Heh man just thought id chime in.
I found that the more I wore the extender the more inventive I became in trying to devise how I wad going to transition between rods.
At first I was thinking my god this is impossible.
I could only start with one bar in addition to the spring on each side.
Then the more hours I clocked up It loosenef things up down there allowing me to add another rod in.
Then I learnef about heat whilst extending. Now I can add in a third rod.
Boy when I get up to 4 rods thats going to be quite a milestone in my history of pe.
Going at it bro and soon it will all come together. You will be surprised how easy it is.
However is not that simple ad you do have to wear it everyday….without fail.
I think the process of putting the ectender on and removing it so many times a day you soon progress and figure out what works and doesnt.
I think you can gain length soley using an extender. However I feel pe, a more holistic approach is required therefore use extender alongside other techniques and devices and then soon bobs your uncle and Sally s your aunt.
Not sure if I answered your question. I started rambling on, whilst sitting here wearing my extender.
The slider extender could be good however I think is best to graduate from using a standard spring loaded extender. Then when you do move up to the slider you will reap so much more benefits.
Let me know what u think and how you get on
All the best
21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.
Short-term goal 24/12/2019
7inches bone pressed erect length