline and had increased by 32 per cent to 9.45cm (3.72 inches) in month 12.
•The men’s average stretched penile length was 9.62cm (3.79 inches) at baseline and had increased by 18 per cent to 11.32 cm (4.45 inches) in month 12.
•No significant increase in penile girth, which averaged 10.4cm (4.09 inches) at baseline, was reported.
•Average erectile function scores improved by up to 36%, from 19.9 out of 30 at baseline to 27.1 out of 30 at 12 months.
•Four patients discontinued the treatment for four different reasons: pain and penile bruising, satisfactory results after three months, lack of efficacy and inability to follow the protocol. Another was lost to follow-up.
•High satisfaction levels were reported in all categories except penile girth. The average score for overall satisfaction was 2.8 on a scale of zero to four, where four represents the optimal result.
•Flaccid penile length scored 2.31 on a scale of zero to three, where three represents significant improvement. Penile length during erection scored 2.37 out of three and sex life 2.3. Penile girth scored 1.1.
“A number of surgical procedures are available that aim to elongate the shaft of the penis or enlarge the penile girth,” says Dr Gontero. “However these have a number of disadvantages, including a lack of standardisation, potential risk of complications and high patient dissatisfaction.

“It should also be pointed out that the majority of men who seek help for a small penis fail to meet the clinical criteria for surgery. For example, only one of the men in our study had a flaccid penis length of less than 4cm and American guidelines strongly discourage surgery if men exceed this measurement. Twelve had dysmorphia (excessive dislike of a body part) and the remaining eight had undergone surgery for curvature of the shaft.”

The authors believe that the results are significant.

“Our study showed that the penile extender device produces an effective and durable lengthening of the penis, both in the flaccid and stretched state,” concludes Dr Gontero.

“If these results are confirmed by further research, we propose that the device should be used as a first-line treatment option for men seeking a penile lengthening procedure.”

Journal reference:

1.Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Riccardo Bartoletti, Giovanni Pappagallo, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini. A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’. BJU International, 2009; 103: 793-797 DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x
Adapted from materials provided by Wiley - Blackwell, via AlphaGalileo.
Email or share this story: Need to cite this story in your essay, paper, or report? Use one of the following formats:

Wiley - Blackwell (2009, March 10). Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news /releases/2009/03/090305080516.htm

No one reads anything, here?

PE Works

Public release date: 5-Mar-2009
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Contact: Annette Whibley
Penile extender increased flaccid length by almost a third says independent clinical study

Men who wore a penile extender every day for six months were able to increase the flaccid length of their penis by up to 32% and their erectile function by up to 36%, according to an independent clinical study published in the March issue of BJU International.

Researchers from San Giovanni Battista Hospital at the University of Turin, Italy, are now suggesting that this treatment could provide a viable alternative to surgery, as the results were significant and patient satisfaction with the technique was high.

"Twenty-one highly motivated patients, with an average age of 47, were enrolled and 16 completed the 12-month study" says consultant urologist Dr Paolo Gontero.

"Having undergone psychosexual counselling, to make sure that the treatment would be beneficial, the men were asked to wear the Andro-Penis device for between four and six hours a day for six months. The device comprises a plastic ring, two dynamic rods that produce the traction and a silicon band to hold the penis in place. The men were told to increase the traction from 600g in month one to up to 1200g in month six. Follow ups were performed in months one, three, six and 12."

Key findings included:

* Men who took part in the study wore the device for an average of five hours in the first month, five hours in the third month and four hours in the sixth month.

* The men’s average flaccid penile length was 7.15cm (2.82 inches) at baseline and had increased by 32 per cent to 9.45cm (3.72 inches) in month 12.

* The men’s average stretched penile length was 9.62cm (3.79 inches) at baseline and had increased by 18 per cent to 11.32 cm (4.45 inches) in month 12.

* No significant increase in penile girth, which averaged 10.4cm (4.09 inches) at baseline, was reported.

* Average erectile function scores improved by up to 36%, from 19.9 out of 30 at baseline to 27.1 out of 30 at 12 months.

* Four patients discontinued the treatment for four different reasons: pain and penile bruising, satisfactory results after three months, lack of efficacy and inability to follow the protocol. Another was lost to follow-up.

* High satisfaction levels were reported in all categories except penile girth. The average score for overall satisfaction was 2.8 on a scale of zero to four, where four represents the optimal result.

* Flaccid penile length scored 2.31 on a scale of zero to three, where three represents significant improvement. Penile length during erection scored 2.37 out of three and sex life 2.3. Penile girth scored 1.1.

"A number of surgical procedures are available that aim to elongate the shaft of the penis or enlarge the penile girth" says Dr Gontero. "However these have a number of disadvantages, including a lack of standardisation, potential risk of complications and high patient dissatisfaction.

"It should also be pointed out that the majority of men who seek help for a small penis fail to meet the clinical criteria for surgery. For example, only one of the men in our study had a flaccid penis length of less than 4cm and American guidelines strongly discourage surgery if men exceed this measurement. Twelve had dysmorphia (excessive dislike of a body part) and the remaining eight had undergone surgery for curvature of the shaft."

The authors believe that the results are significant.

"Our study showed that the penile extender device produces an effective and durable lengthening of the penis, both in the flaccid and stretched state" concludes Dr Gontero.

"If these results are confirmed by further research, we propose that the device should be used as a first-line treatment option for men seeking a penile lengthening procedure."


