Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clinical Study on Penis Extender - Italy

Originally Posted by gjurob
Who funded this research?

This is what people here always say.

But think about it, would you sell a product that you couldn’t back? A corporation that sells a product that doesn’t perform to expected standards will most likely find themselves in a courtroom.

Who would want to test something they have no financial interest in?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Do you believe everything you see in the commercials as well? There are no “expected standards” and there are no guarantees. They simply pay a bunch of “researchers” to provide them with results that will show that their product is effective. Why would the court care because someone actually thinks commercials reflect the true quality of the product?

These extenders may be more or less effective, but it sensible to assume that corporate-funded research directed at advertising a product is biased.

Extenders work but theese are junk studies

Originally Posted by joeblackny
Extenders work but theese are junk studies

It’s true.these studies are all made up, who sponsor these studies!

The funding discussion is pointless, the real question is whether the findings were verified by independent parties and published in a peer-reviewed journal.

A quick search on pubmed shows studies on extenders published in:

The Journal of Sex Medicine
British Journal of Urology

Which are reputable medical journals. Much research is funded by interesting parties, it doesn’t mean the results are invalid. Often companies will just fund research on a whole bunch of fronts, and just never publish results that don’t show benefit (MARS does this with chocolate/cancer).

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

As far as I know, the best thing for newbie length gains are fowfers. I got half an inch in my first month. Stupidly, I assumed I could keep growing at that rate month in month out!

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Marky777, what else did you incorporate into your routine as a newbie? And how long did you do fowfers for each day?? Could you give me some detail about your routine/rest days and so forth..

Thank you

Newbies -> Do the newbie routine -> Worry about the rest once you’re conditioned and have maxed out your easy gains with little effort

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

As a prostate cancer survivor and investigating the possibility of an implant, I will say that the urologists here in nyc - almost unanimously subscribe to having their patients use an extender for 6-8 weeks prior to surgery in order to facilitate the surgery by creating more elasticity, and allowing for the maximum size possible in the tubing - theoretically so their patients will be more satisfied. After radiation treatment I lost between 1 1/2”- 2” in length - and a bit in girth (not as much) - now I’m more average in size - before I was pretty large. I’m hoping with my x4 and the help of this site I can restore some of the lost inches I had before treatment - maybe avoid implant surgery altogether, since starting a few weeks ago - although I haven’t had an actual erection at will - on 2 occasions I woke up to a “short-lived” woodie - which I have to say in the 2 years since my radiation treatment hasn’t happened - it went away before I could get the chance to enjoy it, but it was there! Shorter than ever! But there! So I think there is a bit of evidence that these extenders do work - and probably only enhanced by jelqs and stretches et al I’m relatively new, and haven’t seen any results in length as yet - it’s hard to measure Mr. Limpy - but today flaccid it’s 5” length, and 5” girth - it fluctuates - last time it measured about 6 1/4” length and 5 1/2” girth. When excited to semi-erect - 7” length and 5 1/2” girth. — I’d like to get it back to at least an 8” - I’m ok with the girth.

It is a good new, Predickament!

I would say the improvement in EQ is due to manuals, expecially jelqs - extenders do lower EQ, if anything.

I noticed the baseline size of the guys in the study was 2.8 inches (length) by 4.09 inches (girth). I’m sure they were very motivated to follow the protocol.

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

Originally Posted by jimbeaux
I noticed the baseline size of the guys in the study was 2.8 inches (length) by 4.09 inches (girth). I’m sure they were very motivated to follow the protocol.

Right, because of this it’s hard to extrapolate their effects to the general user. However, it would seem to be useful.

This is very similar to many supplement companies in bodybuilding doing their studies on untrained populations training for the first time. Of course they’re going to get results.. They were doing nothing before.

Originally Posted by R Dopa
The funding discussion is pointless, the real question is whether the findings were verified by independent parties and published in a peer-reviewed journal.

A quick search on pubmed shows studies on extenders published in:

The Journal of Sex Medicine
British Journal of Urology

Which are reputable medical journals. Much research is funded by interesting parties, it doesn’t mean the results are invalid. Often companies will just fund research on a whole bunch of fronts, and just never publish results that don’t show benefit (MARS does this with chocolate/cancer).

They wouldn’t endorse sham studies. If future studies came out that suggested extenders don’t work then they would retract their endorsement.

I find it ironic that we hear people claiming PE doesn’t work but all of us know from experience that it does. There are no studies that prove it does yet we all believe it!
Then comes a study that suggests extenders work but everyone here debunks the studies simply because of the company responsible for funding.

The six steps for product development for ANY company.
1. Research.
2. Development.
3. Testing and further research
4. Production.
5. Advertise and Sell.
6. Profit.

Even if I was a billionaire I wouldn’t pay for research and study so somebody else could profit off it. That’s just stupid. The government has more important things to spend research funding on: Like war and weapons development. :rolleyes:

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

It’s possible the results are a sham, but I go in the direction of the results being probably legitimate, just in terms of what’s most likely. Why bother going to all the trouble of having an extender classed as a medical device, and go to the expense of publishing clinical studies in a peer-reviewed journal, when people will buy devices without any proof at all? Very few people are swayed by science when it comes to purchasing decisions, just look at the sales of products like Enzyte.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)


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