Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm about ready to give up. Extender users please comment.

Guys I’ve been in an endless 4-year quest to find a suitable cord for my extender. Reading this thread I got really interested in those McMaster-Carr cords, thing is, where I live such thing does not exist.

I was thinking maybe one of you good souls in USA could send me some? I can transfer money via paypal. If anyone would be willing to do such an act of goodwill, please send me a PM :)

Mcmaster-Carr parts delivered to the UK

Penewbie -

I realize this isn’t exactly what you were asking but it is possibly a solution for you to consider. I would help you myself but I don’t use PayPal, and also the shipping back and forth would be a big hassle.

I found this post using Google: http://www.brit … -this-in-the-UK

Here is an except of the thread and post - see post #6 by chill4hil:

Re: McMaster Carr - anything like this in the UK?

"I can get genuine Mcmaster Carr parts right here in the UK (albeit they have to ship them over so there is a freight charge involved). I have used them several times and not just for tools either. Anything from the US such as Grainger catalogue and Safety Products.

Give Karen a call at Protective Supplies on 01382 731073 or e-mail Really helpful and as long as you can quote the McMaster Carr part number she can get whatever you need".

Procurement Services - Protective Supplies & Procurement Services

I have no idea of the legitimacy of this company so please do your homework if you decide you want to use them.

Hope this helps you, and others located in the UK.

Originally Posted by Makinmorsausage

Hope this helps you, and others located in the UK.

I live in Brazil. Thanks anyway.

X4 modification built

Hey, I have made gains (as noted in my signature) using only the X4 Extender (modified) for the past 4 months, accompanied by no other exercises whatsoever. When using the device for the first few times, the amount of resistance was laughable, so I figured out a way to increase it. Through trial and error, the noose worked better for me, albeit one or both ends of the noose kept popping out from the bottom locks of the unit in mid stretch. Using a Velcro strip across the bottom covering the two noose ends over the locking crevasses cured that issue. The next problem was that the top of the noose stretched too much, so a second Velcro strip runs across the top of the noose to keep it taut during heavy stretches. The third issue with too little tension was solved by adding levers between the body and the X4 device in order to stretch the penis along with the entire apparatus further away from the pelvis. Two 15” pieces of wooden broom handle were cut and a 20” piece of 1X6 pine is used for the fulcrum with 6 holes drilled in the middle in which to stick the two 15” levers into. Place the 20” board flat and approximately in the center of a chair with the long ends pointing toward the sides of the chair. Now sit with your butt behind the board, your balls laying somewhere on top of the six holes drilled, and your thighs covering and anchoring the ends of the board. Dawn the X4 with an inch or two of free space between the base and your body (which makes it much easier to put on, by the way.) Place the levers into the appropriate holes of the fulcrum board, and then move them into position between the rear of the X4 base and your pelvic region. Now push the levers away from you which will provide the stretch. As you get warmed up, you can move to the next further set of holes on the fulcrum board for more resistance. Please keep safety in mind when using this method; You will be able to effortlessly move the extender across and beyond the 3rd and greatest line of resistance, even with the 2100g tension springs which provide several pounds of resistance. My schedule has been 7 days a week for 45 minutes to one hour per day, and the gains are noted below. To make it more understandable, I will attach pictures of the device with a blue rod simulating a penis:

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Edit: To stretch strait up, the fulcrum board sits in your lap, perpendicular to the ground, flat against your belly. The lever rods run parallel to the thighs. As detailed in the pictures, the purpose of the pipe clamps on the levers are to keep the base of the X4 from sliding up or down the levers.

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March 2012 BPEL 7.375 MSEG 5.25

July 2012 BPEL 7.75 MSEG 6

Last edited by Galvon : 07-13-2012 at .

Galvon - great pics and attention to detail. Thanks for taking the time to share your invention!

I just started using my extender Monday - Friday. Do any of you guys have numbness in the glans(head) when using the extender? Maybe I put it on too tight? I’m not really sure! How long is it okay to allow your glans to be numb? I use the extender in stealth from my wife while at work trying to get in 4-6 hours a day.

Thanks in advance!

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

I found this Extender routine by Leonida in the Newbie Forum on 05-25-2010 08:23 AM that answered my question. I’ll take it easy!

I just noticed this post today. Last post by Andgrowing seems to be 6/27. I hope he’s still monitoring replies.

It’s interesting to read various comments, and I have some other, different ideas to share.

First of all, I tried the noose, didn’t give it much time, and decided it wasn’t for me. However, now I’m considering to try it again, or at least alternate using a noose with my program. I use the comfort straps, but the only nagging issue I have is slippage.

Ok, here goes. I use the comfort straps for exactly that, comfort. Although after about an hour or two, my foreskin gets sensitive & painful. I take it off for 15-30 mins, and then go for another 1-2 hours. My minimum goal is 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. At that pace, based on studies, I believe I can gain 1/2-3/4 inches in about 16 months. I place plumbers pipe tubing insulation (very soft rubber, cheap, and cut to fit) beneathe the base of my X4 extender base. Works wonderfully. I used to develop pain due to the pressure on the base of my penis, on the pelvic bone.

Also I used to pinch my foreskin (OUCH!!) when I could’t align the straps on the foam sleeves, but now I wrap a microfiber cloth around the foam sleeves, then place on the straps. Presto, no more pinching.

