Thunder's Place

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Penis extender

Originally Posted by tweek13
Well, there is an old survey on this site, which was quite successful, and one of the things it concluded was that pills in conjunction with PE appeared to give 40% more increase in erect volume than in users who did not use them, though due to the small number of people who used the pills the data wasn’t statistically verified, though I never saw an analysis that showed it to be statistically unlikely either..

I am, hence, actually looking into pills myself, and since these pills are the cheapest on eBay at the moment, I think I’ll give them a shot. It makes sense that they would increase routine effectiveness by increasing blood flow etc.

I too will post on their effectiveness.

Why do these sites insist on saying 4 to 6 inches increase though? It’s just ridiculous. A bit of honesty would go a long way.

I really don’t know.I guess they are just saying what most guys want to hear:Gains with no effort.I have also used the Enlargo Development cream.
I don’t think it really worked.I felt like my penis was kinda “fuller” girth-wise,and seems like 25% erect even when flacid,but that all there was to it.

Generally,my idea of PEing was to use both pills and the cream,along with the extender to see results.However,I don’t think that this is wise,as the pills will force some blood to your penis anyway,so it will seem longer,but this won’t be the extenders result.So it won’t be permanent.MAYBE,if the pills are used with a pump,then yes,we could expect some neat gains.Until I get a pump I cannot confirm this.

MAYBE, if you save money and stop believing advertising, you can clear your ideas faster.

I’ve already spent so much on extenders and monkeybar’s stuff, another experimental $35 for 2 months isn’t going to kill me, and it’ll put my mind to rest.

Originally Posted by tweek13

I’ve already spent so much on extenders and monkeybar’s stuff, another experimental $35 for 2 months isn’t going to kill me, and it’ll put my mind to rest.

You mean you’re going to be in to it??

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

Originally Posted by tweek13

What do you mean?

I ask… are you going to buy those pills?

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

Originally Posted by Rubiro
I ask.. Are you going to buy those pills?

I am. Even though I’m sure marinera will never forgive me for it :p
It’s $35 for 2 months supply on ebay and I looked into most of the ingredients and most of them are well known for at least increasing EQ. So at the least they should give me some fun, at most might supplement PE routine! :)

I will post results, naturally, though I’m sure everyone will ignore them since I’ve been gaining without the pills so far anyway lol.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
I am. Even though I’m sure marinera will never forgive me for it :p
It’s $35 for 2 months supply on ebay and I looked into most of the ingredients and most of them are well known for at least increasing EQ. So at the least they should give me some fun, at most might supplement PE routine! :)

I will post results, naturally, though I’m sure everyone will ignore them since I’ve been gaining without the pills so far anyway lol.

Ok. I’ll pay atention to your reports with those pills………. 2 cms in 2 months…….. jummmm

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

Get ‘male edge’ I done a review in the review section.

New style extender by makers of jes extender. It snaps together and clicks forward for traction instead of screwing together. Much easier. I have spent a lot on devices and this one was the best, currently wore it for a total of 15-20 hours in one week since I have had it.

Male edge

I think an inch in a year is very possible with a penis extender all it takes is dedication and a minimum of 1hr a day with the device.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

I’m averaging 3-4 hours a day using cohesive gauze half over my bell and half over the end of the shaft. Without it, the rubber strap irritates before too long.

Pills are a waste of money in my opinion. Don’t be fooled into an easy or quick fix.

OK got my extender!I will start logging,from 1st this month,with pictures,and will be updating once a month with progress pictures and stats.
How I plan to wear it:
-Goal is to be able to wear it 6 hours a day,with 5min, breaks every two hours.
-Sundays will be off day.
-Will be using my last bottle of Pro-Magnum pills,one pill per day.That will last roughly 2 months.

-1cm gain in length and 0.3-0.5 in girth,in the first two months.
-1.5-2cm in the next 4 months,and 0.5-0.7 in girth.At that point I may prolong the hours that I will wear it,to 8,but take all weekend off.Time will show.

Wish me luck!:)

Just wear it as much as possible every day. Set a minimum each day but aim to do more if possible eg 12 hours. The more you wear it the more you will grow. Short breaks every hour or two are needed but other than that you do not need rest days unless you feel very sore.

Originally Posted by raoul2307
my fear of losing my upward curve.

Darn right, a banana shaped dick is a gift from god… to the ladies! :flame:

Originally Posted by raoul2307
It has a 97% success. The manufacturers guarantee this.

Good enough for me. It is on the internet after all, so it must be true!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Tweaking

Just wear it as much as possible every day. Set a minimum each day but aim to do more if possible eg 12 hours. The more you wear it the more you will grow. Short breaks every hour or two are needed but other than that you do not need rest days unless you feel very sore.

On some sites I read that wearing it too much doesn’t mean necessarily that it will work better.I would wear it more,but I have a weird daily shcedule.:/

Off days are a must I think,as most people overtrain.One day a week off won’t hurt I guess.


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