Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis extender

Originally Posted by tweek13

Yeah.If you use the ADS as they are recommended, eg 9 hours a day for 6 months their studies suggest you’ll almost definately gain an inch, max 1.6” in length. And if you do other PE stuff in during the same time, probably more.

I doubt however that applies to absolutely everyone, some people may not gain at all.

It has a 97% success. The manufacturers guarantee this.

Anyway, I was just asking you, what kind of device are you using guys? Which type? For how long? And what are your gains since you started using it?

Ok I ordered a VacExtender “KR” Silver Package.I will be keeping a log of how things go.I will be also incorporating some manual stuff from time to time,s tay tuned!:)

Please do so embrace. Friends, please do so, and post your opinions, gains and comments here.

Originally Posted by Embrance
Guys,seeing by the pages,all these extenders seem to do pretty much the same:Stretch the penis.Whats the difference?I see the Jess package,the the KR etc.Also they have a different price.So what should I order in order to start me journey in PEing?:/

I had experience with Jes and X4. And for me they are similar. X4 is more comfortable.

I’ve been using the AndroPenis for over a month now. I love it.

Start Date: 8/24/09 9/24/09

BPEL = 6.5in.; 16cm / EG = 4.75in. / BPFL = 4.5in.; 11.25cm / FG = 3.75in. BPEL = 6.75in.; 16.9cm / EG = 5in. / BPFL = 4.75in.; 11.9cm / FG = 4in.

Another interesting topic:
I have used the Pro-Magnum penis pills.I won’t lie to you,they DID work.I did measure up 2cm after 2 months of use.Bad thing:They aren’t cheap,and when you stop taking them,you will slowly go back to your regular size.And you can find similar pills with the same ingredient for a smaller price.
I am planning on taking them with my Penis Extender regiment.

Another thing I think is,since a pump is so cheap(around 20-40usd),I want o take one as well.Maybe having one day pumping,the other stretching.It seems as a good idea,as the pump forces blood to all penis cells,so you get a bit of girth as well,not only length like the extender does.

Anyone have tried this?

Originally Posted by Embrance
Another interesting topic:
I have used the Pro-Magnum penis pills.I won’t lie to you,they DID work.I did measure up 2cm after 2 months of use.Bad thing:They aren’t cheap,and when you stop taking them,you will slowly go back to your regular size.And you can find similar pills with the same ingredient for a smaller price.
I am planning on taking them with my Penis Extender regiment.

Another thing I think is,since a pump is so cheap(around 20-40usd),I want o take one as well.Maybe having one day pumping,the other stretching.It seems as a good idea,as the pump forces blood to all penis cells,so you get a bit of girth as well,not only length like the extender does.

Anyone have tried this?

Ok…. take comparison pictures….take your pills once again, when you grow those 2 cms then take a picture to sohw us your gains :D ……. I dont think that shit works.

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

Originally Posted by Rubiro

Ok.. Take comparison pictures.take your pills once again, when you grow those 2 cms then take a picture to sohw us your gains :D .. I don’t think that shit works.

Well,I don’t want to sound arrogant but.I don’t care if you believe it or not.

I DID try it,and it DID worked with no PE at all.

I will do so,but in the coming months.I will be taking a picture to show gains I achieved each month,along with measurements.

Originally Posted by Embrance
Well,I don’t want to sound arrogant but.I don’t care if you believe it or not.
I DID try it,and it DID worked with no PE at all.
I will do so,but in the coming months.I will be taking a picture to show gains I achieved each month,along with measurements.

Embrace it’s just that since you’re a new member and no one knows you, for all we know you’re just a spokesperson in disguise advertising your company’s product.

People on this site are generally pretty cluey and I think the general consensus is that pills do absolutely nothing on their own.

I don’t mean to attack you but keep that in mind :)


From their site:

After taking ProMagnum-XL, you can expect to achieve:
- Four to six inch gain in length
- Three to four inch gain in girth
- Firmer, Rock Solid Erections
- Increased virility and sexual stamina
- Increase in Pheromone Production

In the words of a great teacher and master: “WOWZYFUCKENSHITZ0R”
- Tweak.

Originally Posted by tweek13
Embrace it’s just that since you’re a new member and no one knows you, for all we know you’re just a spokesperson in disguise advertising your company’s product.

People on this site are generally pretty cluey and I think the general consensus is that pills do absolutely nothing on their own.

I don’t mean to attack you but keep that in mind :)

Yes,I know what you mean.Bu ton the other hand I can provide anyone wiht my eBay account names,so you see I bought them.2 times actually.

Originally Posted by tweek13

From their site:

After taking ProMagnum-XL, you can expect to achieve:
- Four to six inch gain in length
- Three to four inch gain in girth
- Firmer, Rock Solid Erections
- Increased virility and sexual stamina
- Increase in Pheromone Production

In the words of a great teacher and master: “WOWZYFUCKENSHITZ0R”
- Tweak.

Thats crap.They do SOME work,but as I mentioned it isnt permanent,and there no way somehting can give you.3- inches.We all know that.Anyway,As I am always experimenting will supplements,I have a mix in my mind that will propably work much better than these pills,but I will save it for later!:D

Well, there is an old survey on this site, which was quite successful, and one of the things it concluded was that pills in conjunction with PE appeared to give 40% more increase in erect volume than in users who did not use them, though due to the small number of people who used the pills the data wasn’t statistically verified, though I never saw an analysis that showed it to be statistically unlikely either..

I am, hence, actually looking into pills myself, and since these pills are the cheapest on eBay at the moment, I think I’ll give them a shot. It makes sense that they would increase routine effectiveness by increasing blood flow etc.

I too will post on their effectiveness.

Why do these sites insist on saying 4 to 6 inches increase though? It’s just ridiculous. A bit of honesty would go a long way.


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