Now, to Andgrowing’s concerns after 6 mo’s he’s had no length gains. I’ve been using the X4 extender about 8 mo’s now. I’ve gained about 1/2 inch. However, to qualify, I’ve also been jelqing which I acknowledge as having helped gains, so I couldn’t say exactly how much of the gain came from the extender. One possibility why Andgrowing may not have achieved gains is that once the extender is in place, slowly by surely, the tension relaxes. By slowly, however, I mean it could take only minutes. I have to monitor and adjust tension & strap snugness consistently to keep tension at a level I believe is providing maximum benefit. Otherwise, if not adjusted, over time the tension can reduce significantly. I personally try to use maximum, comfortable tension that I can tolerate, and that won’t cause excessive slippage. If you don’t monitor & adjust regularly & consistently, my belief is that gains will come slowly, if at all. Now I’m sure I will receive some dissenting views on this, but I don’t think I’m going to achieve much success or it’ll take far many more hours if I allow the tension to drop to levels that provide very little stretch. So IMHO if you’re just placing the extender on, setting the tension, and then don’t monitor the tension or adjust it, you may be spinning your wheels and may not notice any significant results, even after 100’s of hours of use. Part of my belief stems from research that says that if a person can build up tolerance to the tension safely, and slowly build up tension to higher levels (with no pain & potential for injury), they will reap faster gains.

I hope this helps contribute to some other awesome ideas presented on this thread.

Been using the PeniMaster Pro religiously for two months, roughly 3 to 6 hours per day. Gains? Zilch. Sigh.

So I now know jelqing, manual stretching, and extenders don’t work for me (over $300 later :( ). After a couple of weeks rest and reassessing where I’m at with my fruitless PE endeavors, I’m think of trying clamping. Or maybe a pump, at least then I could enjoy a temporary gain.

On and off since 2007

Started (October 2007) at: 5.5 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Last Did PE (March 2012) at: 6.00 BPEL x 5 EG

Oh and I have another comment on using an Extender. Once you have the extender on, be sure to pull the foreskin through the base unit. The reason being is that the tension can be pulling against the foreskin, and lesser degree to the desired location, the shaft. For instance, once you have the extender on, and tension set to the desired level, then pull on the foreskin (part of ball sack & upper base skin of penis), and notice if the tension loosens. If it does, then you’re not getting full tension to where you want it, the shaft.

growing09 — how many total hours total have you used the PeniMaster Pro? I ask because 6 hours/day is twice as many as 3 hours, and 7 days a week is 40% more than 5 days.

Are you keeping a log? If not, it’s important you do so that you track results. I use an excel spreadsheet and track every single day by date, and the spreadsheet totals my hours, tracks my measurement days, etc, etc…

In 2 mo’s, you may have gains 1/10th of an inch, which could easily account for measurement error from day 1. I find that because my erection can vary based on EQ, I like to also measure BPFSL as it seems to be a more accurate & consistent measurement.

My goal was to gain 1/2 inch after 1,000-1,200 hours of proper use. By proper use, I mean tension settings, etc, etc, are all according to proper procedure for optimal results. So, at 4 hrs/day, 5 days/week, it could take 12-16 months to reach my goal. So if I measured after 2 mo’s, & if my current measurement isn’t exactly performed as my day 1 measurement, I may not notice any gain whatsoever. 2 months is only about 1/5 to 1/8th of the way to my goal, or only an expected gain of .0775 inches, which may be very, very difficult to identify, especially if I’m measuring BPEL. And BPEL can vary day to day depending on EQ. Does that make sense? So keep pressing on. There will be a point that all of a sudden, holy shit, you will see a quantifiable, undisputable gain. Yeah baby!!! :)

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by mo1258
Galvon - great pics and attention to detail. Thanks for taking the time to share your invention!

You’re welcome Mo, I glad you like it! PE brings out my creative side. There are a few other very interesting things I’m working on right now that if proven effective, will also be shared.


March 2012 BPEL 7.375 MSEG 5.25

July 2012 BPEL 7.75 MSEG 6

Originally Posted by penewbie
Guys I’ve been in an endless 4-year quest to find a suitable cord for my extender. Reading this thread I got really interested in those McMaster-Carr cords, thing is, where I live such thing does not exist.
I was thinking maybe one of you good souls in USA could send me some? I can transfer money via paypal. If anyone would be willing to do such an act of goodwill, please send me a PM :)

Does this look like something you could use?

" It is always easier to fight for one's principles than live up to them ". ..Adler.

Originally Posted by growing09
Been using the PeniMaster Pro religiously for two months, roughly 3 to 6 hours per day. Gains? Zilch. Sigh.

So I now know jelqing, manual stretching, and extenders don’t work for me (over $300 later :( ). After a couple of weeks rest and reassessing where I’m at with my fruitless PE endeavors, I’m think of trying clamping. Or maybe a pump, at least then I could enjoy a temporary gain.

Just a thought. The more I research the benefits of applying heat thoroughly for warming up the more I am convinced of it effectiveness.

a-unit had incredible gains extending in a hot bath. So much so I was surprised no one looked into it in more detail.

Nobody is mentioning heat in this thread so I just want to mention it in hopes it can help.


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