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Clinical Study on Penis Extender - Italy

Hi all,

I am a new member and I am very interested in the andropenis phenomenon.. erscience.wiley … 460750/PDFSTART

Above you can find the actual link that will direct you to a pdf version of the full andropenis study in Turin.

I hope this helps..

Whoever is interested, read it.. Analyse it.. And comment about what you feel about the study. This way we can start understanding the study further.


Originally Posted by MikeOxlong
I’m new here, and found you by searching out “Andropenis” and “Results”.

I have used for 2 months precisely according to the directions and manual.

1. Uncomfortable for a few weeks- directions unclear as they do not include a discussion as to how to use the padded silicon rings or the foam that goes over the silicon band. Figured that all out by week 3.

2. Difficult to get the 8 hours per day, not really “invisible” even with sweats.

3. Results are unreal. I have gained 1/2 inch erect in 2 months. I was 6.25 inches erect to begin, now just under 7 by slightly less than 1/4 inch.

No kidding, guys. This works if you do it properly. Obviously, my flaccid length is much greater. Girth has increased ever-so-slightly, but that’s what I expected after such a short time. I do not work for them, sell the item or so on. In fact, I was pissed I bought it thinking it was a scam and that the now popular “Spain Urologist” study was fake.

It works. It is my first endeavor into extension, and I am so freaking amazed. I can’t wait for month 6.

The results you report are amazing Mike!. Did you document your progress in anyway? How are you feeling nowadays?


I don’t think I want to wear a device for hours a day.

Well, it’s way easier to wear a discreet device for hours, as long as it’s confortable enough to let you forget it, than using a torture device for minutes.

How can they NOT measure erect length?

Notice that the average girth was only 4.09in… Doesn’t fit to well with other penis size surveys.

The idea of every male on the planet using easily available and good quality extenders makes me boggle. But can you imagine if it was normal to do it everyday for an hour for your whole life? Just think about how big everyone would be!

Hey guys,

First post here, just thought I’d share my experience with the Andropenis. I bought one 2 months ago as my first PE endeavour and while I was one of the lucky ones who could tolerate the noose, I ended up not being able to safely squeeze my dick through the base. I’m 6.5 inches base EG and for the first month there wasn’t really a problem as the base wasn’t pressed into my pelvic area very firmly, but once I started getting a good stretch the device was simply too tight around my base.

I didn’t think too much of it for a week or so, and then ended up with my first PE injury; a thrombosed vein.

A vein running along my shaft became very hard and wire-like, and I completely flipped out, thought I’d killed my dick. I stopped using the device and the vein healed over 2-3 days. But there is no way I’m putting that thing back on. My advice to you guys, stay away if your penis is 6.5+ at the base, seriously, you will balloon out of it and when the tension is increased it will cut off too much circulation.

So now I’m on the newbie routine, have been for the last week. And while I was a little depressed that I had to give up the stretcher, I have renewed confidence through the sheer number of people who have seen gains on this site without a stretcher.


Originally Posted by marinera
I’ve noticed the same; when gains are coming from manual-based techniques, one could suppose it depends on the fact that smaller guys are using more tension/time, but if it happens with a technique that cuts out the psichologic individual influences, what..?

I’ve to say that slipstream made a statistical analysis of our PE data, and said there isn’t any correlation between starting size and gains - not clear to me if he was speaking of absolute or relative (%) gains.

Marinara, sorry - I’ve been away for awhile and missed this thread.

I looked at that statistics thread and I did say there was “not much” correlation between starting size and growth, but there is some. I got an R-squared of 0.081 for absolute growth and 0.155 for relative growth. So, yes, smaller guys do seem to grow a little bit more than larger guys on both absolute and relative scales.

I thought that would be due to statistically smaller guys believing that they have more incentive to grow and be more persistent. The only evidence that I have to support that theory is that there is a much weaker correlation between growth and growth rate: only a 0.016 R-squared correlation between absolute growth per day (∆L/day) and starting length and 0.031 R-squared correlation between relative growth per day (%L/day) and starting length. The actual correlation between starting size and duration is almost nothing (flat).

The time aspect of the TP data analysis is the weakest, IMO. Duration in hours would be much more useful, but then we also have the infinite variation of exercises, with adds further complexity, but now I’m getting meta. ;-)

7 3/4" (+3/4") BPEL x 6 1/4" (+5/16") EG

Thanks for clarifications, buddy.

Research results on penile extenders

I know I’ve seen information about research results on this site about penis extenders/stretchers. Anyways, I was reading this Penile Extenders Actually Might Work, Doctors Say | Live Science which talks about research conducted by the British Journal of Urology International on a penis stretcher. On the penis stretchers website they have the study posted Penis lengthening Studies and Researches by Andromedical along with several other studies. I am not trying to promote this particular stretcher, I am just trying to provide encouragement that stretching of the penis over long periods of time can promote growth in length. There were only 15 people in this particular study, but they used the device for 6 hours a day over a 6 month period averaging almost 1 inch in length gain with no noticeable girth gains. I’m posting this to show actual results obtained from a study performed by a urologist. I read on many places on the internet, while researching about PE, that penis stretches/jelqs/devices don’t work which always discourages me when I read them. This study encourages me to continue on with my current manual stretches and jelqs though. Eventually, I will move on to hanging or some device for longer periods of time. Anyways, hope this encourages newbies to keep on working on penile development like it did for me.

If these results are accurate and experienced PE’ers say great gains come at the beginning, could it be possible that using a stretching device could be the best measures to make length gains for a newbie? I’m sure these men in the study did not have conditioned penises or discovered their LOT and other theories, but it seems as though they did quite well in the length department with no injuries (none that I didn’t see in the study). I see people here struggle to get 1/4 inch over this time frame as a newbie, whether it be technique or whatever. But this method seems to ensure the penis will be in a “set” (meaning you can’t do it wrong) demanding physical environment which will yield gains.


Who funded this research?

About the 500th time that this studies are posted on this forum.

It works got a stretchier. Got 0.35 in 3 months 4 hours a day


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