Notes to editors

* A pilot phase-11 prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’. Gontero et al. BJU International. 103, 793-797 (March 2009).

* Established in 1929, BJU International is published 23 times a year by Wiley-Blackwell and edited by Professor John Fitzpatrick from Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and University College Dublin, Ireland. It provides its international readership with invaluable practical information on all aspects of urology, including original and investigative articles and illustrated surgery.

* About Wiley-Blackwell. Wiley-Blackwell was formed in February 2007 as a result of the acquisition of Blackwell Publishing Ltd. by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and its merger with Wiley’s Scientific, Technical, and Medical business. Together, the companies have created a global publishing business with deep strength in every major academic and professional field. Wiley-Blackwell publishes approximately 1,400 scholarly peer-reviewed journals and an extensive collection of books with global appeal. For more information on Wiley-Blackwell, please visit Wiley-Blackwell or

Does your thang hang low? Does it wobble to the flo? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow? Can you throw it over your shoulder, like a 50lb boulder Does your thang, hang, low?


My Andropenis results

I’m new here, and found you by searching out “Andropenis” and “Results”.

I have used for 2 months precisely according to the directions and manual.

1. Uncomfortable for a few weeks- directions unclear as they do not include a discussion as to how to use the padded silicon rings or the foam that goes over the silicon band. Figured that all out by week 3.

2. Difficult to get the 8 hours per day, not really “invisible” even with sweats.

3. Results are unreal. I have gained 1/2 inch erect in 2 months. I was 6.25 inches erect to begin, now just under 7 by slightly less than 1/4 inch.

No kidding, guys. This works if you do it properly. Obviously, my flaccid length is much greater. Girth has increased ever-so-slightly, but that’s what I expected after such a short time. I do not work for them, sell the item or so on. In fact, I was pissed I bought it thinking it was a scam and that the now popular “Spain Urologist” study was fake.

It works. It is my first endeavor into extension, and I am so freaking amazed. I can’t wait for month 6.

Interesting Study

I haven’t seen this posted here before so figured I would. I’m not sure where it belongs but I can only post in this area.

Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports — ScienceDaily

Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports

ScienceDaily (Mar. 10, 2009) — Men who wore a penile extender every day for six months were able to increase the flaccid length of their penis by up to 32% and their erectile function by up to 36%, according to an independent clinical study published in the March issue of BJU International.

Researchers from San Giovanni Battista Hospital at the University of Turin, Italy, are now suggesting that this treatment could provide a viable alternative to surgery, as the results were significant and patient satisfaction with the technique was high.

“Twenty-one highly motivated patients, with an average age of 47, were enrolled and 16 completed the 12-month study,” says consultant urologist Dr Paolo Gontero.

“Having undergone psychosexual counselling, to make sure that the treatment would be beneficial, the men were asked to wear the Andro-Penis device for between four and six hours a day for six months. The device comprises a plastic ring, two dynamic rods that produce the traction and a silicon band to hold the penis in place. The men were told to increase the traction from 600g in month one to up to 1200g in month six. Follow ups were performed in months one, three, six and 12.”

Key findings included:

* Men who took part in the study wore the device for an average of five hours in the first month, five hours in the third month and four hours in the sixth month.
* The men’s average flaccid penile length was 7.15cm (2.82 inches) at baseline and had increased by 32 per cent to 9.45cm (3.72 inches) in month 12.
* The men’s average stretched penile length was 9.62cm (3.79 inches) at baseline and had increased by 18 per cent to 11.32 cm (4.45 inches) in month 12.
* No significant increase in penile girth, which averaged 10.4cm (4.09 inches) at baseline, was reported.
* Average erectile function scores improved by up to 36%, from 19.9 out of 30 at baseline to 27.1 out of 30 at 12 months.
* Four patients discontinued the treatment for four different reasons: pain and penile bruising, satisfactory results after three months, lack of efficacy and inability to follow the protocol. Another was lost to follow-up.
* High satisfaction levels were reported in all categories except penile girth. The average score for overall satisfaction was 2.8 on a scale of zero to four, where four represents the optimal result.
* Flaccid penile length scored 2.31 on a scale of zero to three, where three represents significant improvement. Penile length during erection scored 2.37 out of three and sex life 2.3. Penile girth scored 1.1.

“A number of surgical procedures are available that aim to elongate the shaft of the penis or enlarge the penile girth,” says Dr Gontero. “However these have a number of disadvantages, including a lack of standardisation, potential risk of complications and high patient dissatisfaction.

“It should also be pointed out that the majority of men who seek help for a small penis fail to meet the clinical criteria for surgery. For example, only one of the men in our study had a flaccid penis length of less than 4cm and American guidelines strongly discourage surgery if men exceed this measurement. Twelve had dysmorphia (excessive dislike of a body part) and the remaining eight had undergone surgery for curvature of the shaft.”

The authors believe that the results are significant.

“Our study showed that the penile extender device produces an effective and durable lengthening of the penis, both in the flaccid and stretched state,” concludes Dr Gontero.

“If these results are confirmed by further research, we propose that the device should be used as a first-line treatment option for men seeking a penile lengthening procedure.”

Journal reference:

1. Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Riccardo Bartoletti, Giovanni Pappagallo, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini. A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’. BJU International, 2009; 103: 793-797 DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x

Adapted from materials provided by Wiley - Blackwell, via AlphaGalileo.

I wouldn’t doubt that erect length gains would also be realized; unless, of course, you believe that the extender only reduced penile elasticity (I doubt that).


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