Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Cheers for the help guys. Hell, I love thunder’s ;) Gardiner - that post is really helpful, but unfortunately I’m practically challenged ;) so if I get anything I’ll have to get the penimaster. I’m gonna have to decide in the next week, though, since I’m going back home soon and I’d rather receive the package at my Uni flat.

Supersizeit, I don’t really understand your “less is more” point concerning the penimaster. I thought that the point was to wear it for as long as possible - w/ breaks every 30 mins or hour or so - to promote and encourage growth. What’s your current routine with it?

Originally posted by Good_Knight

Supersizeit, I don't really understand your “less is more” point concerning the penimaster. I thought that the point was to wear it for as long as possible - w/ breaks every 30 mins or hour or so - to promote and encourage growth. What's your current routine with it?

No problem Good_Knight, I will do my best to explain it.
When I stated that “Less is More” ideology, I was not exclusively referring to the length of time that you wear it but more towards a specific combination of force and time placed upon your penis, i.e.,
The Theory Of Gradual Tension Over Time.

You are correct in your assumption that you should wear it as long as possible. Yesterday I wore mine for 9 hours with 20 min breaks every 3 hours. I wore it facing north under my clothes (a baggy pair of pants and an un-tucked shirt) The traction force was only between 690 and 920 grams. It was comfortable for the most part except towards the end of each 3 hour period. I was able to go about my business and even go outside in public.

This is just mere speculation on my part here but my guess is that even though the forces exerted on the penis are minimal, they are more effective over a longer period of time than say huge forces over a short period of time and most likely huge forces over a longer period of time. This is because the forces are great enough to stimulate cell growth (providing enough time is allowed) and yet the forces are still minimal enough to not stunt or inhibit growth over that same period of time…thus the term “Less is More” Its just a delicate balance of force versus time but I dont claim to be an expert, just stating my intuition on it.

Included in my routine at some point during the day is also:

2x20 min Pumping sessions at about 6-8 Hg.
1x500 2-3 second wet jelqs.
1000 kegals.

My current stats are 8.125BPELx6.0EG
I hoping to acheive 9.5BPELx7.0EG before the end of the year.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by supersizeit
I guess it would depend on your budget and your willingness to experiment different methods and different schools of thought.
The basic school of thought for the the effectiveness of the Penimaster is that:

Less is More.

I’d have to disagree with the statement that less is more with this thing. I suspect that the reason they advise lower tensions is more for liability reasons than for actual effectiveness. I honestly feel the reasons that I’ve made good gains with this thing is because I keep pushing it farther and farther.

I think that it could be better used in a similar capacity to a hanger, in the sense of putting real stress on your ligs and keeping that stress for a set time period. Obviously you can’t put the same stress on your ligs that you could with hanging. You can, however, stress the ligs along with keeping your dick engorged, and keep both extended for a period of time.

My first investment when I started my PE career four years ago was a penistretcher for about $ 200 or DEM 300? Basically the same thing as the penismaster.

I used it a lot, up to eight hours a day. No gains. The problem is, you can’t raise intensity. If you are hanging weights, you constantly use more and more weights - not possible with the stretcher.

Doesn’t mean you can’t gain lenght with it. I remember a Mr. D. from another forum who gained 1.4 inches in just six months using the thing up to 12 hours a day.

But I didn’t find too much success stories like this one over the years. Well, maybe the penistretcher guys just never post their gains.

Originally posted by DrMT
I'd have to disagree with the statement that less is more with this thing. I suspect that the reason they advise lower tensions is more for liability reasons than for actual effectiveness. I honestly feel the reasons that I've made good gains with this thing is because I keep pushing it farther and farther.

I think that it could be better used in a similar capacity to a hanger, in the sense of putting real stress on your ligs and keeping that stress for a set time period. Obviously you can't put the same stress on your ligs that you could with hanging. You can, however, stress the ligs along with keeping your dick engorged, and keep both extended for a period of time.

The Penimaster theory is probably the antithesis of hanger theory in terms of force versus time. The only reason you were able to push further and still make gains is simply because you had not yet reached your physiology threshold for force in relation to the amount of time you wore it for.
Obviously Hanging works for many but I doubt that one can hang for 9-12 hours at say 30 pounds of force without a high degree of potential for injury. It will of course depend on that persons unique physiology. The Penimaster is just a different school of thought and approach to growth.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Another interesting thought worth mentioning is that the conditions that the body requires for optimal cell division must in someway be related to the forces exerted over time. Perhaps Gradual tension over a longer period of time is more compatible to the body’s process for repair and growth. The key here is in the right balance between force and time.

This is why the Penimaster works for some and this is also why Hanging works for some.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



It’s all the same thing. PE is always a function of time and intensity. If you are hanging heavy weights, you want to reach the so called plastic region of ligaments and connective tissues as fast as possible.

Plastic region means instant permanent gains - but you are also closer to the ultimate load - the maximun weight you can take. If you are working with the penismaster you will never reach the “plastic zone”. You are not even close to your max. You are below this threshold and need much more time to gain anything at all. But the approach is the same. More time, less intensity.

