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Penimaster anyone tried it?

In my continuing attempts to hack the Pmaster, I have been looking at the screw inserts in the permanent rods attached to the base. They seem to be glued in, but if i could melt the glue and unscrew them, I could replace the springs with some stiffer ones and up the stretch a little. I want to be careful not to ruin the thing, because i’m not going to buy another one. Anyone know a good solvent for glue?

maybe i’m going against the whole theory behind the thing, but the stretch just seems too weak, and without some feeling that it is stressing my body, I have a hard time convincing myself to wear the damn thing for long enough periods to make a difference. does anyone know how the spring tension on the Pmaster compares to other similar devices?

The Pmaster lit says the max tractive force is 1150 grams = approx. 2.5 lbs. I’ve been using the Bib in the 12 to 17 lbs range. I think adjusting the Pmaster to pull at 5 - 7 lbs with a comfortabe attaching mechanism would be about right for me. Much more convenient than the Bib, but still not something i’d wear in dress slacks.

I disagree with you. If you are wearing the thing right, it should give a slow steady pull. You can’t compare the Bib to this, not the same principle. I get all the pull that I need. I had The Grip System and that is similiar to Bib’s, and it was a piece of junk.

dunno, they both seem to cause alot of problems with skin blisters and such.

Any of you guys using a Bib had problems with skin blisters? I know a few guys have skin stretch issues that have to be dealt with, because they are the first limiting factor. Maybe someone who has used both of these hangers will step in here and enlighten us.

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If you are having skin problems with the Bib, it’s more likely due to wrapping materials/technique. Try microfiber lense cleaning cloth under theraband, wrapped loosely so the hanger can actually clamp down on the internal tissue of the shaft. Works great for me.

i do agree though that the comparison is not valid. The underlying theories are totally different.

i think the two systems would work well used together. but the wearing time required to make the Pmaster your primary method is way too high for me. If I could make it a little less visible under clothing it might work. If I wear it pointing up, it looks like i have a turtle peeking up out of my pants. And pointing down, well… i guess it just looks like i have a penis stretching device on.

yup. Your right on all accounts.

I’ve reluctantly abandoned the Penimaster.

Hey, I loved the principle…however, after a few discolouration marks appeared, i no longer had faith that it was a healthy way to enlarge.

Circulation was always my big concern, and there was no way of strapping on the device for any length of time that didn’t constrict the blood flow.

I’m now on a more traditional jelq/squeeze/blaster routine and I have gained.

(7.75” gonna hit 8 soon…then I really need to emphasize girth. Still stuck around 5”)


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

Northstar did you see the mod that aaa made for his Penimaster? I looks good and I’m going to try it myself. The bib idea seems to provide better circulation than the noose.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

I have to say that I am not totally satisfied with the modification as regards circulation. most people using hangers seem to agree that a 20 minute max hang time with some light jelqing in between ensures good circulation and should prevent numbness and other associated bad things. With the modification, I find it is similarly necessary to remove, massage, and replace the pmaster ebout every half an hour.

Since you are supposed to wear the thing for such long periods though, this means a lot of hassle fiddling with the hanger. However, since the stretch is so much less than with a hanger, I find that I am able to wear the wrap and th clamp much looser. if i find the right position and technique, i could possibly extend the time between breaks. Still, 6-8 hours is a long time and it seems dangerous to me even with an only slightly constricting attachment device.

The modification still makes putting the thing on much easier and wearing it much more comfortable for me. This is probably especially true for uncut guys with more loose skin to get pinched. ouch. the original design was just unworkable.

I see the pmaster as best used after a normal workout for an hour or two to set any gains and allow the penis to relax into a more elongated state. it will be difficult to evaluate its real effectiveness used in this way, however. on that i remain completely without opinion.

Did you change the springs afterall?

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

no, i tried to get the little screw/plugs out, but ended up just scratching the chrome surface of the tubes with my pliers. They glue the threads - can’t see a way around that.

sort of a fun little gadjet to play around with though. can’t see using it for periods long enough to be effective.

Would a nail polish remover break the glue bonds down for you to remove it? I heard it worked on crazy glue, maybe other glues too?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Has anyone had problems viewing the stretcher (homemade) on post #28.

Every time I try it says I am not authorized to view. What do I do next?


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