Dorsal Vein Swollen, Normal Sign of PE?
Using the ESL40 12 hours a day (M-F on, Sa-Su off)
Every day I make an 1/8” inch tension increase.
The other day, after 12 hours of stretching, I noticed my right lig (the top right of the Y that goes from the base to the head) looks much bigger and veiny almost.
There is no pain, and it has increased my girth near the head. This is very apparent after jelqing.
Is this a good sign? Hoping to duplicate on the other side if it is.
BPFSL has increased by .5” in the last 3 weeks. BPEL has increased by .25” in the last 3 weeks.
I measure from the top, as measuring from the side gives an extra .5” for all measurements so I don’t count from the side