I’m not convinced that a low tension over a long period of time is going to bring you gains quicker than would higher amounts of force over short but consistent periods of time. I agree that using it at a low force for 8 hours a day is eventually going to bring gains, but if that same persion had instead used a higher force, would they have achieved the same gains sooner?

My personal gains have been .7” length and .5” girth in a little less than 3 months. This was using high amounts of force at 3 hours a day. I personally don’t feel as though I would have had the same gains had I gone the low force route. Of course, I can’t say for sure.

It would be interesting to see a comparison of the gains of extender/stretcher users between those who have gone the low force/long time route against those who have gone the high force/short time route.

Well said Pinocchio and this is precisely the reason why I want the Penimaster approach, because of the difference in relation to the ligs. I could be wrong here but I suspect that a high degree of gains that come from Hanging are because Hanging exerts enough force to work on the ligs. If you want your gains to stem mostly from lig stretching, then I suppose Hanging is the way to go. As for myself, I prefer those gains to come from cell division in the shaft with minimal gain from the ligs. This why I don’t Hang. I prefer to keep the natural Pre-PE body ratios in regards to shaft versus the ligs. Maybe somebody can enlighten me here as I am still learning and don’t claim to be a know it all.

>>>It would be interesting to see a comparison of the gains of extender/stretcher users between those who have gone the low force/long time route against those who have gone the high force/short time route.

Good suggestion DrMT. However there are too many other variables to consider such as whether or not other methods are involved. The important thing is that we gain in some manner regardless of what that manner is.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by DrMT
I agree that using it at a low force for 8 hours a day is eventually going to bring gains, but if that same persion had instead used a higher force, would they have achieved the same gains sooner?

I think it would depend on your bodys threshold for force versus time i.e. you will eventaully reach a point whereby more force is not compatible with the time or more time is not compatible with the force.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



Most limiting factor in PE are ligs and tunicae. Both are connective tissue with the same biomechanical properities. The penismaster allows you to put more stress on the tunicae - which may be clever thing to do. Nevertheless you need a certain minimum force to reach any elongation at all. The penismaster might be good thing for beginners. He provides a certain stretch (up to 1.2 kg) and if your penis reacts to stimuli below this threshold it will grow. And grow. And grow. And grow…

Ligs and connective tissue don’t grow with cell division. It’s about destroying cells and building new cells, as far as I know.

Originally posted by pinocchio

Ligs and connective tissue don't grow with cell division. It's about destroying cells and building new cells, as far as I know.

I think you are right on that one…Thanks for the clarification, for some strange reason I was thinking of a fetus when I said cell division. :chuckle: The birth of a new penis? :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by pinocchio

The penismaster might be good thing for beginners. He provides a certain stretch (up to 1.2 kg) and if your penis reacts to stimuli below this threshold it will grow. And grow. And grow. And grow…

As long as its growing… I don’t care if its considered for beginners or advanced veterans. Get me there any way you can as long as it is not surgery or perhaps tying a bungee cord to my penis and jumping off a bridge. :chuckle:

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Geez, you leave Thunder’s for a couple of hours and next thing you know… Great discussion guys. Supersizeit - great sized unit btw, close to where I want to get (8nbp + 6eg). Yeah I think I might get the penimaster - just got to check my financial situation out properly b4<—??? I take the plunge. Sounds like it will be particularly good for tunica gains too - which is exactly what I need.

Supersizeit - I noticed you said you wear it for about 3 hours a time. Doesn’t your head get cold? And have you had to make any modifications (similar to some of the ones suggested in this thread - a bit back) for it to be workable and comfortable? Oh yeah, have you had any gains from it yet? If so, over what time period? (Sorry if you’ve already said.) Oh yeah - and good luck w/ your goal - just make sure you don’t disable too many girls w/ that thing ;)

Thanks for the help again!

Hey Good_knight

>>>>>>I noticed you said you wear it for about 3 hours a time. Doesn’t your head get cold?

I have not experienced any of this as of yet but I am keeping a watchful eye on any warning signs and will immediately remove it to perform a light massage if necessary.

>>>>>>And have you had to make any modifications (similar to some of the ones suggested in this thread - a bit back) for it to be workable and comfortable? Oh yeah, have you had any gains from it yet? If so, over what time period? (Sorry if you’ve already said.)

So far Im only using some plastic saran wrap to make the point of contact more bearable and avoid excessive skin soreness. I plan on getting that Therawrap stuff everybody is talking about and see how well that goes.
In all fairness, I only received the Penimaster 2 days ago. I come from a Pumping background and was once over 9NBPELx7EG but lost most of my gains over 14 years of inactivity. I only started pumping again about 6 months ago. I very recently became interested in the theory of gradual tension over time and decided it was worth a shot. I trust my intuition on this.

I think your questions would be better answered by those that have worn the Penimaster for enough time to have reported gains because so far I have only a theoretical approach to this and not enough experience with it. Hopefully one of those guys with more Penimaster experience will jump in and guide you.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



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